4 : Adjusting

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Arthur? or Grey?

Did i just got thrown out of the castle?

“You did not get thrown out the castle
Taegrin Caelum will always welcome you. But Seris here will be guiding you for the meantime because i can't, as you can see here. "

Agrona as if he's reading my mind spoke while pointing at the documents in his hands.

“It looks like the High Sovereign is getting busier so he can't take care of you. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Scythe Seris Vritra of the Sehz-Clar Dominion. I'm the one managing the whole Sehz-Clar for years now. It is nice to meet you Grey."

The woman, Scythe Seris introduced herself to me. She has pearl colored hair and a small petite-like body. Shes a few inches smaller than me and she looks no older than 17. But the most noticeable thing about her is the pair of obsidian horns in her forehead protruding up like an impala's. The same as her horns, her eyes are also obsidian colored that light seemed to be absorbed by it.

“Oh my, did my beauty perhaps captivate you Grey?" Seris said, teasing me. I only looked at her with a stone face and faced Agrona again.

“When will I leave? " I questioned the busy tyrant.

“Right now of course. I tasked Seris to get you acquainted with the norms of Alacrya and train you to get stronger. I don't know if it will happen but I also tasked her to take care of you if you manifest your Vritra blood."

“Aren't I a Vritra already?" I asked him confused. I don't really need the horns. I know it's cool but it can pain in the ass fighting while having long pair of gorgeous horns sticking out of your head.

“You are but you're also a Dragon and you don't have horns yet so I don't know if you'll be able to use Vritra magic."

I looked at him confused.

“Did I miss a page? what the hell is Vritra magic."

Seris will explain about it. I forgot to tell it to you back then, I apologize for that." Agrona just waving it off as if it's some useless information.

“Well Grey I believe it's time for us to leave. ” Seris said standing uo the sofa she's been sitting on the whole conversation.

“Okay, please take care of me Scythe Seris." I said tilting my head down an inch. I'm not really used to bowing to other people so I believe this is enough.

“Then we'll take our leave High Sovereign." Seris said tilting down her whole upper body bowing to Agrona.

I looked at her confused to why she's doing something like this. Is it common etiquette to do this if in front of Agrona? I looked at him demanding for an answer. The Leader of the Vritras just gave me a smirk and returned his focus to his documents.

“Seriously this guy" I sighed and followed Seris who just left the room.
Just before I'm about to pass through the door I stopped.

“I'll be back."

I said and left the room not looking back catching up to Seris who's waiting for me ready to bring me to my new home.



cough cough I'm now inside a bathroom inside Seris's Manor. And I just found my newly discovered weakness exclusive only here in Alacrya. The tempus wrap, I thought we'll be riding some kind of carriage to Seris's mansion but no. She pulled out some object and teleported us here.

It felt like hell, it's like the teleportation gate but much more dizzier much more extreme.

It's a good thing we teleported inside already if not I'll probably throw out the entrance."

Finishing cleaning myself up, I went to my room. The room is fairly big but not as big as the one in Taegrin Caelum. It's a simple room with white walls and wooden furnitures. I think I like this more than the ones in Agrona's Castle, it's much simpler and comfortable.

Not even thinking twice I jumped to the bed and rested, thinking of the things I can do to be stronger. Vritra magic or Vritra Mana arts if other asuras called it. Well except Agrona he doesn't care bout such things.

I'll ask Seris about this tomorrow and maybe ask her to train me on it.


It's been three days since I've arrived here. I'm now in the manor's backyard training my magic, testing different spells I could come up with like the upgraded version of pistol stamp.

Because of my mostly Asuran body as Agrona said. I can easily endure high potent spells without taking any damages.

I still don't have a name for this spell but it's basically pistol stamp but instead of firing the small amount of fire mana on the bottom of my feet, I gather a large amount of fire mana in my legs and blasting it down helping me travel a decent distance with a fast speed in a short time.

(basically bootleg burst step without mirage walk)

Hmm, what should I call it. I don't brag about it but I have a pretty cool naming sense. Maybe something like Rocket stamp? upgraded version of pistol stamp? not bad.

Maybe burst step? but that's too basic to hear. Fire step? Lava step? Pistol step? Nothing fits. it's all great names but not that appealing for me.

I then remembered Lucas and his spell that he used back then. Ember Eclipse. Ember step? no, Eclipse Step.
Yeah that doesn't sound bad. Eclipse step that is. I'll call this move Eclipse step.

I stood alone in the backyard proudly as I finished naming my new spell. All the spells I'm thinking of consists of fire mana so I tried to think aout other elements. And I remembered what I did on Lucas again. Not when I froze him, no. It's from the time I saved Tessia from grawders spell on the battle between DC and Student Council.

I conjured a small ball of fire and  tried to focus and separate the oxygen aroud the fire ball.

It's not working. Maybe because I'm an augmenter before I'm in the silver stage so I'm not used to controlling air with this caliber away from my body. But I'll definitely succeed if I practice more."

I held my breath conjuring the air vacuum around my body and it easily worked.

“It worked because I'm now in a higher core stage. This wouldn't work if I'm still at least a yellow core mage."

I know that practice is all I need before I master this spell so i tried and tried but still no avail. I can see some progress but it is miniscule. I need to assert more control on mana. Realmheart if I activated realmheart I think I'll be able to do it.

“There's no demerit if I try."

I activated realmheart and felt runes covered my body. I now can see mana particles and also Aether, the mysterious purple particle Agrona said I shouldn't try to use for now as it's too dangerous. But what surprised me is that there were black mana particles in the air but I ignored it for  now.

Conjuring fire a few meters away from me. I controlled the wind mana particles and easily separated the oxygen from the rest. The fire ceased to exist not even a single fire mana particle survived.

I deactivated realmheart and tried it again, And failed.

“I really thought I can do it this time. I guess not today."

Sighed and called it a day. I'm about to enter the mansion when I saw Seris walking towards me.

“Grey, did you start using realmheart again?" She asked looking kind of annoyed. I just nodded as a response.

She sighed. “You just woke up not even week ago and now you're using the mana arts of the dragons."

“Sorry bout that" I said scratching the back of my head.

“Whatever, come with me. I'll be visiting my student today." She said smiling. How rare Seris barely smiles, seems like she really like this student of hers.

“Okay I'm interested when will we be leaving?"

“Right now, so make yourself presentable, even though they'll announce you as a full-blooded Vritra in the future, you still needs to build connections. "

Understanding what she just explained I nodded and went to my room to clean up. Finishing dressing myself up. I checked myself in the mirror. I tied my hair that reaches my shoulders into a ponytail. Wearing a nice all black with a trouser and a buttin up. Seeing everything is good, I exited my room and went to where Seris is.

Now with Seris I readied myself on what's about to happen. Seris pulled out the Tempus wrap and activated it white light surrounded me.

“Hope I don't throw up."

Second chap. of the day because i forgot to upload yesterday. I'll upload 1 tomorrow.


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