Chapter Twenty: Popcorn and Ice-Cream

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The screams rang through my ears. Even with my ear phones blaring in them, I could here the screams.

I was backstage at there concert. I was feeling much better, I guess I was just in a bad mood last week. There was still a light pain in my chest every now and then but that will be gone by next week.

For their concerts, I would usually be in the crowd but today I had to talk on stage. There was too many rumors going around about Tarry, which is me and Harry. So, as much as I hate to have to do this, I have to confirm that Tarry isn't real. Nobody believes it when Harry says it so I have to say it.

Tarry, that's cute.

If you are wondering. No, me and Harry are no longer in a relationship. Simon caught us and killed Harry for it. I cried for a long time. I love Harry and he loves me. But it's done now, and for good I think.

The song ended and I took out my head phones. I could hear the boys talking.

"Who's enjoying the show so far?" Niall shouted into the mic. The crowd screamed.

"Who knows about my cousin Tay?" Louis asked and with that the crowd started screaming things like 'TARRY FOREVER'. I'm not really Louis' cousin, of course. I'm not related to him at all. But since they practically kidnapped me, that's the story we're telling people.

"She's here today to talk about Tarry, everybody listen up," Liam said.

I put my phone in my pocket and sighed, watching the boys. Zayn gestured for me to come out on stage. I walked out, and when I did the crowd began screaming. I stood out on stage, then remembered I need a microphone that I didn't have. Harry was closest to me. I walked up to him and asked to borrow his mic. When I did, the crowd let out a chorus of "aww"s. He handed me his mic after whispering, "Good luck."  I walked back out to the front of the stage. I could here some people screaming nice thing at me and others shouting stuff like; 'Scar Face' and 'Get off the stage, we came here for One Direction'.

They boys walked off stage to change, and I was really scared now. 

I took a deep breathe and began. "Hi everyone. First I would like to say a big thank you for probably making me go deaf, I do appreciate it. Now, the real reason I'm here is because of the whole Tarry thing. Me and Harry are not in a relationship. Harry is like my brother. If we did ever get in a relationship, Louis would probably kill him. I don't have a boyfriend. I'm forever alone." I ended with a shrug.

"What about Ashton Irwin?" a girl screamed.

5 Seconds Of Summer were One Direction's opening act for a while, and I could understand why she, or anyone, thought that. I got along really well with Ashton, as well as all the other boys. He was like my best friend. Two days ago, we were at the beach. He was running around giving me a piggy back. People probably got the wrong idea, of course.

I chuckled. "Nah, Ashton is like one of my best friends. All the boys from that band are. They're awesome. Any questions?"

A girl in the front row screamed out. "If Ashton's so great, why don't you go suck his dick since you like it so much!"

Ouch, I thought, that hurt. I stood speechless for a few seconds, not knowing how to reply until I heard some noise and turned around. Ashton was running over to me, struggling to have gotten past the security telling him not to go out on stage. He wrapped me in a big hug and whispered in my ear, "Don't listen to them, babe. You're nothing like that."

We both pulled back and I smiled at him as he snaked his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in to his side. Ashton held a mic up to his face. "Tay here is one of the coolest kid's ever. She's like me little sister and I wouldn't date my sister, would I? No. We're just good friends. If you don't have anything nice to say, then shut up and fuck off."

I smiled up at him. "Now without further ado, we give you my cousin and his brothers, One Direction!" I shouted into the mic.

Ashton carried me off stage. I gave Harry his mic as he was passing, ignoring the look he shot Ashton. 

Ashton sat on a couch next to Luke and Michael, letting me sit in his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder. Calum came in and sat on the floor in front of us, joining in on the conversations. Michael, Luke and Calum were talking about something I was uninterested in. I took my phone out and checked Twitter. I was scrolling through my feed when something caught my eye. A hate page towards me?

I clicked into it. It was horrible; people were calling me horrible things and keeping up with the whole Tarry thing. There was a ton of pictures with me and Harry together and even a few of me and Ashton saying I'm cheating on Harry. They were all calling me sick and horrible things. I checked how many followers it had: 6.8K. I could feel a tear stream down my cheek and I sniffled, trying to stop myself from breaking down.

Ashton took my phone off me and read over some of the sick, horrible and disgusting stuff people were saying. He sighed and exited off my Twitter, then giving me my phone back. "Don't look at that stuff, Tay. It isn't true."

"It is true Ashton. I'm a child and Harry is an adult and all the stuff we did..." I whispered.

"Age is just a number, maturity is a choice." His Aussie accent was so thick, whispering in my ear.

I smiled up at him. "Harry says that."

"I know. That's where I heard it from," he chuckled. 

I smiled at him momentarily, but my smile dissapeared when I remembered the page. I put my head down. A single tear slipped down my cheek, and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. Ashton lifted my head to look at him.

"I want you to know that we all care about you. Those five boys care about you. Me, Luke, Calum and Michael care about you. And there's a good few fans that care about you. What those haters say isn't true. We all love you." He hugged me and I hugged him back.

After a while, the concert was over and they came off stage. I wasn't going to tell them about the hate page.

"Tay, we're going to the food court for ice-cream, you coming?" Liam asked.

I shook my head. "I'll be there in a little while."

"Okay, don't run off anywhere." Louis smiled.

"I won't."

The nine boys all ran off the where ever the food court was. They were shouting and jumping off the stage. Once they were out of sight, I walked out on stage. All the fans were gone and it was quiet and empty. I saw the drum set was up on a high platform. I sat down on the ground, my back leaning against the platform where the drums were set. Rubbing a hand over my face, I took my phone out of my pocket and went onto the hate page again. I read each horrible tweet, inhaling every word. It was all true. Slut, whore, attention seeker, bitch, just a charity case. It was all true.

