"Um, i-is it true you are a, uhm, a psychic?" Stolas had a hopeful glint to his eyes. How or why did this conversation come up between Stolas and Kusuke? Well, the young boys preferred not to think to hard about it.
"..Sorry? But I don't know what you're talking about." Kusuo lied. Stolas nodded like he knew Kusuo was lying but accepted that answer anyway. Kei diverted the conversation away from the supernatural, he choked on his words making the change in topic obvious.
Luckily Kurumi wanted to have dinner with her kids and the boyfriends got saved. When she learned that Kusukes partner was there she invited them as well. Kurumi sensed the hesitation in his voice, but she always knew how to get her way. That is how all Saiki's (partners included) ended up sitting around a restaurant table.
"I wanna go home." Kusuo sighed. 'Me too.' Kei backed him up. England was nice enough, for tourists, but the restaurant they were at had some entitled children having a sixth birthday party. Their loud screams and ungrateful attitude ruined whatever peace the other customers could have had.
Both Kusuo's parents asked him if he could do anything about it, and aside from obliterating each screaming child into limbo, there was nothing he could do. The manger and servers of the restaurant already spoke to the parents who claimed "They're just kids. C'mon it's my kids birthday. Now, hurry up and get us a cake."
Kei couldn't understand all of that, but he knew they were trouble. The server brought out a slice of cake for the kids birthday and the mother lost it. She yelled, insulted, and degraded the worker who could only take what she said. Kusuke eyed up his brother, who had a similar idea. Kusuke got up for "the bathroom" then "accidentally" bumped into the mother. Kusuo then activated the small ticking metal plate in her hand, the mother inspected it for a moment, the ticking grew faster until a colossal boom rang out from that corner, followed by a cloud of blue smoke.
The brothers witnessed her rage and all she did was huff and puff then rush to clean herself up. Meanwhile, after the server got insulted, Kurumi called her over and invited her to sit with them. She politely declined and tried to get back to work, but her manger allowed her a small break. Kurumi hugged her, Kunihara offered some food and condolences. Stolas found out she liked the supernatural, specifically Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield version) Stolas argued the Tobey Maguire version was better, Kei chimed in about Tom Holland.
The conversation flowed for as long as the server could stay, by the end she left with a smile on her face. The day quickly came to an end, the food was gone, and the server seemed quite happy now. Kunihara was ready to leave ages ago but couldn't bring himself to say anything, he was happy to finally be out the door and back on the street, even though it was getting late the streets still bustled with idle chatter.
"Kusuo, let's play a game before bed, like old times." Kusuke suggested after sending off his parents in a taxi. Kusuo arched a brow, wondering what his loser brother had in mind. "Hide in seek. You have the whole city to hide. You and your boyfriend have five minuets hide and then I, with the help of Stolas, have to find you in ten." Considering Kusuo's overwhelming victory against his brother, he thought seriously. A few shops and buildings were still open, along with public transportation, and he could use his abilities.
"You have yourself a deal." Kusuo nodded. Kusuke held up a timer displaying 4:34 and counting down. Kusuo and Kei ran away. It was pretty fun, they tried to get to as close to the hotel as they could, while still trying to be unpredictable. Stolas saw how seriously his boyfriend was taking this, so he did as well. He kept in mind the possibility of Kusuo having superhuman powers, but that made it all the more exciting.
The game began, Kusuke darted for the direction of the hotel, trying to replicate his brother mind. Stolas followed behind, never letting up for a second. Kei's heart pounded in his chest at all the running he's doing. They took a little break behind a 24/7 McDonalds, just out of the lights reach. They could hear the footsteps of the other teams approaching quickly and steadily, luckily with a little bit of psychic assistance, the group of 15-20 teenagers came bustling out of the building allowing a distraction for the two younger boys.
Kei chuckled, as he looked back he could see Kusuke blowing hair out of his face furiously. Kusuo blipped them half a mile away from McDonald's, and the hotel, but Kusuke had lost sight of them. Kusuo and his boyfriend chatted about the night, something to pass the time. Only three minuets left for the older boys to find them.
"Stolas has done well. Kusuke can be hard to keep up with." An irritating buzzing noise could be heard from above them. 'Is that.... A drone?!' Kei was shocked. He knew Kusuke had money and brains, but didn't realise he was drone kind of wealthy. Kei started running. He needed no invitation.
His legs burned, he was tired, Kei wanted sleep. Kusuo rewinded Kei's energy a few hours, he needed him to push through. Just one minute remaining. The hotel was in sight, Kusuke and Stolas on their heels.
Sixty seconds turned to thirty seconds, twenty, twenty five, the clock ticked down quickly. "Coffe jelly!" Kusuke shouted. "Where?!" Kusuo darted his head around. Kei had to pull his boyfriend out of the way of Kusukes reached out hand. Two phones chimed at the same time, Kusuke and Kei. Time was up. Kusuke had lost... again.
"Good game brother, Stolas." Kusuo smirked.
'I'm going to bed.' Kei groaned.
Stolas groaned as well, realising how tired he was and that he still had to make the walk home. Kusuo gave a small smile to himself, snapping his fingers, just enough so that Stolas could see. One moment he's standing outside a hotel, the next he's standing in his boyfriend's apartment. Stolas couldn't help but smile, psychics are funny.
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