Lola almost fell over in relief when she got home before her parents did. She ran up the stairs and nearly knocked over the lamp by the landing as she rushed to her room.
She pushed her room door open and looked around for Julian but did a double take when she saw that it was empty.
Lola didn't like the way her heart sunk at the realization that he had left. She walked inside, her steps growing heavier by the second and then she dumped her bag over the chair by her study table.
"Hey, how was school? Did you talk to Damien?" Julian's deep voice reverberated from the bathroom and she turned around swiftly.
She saw him walk out carrying one of her shavers in his hand, his face was now clean shaven, which only seemed to reinforce how good looking he was.
"Sorry, I really needed to get rid of all that stubble. Will pay you back once I get the chance," He plopped down on his makeshift mattress by the floor and leaned against the side of her bed. She noticed one of her Stephen King books lying by his side.
"Umm it's fine you can keep the shaver. I didn't get the chance to talk to Damien today. He was surrounded by a group of people every time I saw him," Lola lied. She had agreed with her friends to give Julian the third degree tonight. She wanted to be sure about him before she did anything risky but he didn't need to know that.
She walked over to his side and sat on her bed.
"You read King?"
Julian blushed when he realized she was referring to the book next to him. "Spooky stuff but it gets really addictive."
She smiled taking it as a compliment, it wasn't everyday a fellow classmate praised her choice in books.
"So now what? I stay here tonight and then you try talking to him tomorrow?" He asked. "I don't know, Lola. It's really risky to stay in one place for too long."
"It's only one more night, Julian. Don't worry I'll try my best to get him alone. You just relax, I'm going to wash up," Lola said, purposely avoiding the topic about the sleepover ambush awaiting him tonight.
Thankfully, her parents came back soon after and she had to excuse herself to help her mother prepare dinner while Julian hid in her room. She told her parents about her friends coming over to stay and they were so used to the girls that they agreed immediately.
After having dinner, Lola packed some left overs, claiming she wanted to eat a bit more nasi lemak - her mother's signature dish - before rushing upstairs to give Julian some of it.
"Mom! Dad! I'm going to be studying, just tell the girls to head up straight," She called over her shoulder.
She kicked open her door and then quickly shut it. A shadow behind the door made her jump back in fright and then she spotted Julian standing there. The plate rattled in her hands and the chicken nearly tumbled to the floor.
He took it from her before it crashed to the ground and she placed her hand over her rapidly beating heart.
"Why were you hiding there? Please don't do that again!" She whispered fervently and took a deep breath to calm herself.
Julian just stared at her and then he chuckled softly. "For someone who reads King you sure get scared easily."
"Maybe that's why I get scared easily," Lola joked and then she relaxed a little. "Try this, it's one of our signature dishes."
She pushed him to her study table and watched him put down the plate of nasi lemak. Julian studied the plate of rice, chicken and gravy, with nuts and anchovies on the side and then he took a bite.
"I remember this," He murmured after swallowing it down. "Your mom used to give us some on Thanksgiving."
"That's how we celebrate Thanksgiving," Lola smiled at the memory.
"But I remember having Vietnamese food in your house before," Julian frowned between mouthfuls of food.
"My mum's Malaysian mixed Vietnamese. And she loves her Vietnamese rolls and nasi lemak."
"Oh, guess I forgot. No wonder you look so exotic," He shrugged. "This is really good by the way."
"Exotic?" Lola asked him feeling her cheeks burn. She just looked like an average very mixed looking girl, sadly not the extremely attractive kind like her cousins. "I hope that's a compliment."
"It is," Julian flashed her one of his million dollar smiles and she laughed. Just then they heard the doorbell ring and he immediately froze. He stood up and rushed to the window where he hid by the side and peaked through the curtains.
"It's not the police," Lola said. Her friends were right on time.
"Lola, why are your friends here? Do they know about me?" Julian's face paled as he stared at her. "Fuck, they're going to take me in." He ran his hands through his hair as he started walking in circles.
"My friends aren't the police. Don't worry we can trust them," She tried to calm him down but he was lost in his thoughts, pacing around like a madman.
He suddenly stopped and stared at her. "Why did you tell them? I have to leave now."
He walked towards the window and grabbed the handle.
"What the hell are you doing? The fall could kill you," Lola rushed to him and grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Lola, I can't get caught," Julian opened the window and peered over the ledge. "It's not that high. Maybe I can jump to that tree-."
"You're not freaking Batman!" Lola admonished and she attempted to steer him away. "Besides my neighbours could be watching us right now."
She quickly shut the curtains and dragged him away from the window.
"Lola, I need to leave!" Julian whirled around just as Lola tugged him further inside and the action caused them both to lose their footing and fall on top of each other. Lola's back hit the soft mattress of her bed and Julian's weight nearly crushed her to death.
He quickly lifted himself and when he saw her stunned expression he grinned. "Lola Marie Ann, if you wanted me in your bed you should have just said so."
He got up and smoothed his t-shirt while Lola lay there awkwardly. Did he just say her full name? How the hell did he know that?
"I'm going to take my chances with that tree." He was about to reach her window when Nalini's voice echoed through the door.
"Lola! We're here," She chimed in a sing song.
"Fuck," Julian muttered under his breath. Lola got up and pushed him to the corner behind the door before she opened it.
"I brought sustenance for our studies. My mom packed kimbap," Hanna carried her tiffin with her inside and Nalini held out a box of murukku.
"Diwali's months away but my aunt has been making these all day everyday. I swear our house now smells of nothing but oil and flour," Nalini complained. "She insisted I bring two boxes for you guys."
The girls walked inside and shut the door and then they saw Julian standing behind it.
Nalini dropped her box and it landed on the floor with a soft thud. Hanna on the other hand held on to her tiffin even tighter.
"Wow, this feels like I'm dreaming. Like I need to pinch myself to confirm this is real," Hanna whispered. "Ow! Nalini!"
"What? Isn't that what you asked for?" Nalini shrugged after she pinched her best friend and then she picked up her murukku and placed it on the table.
The three girls sat on the bed and Julian leaned by the wall, his eyes wide and gaze defensive, looking like a cornered prey.
"Hey," He said awkwardly.
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