I lifted my head. I could see the boys at the back of the arena, throwing food at each other, laughing and having fun. All I could think about was how they were having fun because... I wasn't there. I bet if I walked over there now, they would stop having fun, stop laughing and throwing food.

Tears were pouring down my cheeks and I viciously wiped them away with the back of my hand. The things these people--people who don't even know me--are saying really hurt me. They don't even know who I am and they're calling me horrible things.

I looked at the boys again. They were sitting around eating popcorn and ice-cream, throwing popcorn at each other every now and again. They were laughing and joking, having fun, without me. That's how it's better; without me.

Harry turned and saw me sitting on the stage. I pulled my knee's close to my chest and hid my face in them, still looking at the horrible things being said about me on my phone. I could feel the wet tears trickling down my cheek and staining my jeans.

I could hear foot steps coming closer by the step, then I heard a small plump. I lifted my head out of my knees to see Harry sitting next to me.

He gave me a weak smile before he noticed I was crying and his smile faded. He cupped his hands around my face and wiped my cheeks with his thumbs. "What's wrong, love?"

I looked down at my phone and quickly exited off the Twitter page. Putting my phone down, I looked back up at Harry and faked a smile. "Nothing... I just got something in my eye." I lied.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, Harry, I'm fine..." I looked away from Harry. "Go have fun. I'm tired, I'll just sit here," I said.

"Okay then, come down whenever you want." He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and ran off to the boys.

I pulled my phone out and turned on the Twitter account once again. I began reading more and more hate. All of it was true. All the horrible names were true.

"That's bullshit."

I turned around quickly. There was a boy around Niall's age, sitting at the drums leaning over the set to read my phone with me. He was really cute. He smiled at me. "I'm Josh Devine. I'm the drummer." He climbed down and set next to me. "You don't believe all that shit, do you?"

"I don't know, it's kind of true..." I looked down, away from Josh.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me around to look at him. He looked me dead in the eyes. "None of that is true, Tay, you're a lovely girl. Much prettier then the boys described you."

I smiled; I could tell I was blushing. "Thanks Josh."

"Here, I can prove it..." He reached into his pocket.

He took out his phone and logged into Twitter. He typed away a bit and then my phone buzzed. 

He tweeted: "@JoshDevineDrumsSittin here with @Tay_x Y u guys hatin her? shes awesome, really cool, nice girl."

I smiled at him. He really is a sweet guy. "Can you play the drums for me?" I asked sweetly.

He smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hips and lifted me up onto the platform, getting up behind me. He sat down at the drums and I sat beside him. He began playing.

Josh was really talented with the drums. He put his sticks down once he had finished and smiled at me. "What did you think?"

"I think you're really talented, Josh." I smiled at me.

My phone began buzzing like mad and after trying to ignore it the entire time he played, I finally took it out. It was the hate page.

'First Harry then Ashton now Josh? You whore'

'You really are such a slutty bitch'

'I don't no if words can describe how much of a fat whore you are'

'Fat, Fat, Fat. Did I mention you were FAT?'

Those really hurt me.

Josh took my phone from my hands, locked it and put it in his pocket. He pulled me into a side hug and whispered in my ear. "They're just jealous 'cause you got to sleep with Styles," he chuckled.

I pulled back and laughed. "Josh! Oh my God! How do you know that?" I hid my face with my sleeve, giggling with him.

"Louis told me. That doesn't make you a slut Tay, it makes you someone who enjoys pleasure." He nodded at me and bumped his shoulder against mine lightly.

"Thanks Josh. You really know how to make somebody smile." I giggled.

He lifted his hands in mock appreciation. "I do try my best. Shall we join the boys for popcorn and ice-cream?"

"Um... I don't thin-"

I was cut off by him picking me up and putting me over his shoulder. I laughed as her ran and jumped off the big stage, holding my thighs tight. He ran towards the laughing boys and we sat down with them and ate popcorn and ice-cream and talked about, well, everything.

About an hour later, we all went back to our busses. The 5SOS boys went back to their bus, Josh went the band's bus and the boys went back to our bus.

I fell back onto the couch and groaned. My back hurt from the lying on the ground while the boys painted my face with ice-cream.


Niall came in with a tub of popcorn just after I finished groaning. He plopped down next to me, munching away at his food. He leaned over and began licking the dry ice-cream off my cheek. I laughed as I reached over and took a hand full of popcorn. While bringing it to my lips, Niall reached over and ate the popcorn out of my hand quickly, biting my fingers in the process. It was safe to say he was a little bit drunk. I didn't know they would sell beer at a One Direction concert, unless he brought some there himself.

"Stop it Niall!" I laughed as he licked my face some more, his breath stinking of alcohol and popcorn.

"Tastes so-" he spoke between licks and licked my cheek again, "good."

I pushed him back, laughing as he rolled of the couch and landed on the ground. He lay there and shut his eyes. I began laughing as he fell into deep sleep on the floor.

Harry came in and smiled at me. I was still sleeping with Harry even if we weren't dating. He looked at Niall and chuckled, then brought his attention back to me. "Time for bed. We have a surprise for you tomorrow." He picked me up bridal style.

"What is it?" I yawned.

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

I shook my head.

He lay me on his bunk and kissed my head. "I'll be in bed later. Goodnight, beautiful."

"Goodnight Harry."

He left. I slowly drifted off into a deep sleep, worrying about the Twitter hate.

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