Floor 4 - Voting

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-Ian, who do you think was possessed?-

"I think it was Simon and Double."


"Simon and Geoff." His answer was clear.


"I think it was Jerome and Geoff." Double answered. Geoff wondered why he was getting voted.


"I think Ryan and Geoff." Simon replied.

-Ryan, who do you think?-

"Double and Simon, I think." Ryan/EnderLox answered.


"I have a feeling it was Jerome and Simon." She said.

-Tyler, who do you think was possessed?-

"I think Double and Simon also." Tyler agreed with a few people.


"Simon and Quentin." She answered.


"I also think Simon and Double." Quentin/EnderSil answered as Simon and Double get worried.

-Geoff, who do you think was possessed?-

"I think Double and Simon." Geoff said.

-You have voted for Simon and Double. The Enders will now reveal themselves on who they took over-   

EnderSil and EnderLox reappeared. "Do you guys remember what we said about the additional rule?" She said as she launched tendrils at Simon and Double.

"Oww, that hurts!!" Double reacted to being a little squeezed.

"Well, I feel like choosing a loved person here who could get trapped...." EnderSil launched a tendril at Geoff.

"Eek! Seriously?!" Geoff shouted.

"Now everyone, guess two people who you think was possessed. The people who were possessed forgot what happened to them. If you guess one of them, Geoff will go free. Either way, Simon and Double are trapped. I'll give you a bit of time to think." EnderSil explained. "That's the Stake raised rule."

"Great... who should we say now?" Tyler asked.

"I think possibly Ian, also Ryan." Ashley said to all.

"Why me?" Ian asked.

"I just thought of the two suspicious people on the floor." Ashley replied.

"I agree with Ryan for some reason." Jerome agreed.

"We're guessing Ian and Ryan." Tyler said to EnderSil.

"Oh you guys are right. The memories will be returned now." EnderLox said to everyone.

"I'll let Geoff go." EnderSil dropped Geoff.

"Oww, that kinda hurt." Geoff said and Ryan helped him up.

"I possessed Ryan so you guys got Ryan correct to free Geoff." EnderLox announced.

"I'm sorry Quentin, but you were my possessed friend this time. Hehe." EnderSil chuckled.

"I knew it." Quentin said to EnderSil.

"Now I know there will be 'raging' in the Prison now... Off we go boys, popular in ships with Bodil, I must say..." EnderSil said as she dragged Simon and Double down with her to the prison.


"I wonder who EnderSil is bring down with her this time.." Bodil said as EnderSil appeared with Simon and Double in her tendrils. She dropped them on the ground and Michael was glaring at Simon.

"The guys who you're usually shipped with, yes." EnderSil said to Bodil. "Now, I'd better run in case there's going to be a lot of 'raging'.." EnderSil was about to leave when she heard shouting.

"WHY DID YOU VOTE US?!" Michael was shouting at Simon.

"You guys were suspicious. Don't forget, others voted you too." Double tried to calm Michael, but it didn't work.

"Ugh... I didn't think I would have to use this..." EnderSil summoned calming chains to tie up Michael. "That should calm him down, if not it might make him sleep for an hour. I have to head up." EnderSil went back up.

"EnderSil said something weird when she came down. Called me and Double, the people that are usually shipped with you." Simon explained to Bodil.

"I figured you would have been, Simon. Or should I say Simona?"

"SHUT UP!!!" Simon shouted at Bodil as Bodil started laughing.


EnderSil got back to Floor 4. "Had to put calming chains on Michael. He was nearly getting aggressive down there. Anyway, time for floor 3." EnderSil teleported the people still in play to floor 3.


There we go. Floor 4 done.

EnderCadence *trollface* xD

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