Floor 5 - Voting

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This chapter might end up a bit funny at the end :3


-You have failed miserably, Ian who do you think was possessed?-

"I think it was Gavin and Michael to be honest." Ian replied. Gavin looked shocked as Ian said his name.


"I think Gavin, but also Simon." Jerome/EnderSil answered.


"I think it was Simon and Ashley." Gavin replied. Simon looked like he was going to shout at Gavin but Michael glared at Simon so he couldn't say a word.

-Double, who do you think was possessed?-

"Michael and Gavin." He said.


"Definitely Gavin, but also Michael."


"I think it was Simon and Quentin." Michael had no idea why people were starting to point the finger at him.


"Gavin and Michael for some reason..." Ryan trailed off.

-Ashley, who do you think?-

"Gavin and Michael to be honest."


"I think it was Michael and Gavin." Tyler answered.


"Gavin and Simon." Lindsay answered.


"I think it was Michael and Gavin. I could be wrong though." Quentin was really confused on who was actually possessed.

-Geoff, who do you think was possessed?-

"I am not sure but I have to vote. Gavin and Michael. Sorry guys." Geoff looked at them in disbelief.

     -You have voted for Michael and Gavin. The Enders will now reveal themselves on who they took over-   

EnderSil laughed as she appeared with EnderLox.

"Looks funny at who we have caught now. Hehe." EnderSil announced as she launched tendrils at Michael and Gavin. "The Mavin ship."

"What the hell, EnderSil?" Geoff asked.

"You didn't catch any of us again. I was Jerome this time." EnderSil announced. "Very funny to be honest."

"I took over Lindsay." EnderLox also said.

"Oh my gosh, Lindsay!" Michael shouted.

"Looks like I'll be taking you both with me." EnderSil started to head down to the prison with Mavin.


"I wonder what happened up there." Adam said as he heard noises coming down towards them.

"Well this is what's up!" EnderSil dropped Michael and Gavin on the ground.

"Oh Michael, Gavin.." Ray went over to them. "What happened?"

"Well everyone basically thought it was us possessed and it wasn't, that's what." Michael said, angrily.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Michael. That's how the game is played. Also one thing, no Mavin here please. Same with Rayvin and Raychael." EnderSil said. Everyone in the prison started laughing. "Now I need to head back up." EnderSil headed back up.

"Well, she has a humor for sure." Bodil said as he continued laughing.

"It's not funny, guys." Gavin said, but it made everyone laugh harder.


EnderSil reappeared on Floor 5. "Well that was fun down there." She said as she teleported the remaining ones in play to floor 4.


The chest infection I have, the worse is over. thank goodness.

There is an additional rule which will be applied on the next floor. It will be explained :3

EnderSil :3 jk 

CadenceChan :3

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