Aim of Challenge: There's a snake in a wall, just don't find it o.o
The extra rule: if none of the Enders get caught, they can catch an additional person. They won't reveal themselves until the team can guess one of the people right. If they use the lifelime on this floor, they don't get it on Floor 3. If they don't use it on this floor, they can use it on Floor 3. I call this raised stakes.
-Floor 4 - Snake Attack-
"Now there is a raised stake." EnderSil said to all present in the room.
"What do you mean by that?" Double asked.
"I was about to explain, sheesh." EnderSil said sarcastically to Double. "If you guys don't catch either of us this time round, someone else might get trapped as well. We choose though." EnderSil smirked as the others got a bit scared. "Shall we, EnderLox?"
"We shall, and just because we haven't taken over Tyler or Ashley yet, doesn't mean they will be taken over this floor. Also one of you will be putting their hands into the wall. You choose who. Try and find holes with nothing in them and be careful of the snake..." EnderLox warned and they vanished.
~Ryan~ EnderLox took over him.
~Quentin~ EnderSil took over him.
-Let the Challenge Begin, NOW!!-
~The snake is in the top hole~
Tyler looked at the wall. "I guess I'll do it. Don't lead me to the snake please, guys."
"We're going to try not to lead you to it, Tyler." Simon replied.
"I want to pick the top hole but I'm scared." Ashley chose.
"Shall we try that? Go top?" Geoff asked.
"I guess so." Double said. Tyler put his hand into the top hole and his hand reappeared with some black stuff on his hand.
"Oww!! That hurt!" Tyler shouted.
"I take it one step closer to failing." Quentin/EnderSil said.
"We need to find a hole with nothing in it." Tyler says as he moves to the next hole.
~The snake is in the middle hole~
"I don't know which hole to choose." Geoff started to say and thought.
"I think bottom for some reason." Ashley said her idea.
"I'm not sure, maybe middle?" Ryan/EnderLox disagreed with Ashley's suggestion. "Well, top was bad last time."
"I agree with Ryan, top was bad, but why are you sure of the middle?" Quentin/EnderSil asked him.
"I'm not sure on the bottom." Ryan/EnderLox replied.
"Should we just go with top, since we could be here a while deciding?" Double asked.
"Yea, we might as well." Tyler went and put his hand in. A ding noise was heard. "Well that was empty. So we passed that hole."
~The snake is in the top hole~
"I really want to go for the middle to be honest. I thought the snake could have been in the bottom last time." Ryan/EnderLox said.
"Well we haven't tried middle yet. Let's do it." Tyler said, as he put his hand in. Another ding noise was heard.
"Thanks, Ryan. I think we could pass this." Ian said to Ryan.
~The snake is in the bottom hole~
"Well, I thought you were against us, Ryan. Looks like you proved me wrong." Ashley said to Ryan. "I think the bottom hole this time."
"I agree." Geoff agreed.
"Well, I hope this is empty for you guys." Tyler said as he stuck his hand in. His hand got hurt as it came back out. "Frig me, that hurts..."
"Dang. I thought it was a good choice too." Ian said, looking disappointed.
~The snake is in the middle hole~
"I'm skeptical to say the bottom again." Jerome said to everyone.
"I'm not sure of the top hole, so I think middle." Simon added.
"I'm not sure. Its two all to the Enders and the Team. We don't want to fluff this one up." Geoff pointed out.
"Yeah. I don't want to end up trapped. We need to pass this guys." Tyler told everyone.
"I think possibly middle. What do you think?" Double started to agree with Simon.
"Shall we go for middle?"
"I think some of us want to go for middle." Quentin/EnderSil said to Tyler.
"Ok, I'll go and put my hand in the middle hole now." Tyler went and put his hand in the middle hole. His hand came back with more black stuff on it. "Owww!!!"
-You have failed miserably-
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