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I have always believed that every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness with them. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it's always present there if you look deep enough.

Everybody has a sense of sadness somewhere within them. Some wear it on their sleeve and some tuck it away in hopes that it will go away. Whichever one you are, there is an undeniable sadness deep down in everyone, Being honest I had no idea which one I was because everything that has happened in the past years was- undefinable. Sometimes there was destruction and pain but I still managed to cope with it and dig down deep to scrape some happiness out of it, these days it's just numb.

"Camellia, are you done changing? It's been an eternity?" A deep voice which belonged to Dominic asked from outside of the restroom

"Yeah. Coming" I answered wiping up a tear or two which had escaped my eyes while looking at it.

I always try to refrain from showing my weakness outside in the real world, Because that's what I have been taught since the beginning. If the weight gets too heavy just shut the humanity switch off. 

I have no idea if this is the right way or not but there is one thing that I am sure as hell that it works. It definitely works.

I took a deep breath and pulled down the gray and certainly oversized hoodie which was handed me by Dominic before I went inside the restroom. Which was half an hour ago.

"Took you long enough," Dominic said dramatically and I gave him a slight smile and a sisterly eye-roll 

We both took off and I finally let out a sigh of relief as we exited the hospital and the rays of sunlight shined on my brown skin.

"Where do you guys live?" I asked out of the blue trying to make a conversation

"Los Angeles, California" Was his reply as I looked at his in disbelief and he asked me a little 'what' followed by a chuckle

"THAT'S BASICALLY HALF THE GLOBE AROUND," I said in a disruptive tone

"Well here's the catch Cams, the flight's 12 hours long and if you are a Durazzo I believe you are not a fan of traveling either?" He asked to smirk

"New places? Yes. Traveling? NO" I said cringing at the fact that I had to stay put in one place of half a day

" If that's the case then you might prepare yourself for some beauty sleep" He replied chuckling, showing off his dimples

"Beauty and I never match," I said motioning to my face 

"Oh like hell it does. Beauty runs in the Durazzo genes" He said proudly of his nationality

"So you guys are Italian aren't you?" I asked changing the topic

"Yeah" He replied and just as he was about to say something a jet-black Rolls Royce pulled up in front of us. And this was no less than a dream for an automobile-obsessed idiot like me. Even though I own many cars but this was a limited version.

"If it isn't the Rolls Royce Phantom with a mileage of 9.8 kmpl & Ground clearance of 164mm. Def one of my favorites" I said smiling and getting in

"Looks like we have another Car freak in the family," He said smiling at the fact I can't help but agree. I am a car freak. That's true. I started taking interest in this stuff when Adriano and I used to go to the doctor after breaking bones while trying to sit on a monkey bar upside down like a monkey and I ended up reading all the car magazines 56 times over and over again until Adriano had to snatch it and request the nurse to burn it up somewhere.

  Sweet Sour memories.

The trees outside moved as I sat still in the car which was headed straight to the airport. Sitting on the front seat was Dominic typing furiously into his Laptop about who knows what. 

I was sitting there with an empty mind and a heavy heart and just as it is said An idle mind is the devil's workshop, My subconsciousness started wondering about places where I never wanted to return back to. 

The screams. The starving days. The Painful nights it was all coming back. All over again.

I tried calming my mind out like I always do when the flashbacks return but something was different this type. They weren't leaving and were stuck to the back of my brain like leeches.

After a couple of minutes when I found out my way wasn't working. I started panicking. It was then I knew that there was only one thing left that will refrain me from becoming vulnerable in front of Dominic

"Can you stop the car?" I said trying to control the anger bubbling inside

"What?" Dominic asked me turning his gaze away from his laptop screen

"Stop the car. Please" I repeated with a faint please in the end

"Why? We are in the middle of the city. Why do we need to st-" 

"STOP THE CAR" I demanded in a tone that he had never heard and saw his face turn into an astonished one with a little hint of pride in it

"Okay" He mumbled looking at the driver and nodding a little 

"Thankyou" I whispered and waited for the car to come to a halt which was after a couple of minutes near a restaurant named 'il diavolo' which when translated into Italian meant 'The Devil'

"I will be right back," I said to him as I sprinted inside the restaurant looking for a restroom and went running in when I asked for directions from a waiter

I went inside a stall and sat down on the seat taking my iPhone out in the process as my fingers traced the wallpaper of Adriano and Myself. My brain tucked somehow and I went to call him.

ring ring.. (A/n: I am laughing so hard at this that my humor is officially broken)

'Hey Cammie this is your one and only Adriano the dumbass' His voicemail came from inside my phone

'You are gonna make it through My Pocahontas, just inhale and exhale as I had always told you and never let anyone get under your skin, and do not cry it makes your face look all puffy and ruins those gorgeous eyes of yours-' The voicemail said as I stiffed a laughter

'And in the end, just remember. You are a bad bitch and no one messes with the queen herself.' His voice cut off as I felt much better than usual 

Adriano. He knew how much I needed him after everything that had happened in the past with him and me, and he also knew that he won't be with me always when I would experience one of my panic attacks, as a solution he made a voicemail in his phone which had only my contact number. So whenever he was not there with me. I could handle myself.

I took a deep breathe and remembered his words over and over again

The time was running out and when I came to know that Dominic was there with me I rushed out of the stall and washed my face with water and looked at myself in the mirror checking if my eyes were puffy. Which they were not and I was more glad than ever.

I rushed out of the restroom and made my way to the main eating area where I saw Dominic talking to someone and probably waiting for me sitting on one of the tables, He looked in my direction and motioned me to come towards him

"You okay?" He asked as I nodded my head and said a loud and clear yes

"Thank god I was so worried," He said sighing and stood up from his seat

"You want to eat food?" He asked next

"No thank you. Let's just go" I told him as he said yes and motioned me to go with him

The car started moving again and this time I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath before I knew Dominic was asking me to wake up

"Uh- WHat?" I said confused

"We are at the airport" He announced as I walked stumbled outside the car and looked around expecting people around but to my surprise. There were none.

And on top of that, we were on the runway tracks with a lavish private jet standing in front of us

"You call this an airport?" I asked Dominic sarcastically

"Yeah," He said with a confused tone

"Last time I checked. In an airport, there are supposed to be people and public planes. But if you call this a place where airplanes land then dear Dominic enlighten me with the answer to ' have you passed middle school?' " I asked with an eyebrow raised and he just chuckled in response

 "You don't need to pass middle school when you have the whole world beneath your feet," He said smirking "And for the info yes I have passed middle school," He said and this time it was my turn to let out a chuckle

We both stepped into the plane and were in awe of the look of the interior. It looked majestic. I settled myself in one of the hard but cozy leather seats and decided to listen to Conan Gray just as I was listening to 'Astronomy', Dominic approached me and asked me to call him if I needed anything nodding in response I plugged in my earphones and looked outside at the striking and dignified view as wanted the time to stop forever.


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