5 : Denoirs

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Caera Denoir

“Thank you Nessa" Turning my head toward her direction, I thanked my maid for fixing my hair. Corbett said that Scythe Seris will be visiting this morning and told me to dress up.

“Then miss Caera I'll take my leave." Nessa said bowing her head to me.

“Yes you may take your leave, Thank you once again Nessa" I replied and Nessa left the room.

Walking outside my room I headed towards the dining hall where the whole Denoir blood are sitting. I'm wearing a simple dark blue dress with some black accents on the edges. I noticed that some maids are in a hurry.

“Scythe Seris is probably a few minutes away from here"

Walking down the stairs, I greeted everyone and sat on one of the empty seats leaving a few left.

Greeting me back, Everyone has to listen to Corbett's warning about not to be rude in front of my mentor. He already knows that it's common sense to do that but a warning won't do anything bad.

We waited for a few minutes until we saw a maid running towards us.

“Highlord Corbett, Scythe Seris has arrived." The maid said bowing and immediately left the dining hall.

All of us immediately stood up tidying our clothes and waited for Scythe Seris to go inside the dining room.

The door opened revealing Scythe Seris and a boy my age.

Scythe Seris is wearing her usual black dress. And the boy is wearing a whole black outfit consisting of black trousers and a black button up. The boy looks about my age but he is tall. Scythe Seris whose height is above average for women in this continent is shorter than him with about 4 to 5 inches in difference.

The boy is carrying himself with a posture only found on bloods with the highest honors and has an aura of authority around him.

“It almost feels like there is another Scythe in front of us not just Scythe Seris." I thought

“We greet Scythe Seris." We bowed and Corbett immediately spoke with Scythe Seris.

“Thank you for visiting us Scythe Seris. Can I know why you particulary requested this meeting? and who is this young man beside you?" Corbett said curious about who the boy is.

“You can call me Grey" The boy said, his voice carries authority even though he said those words with nonchalant, relaxed energy.

sighh “Can you at least introduce yourself properly." Scythe Seris beside Grey said.

“No" he responded immediately.

Everyone's eyes widened because of this. The boy, Grey is speaking with Scythe Seris casually like there's no one around them.

“If you won't do it then I will." Scythe Seris said to him and looked back at us.

“This is Grey, Grey Vritra. He is some kind of anomaly so it's hard to explain what he really is but you can think of him as my little brother from now." Scythe Seris explained shocking us again.

“Vritra? how can someone be called that when he don't even have horns?" I thought now curious about Grey even more.

We're about to bow our heads to him but he raised is hand signaking us to stop.

“And on why I'm here, I have a proposal." My mentor said walking to her chair on the opposite end and sitting on it. Following her is Grey who also sat down on Seris's left.

Everyone is now curious and tense, wanting to hear what Scythe Seris is about to say.

“I would like to step up Caera's training and train her everyday in my mansion." Scythe Seris said smiling towards me.

Everyone's confused about this but Corbett immediately recomposed himself and asked Scythe Seris bout it.

“Scythe Seris, may I ask why this is needed? Caera is already far from the level of kids around her age and everyone's calling her a prodigy. I can't understand why she need more training." Corbett asked politely not to be seen as rude to the Scythe.

“If that's what you're saying, Grey here is a bit younger than Caera yet he's already near the level of a Scythe." She said pointing at Grey who isn't showing any emotion just staring at her.

“We understand but sir Grey is a Vrtitra that's why he's stro-"

“No, Grey still can't use Vritra mana arts." Scythe Seris cut Corbett's words

“Grey's swordsmanship is one of the best you'll find on this continent. So wouldn't it be good for little Caera to learn from him?" Scythe Seris added convincing Corbett or rather pressuring him.

“But Caera still needs to attend the aca-”

“Caera's chance of awakening her Vritra blood will increase as I will personally expose her to decay type mana and teach her Vritra mana arts with Grey." Scythe Seris said silencing Corbett.

Scythe Seris knows how much the Denoirs except Sevren pressure me.
The marriage proposals also just keep piling up even though I already rejected them multiple times.

"I'm thankful for everything that Scythe Seris did for me and will always remember this debt forever."

“I-I accept your proposal Scythe Seris." Corbett said in a low voice. He knows it would be bad to decline a Scythe's request and he also knows the benefits of this proposal.

“Great! we will leave in a few minutes, so Caera please ready yourself." Scythe Seris said smiling at me. I nodded and went to my room to get my things ready.


I'm almost finished packing my necessities inside my dimension ring when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Sevren outside my room.

“Caera, be careful on your way there and take care of yourself always." I nodded and finalky finishing my preparations.

“Also just tell me if Scythe Seris or that Grey is treating you harshly, you're big brother will protect you."
He said proudly with his arms crossed and a satisfied face.

“Sometimes he's too overprotective that he started creating fantasies inside his head."

I thought and laughed, both of us laughed enjoying each other's company.

“Oh? looks like we have a tough guy here." A voice suddenly sneaked in the middle of our laughters making the two of us stop and petrified. Turning my head to the hallway I saw Grey arms crossed leaning towards the wall smirking.

“I-I'm sorry for what I said please forgive me!" Sevren immediately bowed to the floor apologizing to Grey on what he just said.

“Don't worry about that. I used to have a sister too so I feel your pain." Grey said with a sad smile.

“Used to? Did his sister die? I shouldn't dig deeper about this. maybe I'll know in the future"

I didn't dig deeper about it to not make Grey mad but also the sadness in his eyes told me I shouldn't meddle into this topic.

“Seris is calling you, you should hurry Caera." Grey said and started walking on the hallway away from us.

“Well then brother I'll get going." I said to Sevren following Grey.

“Take care of yourself okay!?" I heard him shout. I looked back at him and smiled. Catching up to Grey and walking besides him I looked at his face.

“He is handsome, all of his face's proportions are perfectly aligned. Is this because he's an Asura?"

Oh my miss Caera, did my handsomeness perhaps caught your attention?" He said with a smirk

“You'll need to try harder than that."
I replied also sending him a smirk.

Eventually both of us reached the living room where Scythe Seris is sitting on a sofa. Seeing the two of us she stood up and sent us a smile, a small smile.

“The two of you just met and already getting know each other? sigh kids this days." Scythe Seris teased but it just simply didn't work on both me and Grey.

“Scythe Seris where are the others?" I asked her curious where the whole blood is.

“Knowing them they wouldn't let me go quietly and will probably tell me to be safe not because of parental love but like a collector taking care of his most valuable piece"

They won't be disturbing us. I told them I'm in hurry so that they wouldn't do something that will waste our time. " Scythe Seris said walking out the door. Me and Grey following her.

“But that's Grey's idea, he just told me to do it." She said continuing to walk finally stepping out of the mansion.

“Thanks for that" I said to Grey in a low voice smiling at him.

“It's nothing, I just hate goodbyes." Grey replied just shrugging it off

“Stop the flirting and get ready, I will acrivate the Tempus Warp now." Said Scythe Seris and then in an instant all I can see is white.

There will be an exam in a few days so maybe I won't be able to upload everyday. just maybe


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