Part 79 : For my family...

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"Are you fine?" He asked

"Hmmm..." She replied

"I am sorry" He mumbled as tears rolled down from his closed eyes

She immediately pulled back.

"No..." She cupped his cheeks

"You go through all this" He said

"No Randhir..." She kissed his forehead.

"You're fine...those...people..."

"I am fine Randhir..." She smiled assuring one.

"Lets go from here..." Randhir said grabbing her hand firmly

"But..." He stopped thinking about the exit.

The way which he took to get inside is not at all safe for them to escape.

Sanyukta's eyes fell on the blood stain on his shirt.

"Randhir...what's this?" Sanyukta touched the blood stain.

"Nothing..." "Lets go Sanyukta..." He said ignoring the topic

"Randhir its bleeding..." " pieces" She got worried

"Sanyukta..." He said but she pulled him to her.

"Randhir..." Her eyes welled up imaging the pain he must be going through.

"Sanyukta I am fine..." "Lets go before someone comes" He said

"Its bleeding Randhir..." "It pains..." She said

"Jaaan...nothing is important then you and baby..." "If I need to bare such small pains...I keep my family safe" He cupped her face.

"Randhir....why?" She hugged him.

"For you...for baby" He kissed her hair

"Now lets go...before anyone sees us Sanyukta" He said

"From where Randhir?" Sanyukta asked

"From the main door" "We have no other option" Randhir said

"But...they will be there" She said

"You trust me?" He said

"Ofcourse..." She replied

"Then lets face it..." "I have checked Sanyukta...there is no other way to exit..." Randhir said

"Hmmm...lets go" She said

They turned and found Vishwanath & Rohan standing behind them.

"So...Prince Randhir Singh Shekhawat is here" Vishwanath said

Randhir hold Sanyukta's hand tightly

"Nice to meet you Mr Shekhawat" Vishwanath forwarded his hand for shake.

"Mr Agrawal...I know why have you kidnapped Sanyukta" "but...Agrawal property belongs to Sanyukta" Randhir said

"Ohh really?" Vishwanath smirked an evil one.

"You made my work so easy prince" Vishwanath said

"Let her go Mr Agrawal" Randhir took a step forward hiding Sanyukta behind him.

"Sure...I will" "Why not Mr Shekhawat" "But...before that she needs to sign the papers" Vishwanath said

"She will not sign them Mr Agrawal" "The property is on her name...and it belongs to her only" Randhir said

"No...the property is mine" "Rohan is the legal heir of Agrawals" Vishwanath said

"No Mr Agrawal" "Correction" "Even Sanyukta is legal heir of Agrawals" Randhir said

"Lets go Randhir..." "I will sign papers..." "Just lets go from here" Sanyukta said

"See...she is even ready to sign papers" Vishwanath said

"Mr Agrawal...lets make a deal" Randhir said

"What deal?" "Your manager has already trapped me Randhir" Rohan fumed in anger

" manager cleverly trapped you Rohan" "I trapped reach Sanyukta" Randhir said looking straight into Rohan's eyes.

"And Mr Agrawal you so fool that he was ready to mortgage the property that doesn't even belong to him" Randhir said

Vishwanath looked at Rohan.

"Yes Mr Agrawal...the same property for which you are dieing for" "The property which don't even belong to you..." "I must say...Agrawal industry's future is at sake..." Randhir laughed

"Dadaji...I thought...Its a great deal..." Rohan looked down

"Mr Agrawal...come me...the deal is worthy" Randhir said

"What deal?" Vishwanath said

"Equal...lets divide the property in two equal parts" "50% aapka..aur 50% Sanyukta ka" Randhir said

"This is not possible..." Vishwanath said

"Why?" "Sanyukta is also Agrawal heir" Randhir said

"No...I want all property on Rohan's name" Vishwanath said

"No...Mr Agrawal" "A girl and boy...are equal holders of their ancestral property" "In which era you live?" "We are ready to share property" "Or else..." Randhir smirked

"Else...?" "'What?" Vishwanath asked

"Mr Agrawal..." "Ummm...I business ethics and all...are very..." Randhir smirked.

"The fraud., scandals,scams...I KNOW IT ALL" Randhir grinned.

Vishwanath was tongue tied.

"What are you talking about?" Vishwanath said wiping sweat of his face

"Seriously you don't know what Am I talking about?" "I know your history..." Randhir winked.

" is better...for make this deal" "50-50" "That's it..." Randhir said

"I need time..." Vishwanath said

"Sure" Randhir said

"Randhir...lets go from here" "I am scared" "Why are you even talking to them" "Lets go Randhir" "I don't want property" "No deal...nothing" "What if they do something to you" Sanyukta said in go

"Sanyukta...don't worry" "Nothing will happen" " deserve it Sanyukta..." "The property belongs to you too" Randhir said

"I don't want it Randhir..." "For me you are everything" "I don't want it...please lets go..." Sanyukta said

"No..." "Why don't you understand" "You are Agrawal too" "You and Rohan both are equal and you both are equal holders of property" Randhir said

"Mr Shekhawat..." Vishwanath came there

"Yes Mr Agrawal..." Randhir turned to him

"We are ready..." Vishwanath said

"Great..." Randhir forwarded his hand fr a hand shake

Vishwanath didn't forwarded his hand.

"Mr Agrawal...we are family..." Randhir said

"Hmm..." Vishwanath forced a smile and shake hand

"So...lets go to Jaiselmer back and make a deal" Randhir said

Vishwanath nodded.

"Lets go Sanyukta..." Randhir turned.

Sanyukta turned.

They were heading towards main door.

Suddenly Randhir pulled Sanyukta close to him and made her stand in front of her.

Sanyukta was confused just when she heard a noise of bullet fired from a gun.

"Randhir..." She stopped and turned back.

The bullet got fired from gun.

Randhir's left arm was bleeding.

The bullet passed closed to his arm but touched the wall in front of them

"Randhir...." She shouted.

The police had reached by then.

She looked aside and saw police arresting Vishwanath and Rohan.

She looked at Randhir who was smiling looking at her.

"Randhir..." She grabbed his arm.

By then he fell down on floor.

It pained him.

But he kept looking at her.

Precap: Love moments.


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