Part 80 : Thank You Sanyukta...

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Two days later.

Rohan and Vishwanath are in jail now.

Thou Sanyukta transfered part of the property on Rohan's name.

SanDhir are out of it now.

Sanyukta is safe and Randhir is fine and slowly recovering.

"Wait Randhir..." Sanyukta helped Randhir getting out of his tee.

"You should have called me Randhir" Sanyukta said

"See its paining now" "Sanyukta touched the wound on Randhir's arm"

"I am fine..." Randhir smiled

"Yeah..Yeah..." Sanyukta replied sarcastically.

"Your wounds are still not healed Randhir..." She said

"Only you can heal them" He said in his sexy voice

"Not now..." She pushed him lightly

"Heal me na Jaaan" He said coming close to her.

"Not now Randhir...pehle thik toh hojao" She giggled

"Main thik hu..." He said

"Baby...see your Daddy's being naughty" She laughed

"Baby..Daddy is romancing Mumma..." "Hope you have no problem with it" Randhir said

"Shut up Randhir...what are you talking" "You can hear us now" She said

"Really?" He placed his hand on her baby bump

"Hey Baby...Daddy here" "You can hear me" "So...let me tell you I LOVE YOU so much" "More then Mumma Okay" Randhir chuckled and Sanyukta smiled on his words

"I LOVE YOU...WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH" " are so important to us" "You are gonna complete our family" "You are gonna completely you Mumma and Daddy" Randhir said

"And you know...we have already started planning for you" "For your future..." "I don't know if you are girl or boy...but you are symbol of our Love..."

"You know I have already started searching for schools for you" Sanyukta smiled admist of her tears hearing to that

"You should get best education" "Do whatever you want" "Be whatever you want to become..." "We will always support you" "Mumma Daddy are always there for you beta..." Randhir said

"Come...soon..." "We are waiting" Randhir said and moved his hand

Sanyukta felt a sudden sensation in her womb.

She clutched her baby bump.

Randhir was unaware of that.

Sanyukta touched her belly...she felt something moving inside.

She felt the little movement in her womb.

"Randhir...." She looked at him

"Randhir...I am feeling something" Sanyukta said

"What?" "Jaaan...what happened?" Randhir was tensed and worried

"Randhir...I think...I moving...I felt something" "It touched here...I felt here something" Sanyukta made him to keep his hand on belly

"Randhir...Baby moved" "It kicked..." "It was light...but I felt" Sanyukta's happiness knew no bound today.


Randhir slightly lifted her kurti.

He placed his on her bare belly.


"Aaa...oucch..." Sanyukta looked at Randhir.

Randhir looked at Sanyukta.

"Baby kicked..." they said in union.

"Baby...kicked..." again they said it in union.

The next moment Randhir hugged her.

She was so happy.

She had tears in her eyes which touched his skin.

"Randhir...our baby..." She said in low voice

He kissed her hair.

"Our mark its presence today" "Our baby can hear us were right" "Our baby was listening to us...thats why he kicked" Randhir too had tears in eyes

"Randhir...this is so beautiful" "I literally feel it" "Our baby kicked..." "I am so happy" She said

"We can feel baby now..." Randhir said

"Yes...and our baby hears us..." Sanyukta said

Randhir cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Thank You Sanyukta..." He chirped

"I love you..." He said

"I love you too..." She replied

"I want to love you..." He said

She nodded.

"But Randhir...your wounds" She said

"It will get healed..." He said

Randhir stood on his knees cupping her face properly.

"We have not kissed like this since so many days" He said

She nodded.

"I love when you dominant me when we kiss or make love" Sanyukta said

He smiled and placed a warm kiss on her forehead.

"You trust me?" He said

"YES..." "I know you won't let our baby get hurt when you'll love me" She said with confidence.

He slightly rubbed his thumb on her lips.

She parted her lips and closed her eyes signalling him to take control.

In next few seconds he started sucking her lower lip.

He lightly cupped her nape for a proper balance.

He took the control and dominant the kiss.

- - - - -

Next Morning.

Sanyukta opened her eyes.

The last night love making session was so passionate and loved filled.

Think about it made her blush profusely.

Randhir was no there on her side.

She checked the time and it was 7 in the morning.

She slowly sat straight on bed and tied the bedsheet around her bare frame.

She got up and stood in front of mirror.

She turned side...and touched her grown baby bump.

It was growing.

Their love was breathing inside.

Their love their baby is growing inside her.

She smiled.

Then her eyes fell on a piece of paper lying on the dressing table.

There was red rose kept aside it.

"I know the first thing you do in the morning is to look at yourself in mirror and caress your baby bump" "So...I kept the letter on dressing table" came his text message on her phone.

She smiled widely.

She took the paper in hand and started reading.



You are so beautiful.

I say it to you nearly every day. But in case you haven't 'heard it' recently, please know this. Please feel it. You are so incredibly beautiful.

The journey of pregnancy, for both a man and a woman, is an amazing one. It's beautiful, it's surreal, and one that is truly hard to understand and fully grasp without having gone through it.

But it's also a hard one.

For her – the body goes through so much during that 9 months. It's growing a human for God's sake! Emotionally, physically – it's an intense experience.

For him and her – your ENTIRE world is about to change. Mixed in with all the joy, excitement and anticipation for the future, there is uncertainty, fear, and questions that arise such as, "how are we going to do this?!!"

The good news is, billions and billions of people before you 'did it'. And it'll ALL be okay! In fact, it'll be the ride of a lifetime.

But I digress...

The point of this is you, now, the beautiful, beautiful pregnant woman.

My God, you're the most beautiful being I have ever seen.

The way you are.

The way you evolve with our baby over those 9 months.

The way you care for, nourish and love that soul within you.

I say with absolute truth

Sanyukta, you have never been so beautiful.

I love you belly. I love you.

And lastly...I can't thank enough of you for this wonderful gift you are going to give me soon.

I love you.

Thank You...

Lots of love



There was small greeting card along with the letter.

Its had written "THANK YOU SANYUKTA" 

Sanyukta's eyes welcome fresh set of happy tears.

She held the letter close to her heart.

She closed her eyes felling a warm and strong pair of hands slowly caging her waist and reaching upto her baby bump.

"Thank you Sanyukta..." He said

She was speechless.

She was on cloud nine.

Her happiness crossed all boundaries.

She turned and hugged him as tight as she could.

Words were really not important that time.

Precap: Cravings


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