[My dearest brother, I trust you've been well. Tell our parents that I booked them a hotel at xx street. Come find me, if you're not a coward. Regards, your amazing brother.]
'Woah, I knew he was an ass but that's on a whole other level of self-centered.' Kei thought looking over his lovers shoulder. "That's my brother for you. Oh, he also wears this thing which he calls a 'telepathy blocker.'"
Kei followed Kusuo as the latter led them in every which direction, Kei was hoping it would lead to Kusuke. Along the way Kusuo explained that his brother made the ability restrictors on his head and that his brother has a hobby of building things; mostly things to counter his abilities. 'So, you're saying that if your hair thingies are broken you have to come all the way to your brother to get them fixed? Good thing they aren't broken.' Just as the thought had been accumulated, a football had come whirling at Kusuo's head.
Luckily he dodged, but the ball did manage to knock the device out of his head and smash onto the floor. "Sorry mate! Hope that wasn't expensive!!" The boy who threw the ball aplogised and raced by. His friends following after him. '..Oops.' A long, heavy, extravagant, sigh escaped Kusuo's mouth. No avoiding his brother now. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jinx you..' Kei felt bad now.
"So you really do need my help now. No thanks to your little boyfriend over here." Kusuke smirked. He was what Kei had expected. Full of himself, smart, and full of snarky comebacks. What he still couldn't wrap his head around was the fact that Kusuke had actually built something that blocked his brothers telepathy. 'Hang on, did he just refer to me as your boyfriend...?' The couple stared at each other.
Kusuke seemed like he meant to say boyfriend, but how did he know? From the moment they stepped inside Kusukes apartment building, they were friends. After what had happened with the grandparents the couple was now extra on edge.
"Here kid. Oh, and I'll give you an extra one to save mom and dad the trouble of coming here again.... Why are your faces like that? Ohhh, is this about me calling him your boyfriend? Yeah, I just got this sense of déjà vu and figured out you guys are lovers." Kusuke handed over the two devices he made, the spare in a small box.
"..You're not mad or grossed out?"
"No? Besides, I am finally better than you at something. I got a partner a while ago. Before you got yours anyway."
"Try me." Kusuo smirked, folding his arms. "His name is Stolas. He's from Germany but moved to England like, what, five, six years ago now? We've been together for like three years I think."
Kusuke chuckled, made a phone call and told them to wait. Kei worried over his boyfriend because the last time his device was removed, he fainted. It may have been a belated reaction, but it was still nice for someone to worry over him. Kusuo explained that it was only because someone chose to remove his device, accidents don't cause a worldly disaster.
Surprisingly Kusuo had gotten a message from his grandfather apologising for his behaviour. Kusuke had given them cellphones, but their grandparents never knew how to use it so they never did, until now. 'Already? That was quick.' Kei fiddled with his lovers hair. "...oh. I guess I was a bit harsh." Ku chuckled.
"Bleh, honestly." Kusuke furrowed his brow, deciding it was tea time. He threw on some background music to accompany the drinks. Speaking of company, the doorbell rang and Kusuke instantly lit up. Something about only one person ringing the doorbell and then knocking.
"Hi." The young boys peeked around the corner from the couch, they assumed it was Kusukes boyfriend. And considering the man at the door was holding a flower made out of ribbon, it seemed pretty likely.
"Hey, come in. Kusuo, this is Stolas, my
b-boyfriend. Stolas, this is my brother Kusuo, and his partner, uh, Kei, I don't know his last name." Kusuke whispered the last part, which eased Stolas's nerves.
'We didn't tell your brother I don't speak!'
"Shit. How do you feel about connected telepathy. Yes, like the one I use. Yes, you can control what he hears, although it may take a few tries."
Kusuke put the flower among other similar ones in a vase he had perched near the door. "Um, h-hi. It's nice to meet you." Stolas stood awkwardly as he usually shook people's hand, but Kusuke taught him japanese people bow, but wasn't it rude to bow inside?! Oh boy this was hard.
"Nice to meet you as well Stolas. Sorry if english isn't very good, I haven't been practicing." Kei shook the poor lads hand, giving a smile and hoping the telepathy worked. He got english lessons from Toshi when they went abroad, and wanted to impress his brother's friends. On top of that, it was a way he could understand english music better.
Stolas seemed to relax, he also had a habit of pushing his glasses up (like an anime character), when things went well. The two brothers didn't seem interested in each other which meant the conversation was left to their partners, and Stolas wasn't equipped with the knowledge to understand Japanese. He knew simple words because of anime and some phrases Kusuke taught him.
Tea cups had been clattering for an awkward amount of time, considering Stolas was running out of things to talk about. The Saiki's did end up joining some parts of the conversation, and those bits were pretty fun. "A-Actually, I had a question I'd like to ask. To you, Kusuo, i-i-if that's alright..." Stolas shivered at his own thoughts.
"Fucking Kusuke told him."
'What?! Okay, even if he is a knobhead, he's still your brother! Are you sure??'
"Um, i-is it true you are a, uhm, a psychic?" Stolas had a hopeful glint to his eyes. How or why did this conversation come up between Stolas and Kusuke? Well, the young boys preferred not to think to hard about it.
This was the make or break moment. If Kusuo lied, he might embarrass Stolas so much he breaks up with Kusuke, moves back to Germany and never sees the sun again because he's so embarrassed!! Or, if he tells the truth Stolas might call him a freak and a weirdo, break up with Kusuke (because he has a weird brother), spread all kinds of rumours around their college, and move back to Germany!!
What do you think Kusuo should do?
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