Kei and the Saiki's narrowly escaped the weird glances from the grandparents. Kumagoro and Kumi offered to drive them to the airport, which wasn't ideal but kept everyone in their toes.
'What's your brother like? I mean, I know he's an asshole but what else?' Kei questioned. The two boys were sitting in the very back of the car, cramped between some luggage.
"Kusuke has always been overly competitive with me since.. forever, I think. He was really smart for his age, and my parents praised him, everyone did. But when I came along, he was no longer so impressive." Kusuo shared some stories from when he was little, there was a sprinkle of pride in the way he told those stories.
Half way to the airport the car engine decided to stop working. Well, it stopped because Kumagoro tampered with it but nobody knew that. Except Kusuo, yes, but he can't give himself away.
The adults looked at the engine, and other parts of the car to see what could be done. There was a lot of discussion, Kumagoro kept suggesting they just stay for a few more days. "Good grief. Grandpa, just admit what you did." Kusuo was fed up with everything. "What?! I-I have no idea what you mean." He stammered.
"Honey, what is he talking about?" Kumi asked.
"Wait, hang on. Kusuo, sweetie, how did you know that the car was tampered with? And that it was Kumagoro?" Kumi realised the weirdness.
Kusuo hesitated more than he would have liked. His grandma became suspicious, was there something wrong with her grandson? 'Come clean. I know it's scary, but they're your grandparents. And they love you.' Kei squeezed his shoulder. "Mom, dad, I'm gonna tell them." Kusuo inhaled sharply and explained his weird life, and showcasing some abilities.
Kumagoro's first thought was that he was in deep shit, and that his reputation as a tsundere would be ruined now that his grandson knew all his secrets. "Good grief this old man is a hassle."
"So, you never had a flight to see Kusuke..?" "No, sorry mom." Kurumi apologised. She always did have a soft spot for her mom.
Kusuo's grandma squeezed him tight, she could see it on his face he was scared. Kusuo's grandfather on the other hand looked pissed. Ready to explode. 'Ku, no matter what happens, I love you.' Kei interlocked their fingers. The physical affection he was getting was enough reassurance that he felt he could handle whatever was coming his way.
Kumagoro's face started having a red glow, his eyebrows furrowed and his teeth grinded together, he was about to burst many blood vessels. "This is unacceptable! I will not have my grandson be some.. some.. some freak of nature! I was fine with him bringing a friend unannounced but this! Unacceptable! What now?! Next thing you'll tell me is that this kid isn't his friend?"
Kumagoro's outburst was sudden and could almost bring Kusuo to tears. "..yes. Yes. This kid, as you put it, is actually my boyfriend. My wonderful, amazing, way to caring boyfriend. You can curse me all you like, but keep him out of this. I would've expected different from you! You know, since all you wanted was to spend time with me, why does it matter if I have a boyfriend or not!" Kusuo was angry. Angry didn't even cover it. Lose rocks and pebbles surrounding him shook and trembled as they floated near his ankles. His face grew red, and the clouds above looked dark and dreary.
"I want you to apologise. I don't care about your feelings anymore. You've never acted like my family. My family is caring, and doesn't push me away because they can't get over their tsundere facade!" His words were sharp and strict. His stare was ready to kill.
"K-Kusuo.." His grandfather trembled, "..No. No, I didn't raise some gay boy. You are disgusting. You and your ugly, gay, stupid, fag of a friend! I cannot believe this—" A hard slap embedded its imprint onto Kumagoro's face. It was Kurumi, his daughter. "Enough. I will not have you disrespect my child and his partner. You will respect them. If you can't then I'm afraid we're leaving." No one had ever seen Kurumi so angry, I guess Kei knew where Kusuo got it from. Kurumi was clear, she kept her voice calm but carried a thousand harsh meanings. "I'm sorry mom, but we should leave now." Her expression softened as she apologised to her mother.
"I understand dearie. You guys go have fun, and tell Kusuke I wish him well." Kumi smiled at her daughter. "Boys... I am so sorry, truly sorry." Her eyes never looked so sorrowful. "It's not your fault grandma. Thank you, for everything. I...I love you." Kusuo hugged her for the first time in a while.
Kunihara held up their bags, and off they went. To England? Yeah, Cambridge England. One moment, Kei was taking one last glimpse at the countryside his boyfriend used to visit, and the next he was gazing at a dark brick wall in England. Interesting times were around the corner, literally. Some street performers and carnivals were happening. But most of all, Kusuo had received a text from his brother.
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