"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!"
"What?" I yelled, digging my face further into my pillow.
"YOU'RE UP!" Whoever that was pulled my shoulder. I rolled out of bed and landed on my back.
"What do you want?" I groaned, rubbing my face.
"We want to give you your surprise now."
My eyes shot open, there stood Liam, Zayn and Louis. I could hear Niall snoring in the bunk over mine. Where's Harry?
I stood up. I noticed I was still in the same clothes as yesterday. I grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom. I took a shower, washing my hair and body, and then I got out and tied my hair in a high pony tail. I threw on a Superman tanktop and skinny jeans with blue Converse. I applied a small amount of makeup and walked out.
Zayn dragged me into the kitchen and up to the living room door, and there stood Harry.
"Just go in. You'll like it. You're welcome!" Harry smiled.
"What?" I was pushed in the door without another word.
They shut the door behind me. I looked around the room, It was quiet... too quiet.
I jumped out of my skin before turning around, there standing behind the couch. "Rain! Kayden!" I ran at them and jumped over the couch, landing in there arms. I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks as I laughed with them. "What are you guys dong here?"
"The boys said you seemed down lately," Rain said.
"They said we would be able to cheer you up!" Kayden smiled.
"You did. How long are you guys staying?" I asked.
"Only a day. When we're stopped in Vegas, we'll take you out to for the day. We should be at Vegas in, like, ten minutes," Rain explained.
After annoying the boys for a while, we stopped in Vegas. Rain, Kayden and I pilled out of the bus and walked around the town.
We were just walking around for a while. It began to get dark around nine. I turned to the two. "Let's go to one of those celebrity clubs." I smiled.
"How will we get in?" Kayden asked.
"I'll tell them I'm Louis' cousin."
"Are you?" Rain asked me.
"Uhh... Yeah," I lied.
"Okay, I know a good one!" Kayden said. I ran at him and jumped on his back. He carried me there, Rain following close by our side.
When we got there, we saw a huge line. I walked to the front and explained that Louis Tomlinson sent me and he'll be here soon, they let me in. Suckers.
There was a ton of celebrities. My phone began buzzing in my pocket. I checked the name; Harry x
"Hey Haz!" I shouted over the music.
"Where are you guys?" he asked.
"Harry, when somebody says hey, you're supposed to say hey back," I laughed, trying to annoy him.
"Hey, now answer me!"
"I'm in Narnia, Harry," I said, laughing again.
"I'm not playing games, Tay, where are you?"
"I'm playing games with the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. Bye, Harry!"
"Ta-" I hung up before he could answer.
We had a lot of fun dancing and meeting celebrities. They only had beer here so I decided to take one, just one.
One beer turned into a lot of beer and before I knew it, I was wasted. I was chugging down bottles of beer like it was my job. The worst part is, I'm way under age.
"Demi Lovato, hey girl!" I slurred, falling onto her.
"Hi, Tay right? Are you okay?" she asked, holding my arms tightly.
I began laughing like a mad lady. "I'm okie dokie. Bye, now!" I waved.
I stumbled over to my sober friends while they just laughed at my drunken state.
"You guys so silly," I mumbled. I placed my hand over Kayden's face and he laughed. "I'm getting another beer!" I slurred.
I made my way over to the bar and bought another bottle of beer. I chugged it down very quickly, droplets spilling out of my mouth and onto my shirt. Once I finished, I put the bottle down on the counter and turned around, instantly tripping and falling into someone's arms. "Are you drunk, Tay?"
I looked up to see I was in Liam's arms, the boys stood behind him. I stood up and stood right in front of him. "Maybe I drank the pints!" I giggled.
"We can smell it in your breath," Zayn said, giving me a sour face.
I began laughing, snorting with my laughter. Liam stood back, probably to get away from my horrible breath. Suddenly, I began feeling terribly sick. I stopped and held one hand over my stomach and the other over my mouth before looking and Liam and quickly turning away. I ran into the bathroom, hearing footsteps follow quickly behind me. I ran into a stall and vomited, a lot. Someone pulled my hair back and rubbed circles in my back. "Liam is driving Rain and Kayden to the airport."
I sat back and leaned on the toilet seat as whoever was behind me handed some tissue, allowing me to wipe me lips with it before throwing it down the toilet too. Slowly, I stood and walked to the sink, Niall walking behind me. I cleaned my face and turned around to hug Niall. "Sorry," I chocked out.
"It's okay, but the boys are going to kill you," he sighed, rubbing my back some more.
He picked me up bridal style and carried me out. There stood three angry looking boys. We walked out to a car and got in. I fell asleep instantly.
"She's turning out to be a lot more trouble then we thought..." Liam's voice said.
"She's just going through on of those phases," Zayn sighed.
"She's in a lot of trouble," Louis said, sternly.
I groaned loudly and rolled off... whatever I was sleeping on. I hit the ground and opened my eyes to see the boys looking down at me. "Good morning." I smiled, sweetly. I had a pumping headache. Never again am I drinking.
"Tay, how could you be so stupid. You... a seventeen-year-old girl, going off and getting drunk. Why did you do that?!" Louis yelled.
I sat up and pulled my legs into my chest, resting my chin on my knee'. "I dunno, I'm really sorry..." I trailed off. I lied, I did know. It was because of all the hate I'm getting.
"We're very disappointed in you, Tay. What if the paparazzi got pictures of you?" Liam said. The whole time Harry sat silently. Niall nodded to what the boys said.
"I know, Liam. I'm sorry," I mumbled.
"Why didn't you think before you acted? That was really stupid of you. God, why did you do that? You could ruin our career!" Zayn said.
I stood up. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to you call me stupid, I said I was sorry and I regret it, okay? Enough people call me stupid on Twitter, I don't need you guys doing it too!" I shouted. I quickly opened the Twitter page and threw my phone at them, then ran into the bathroom.
She threw her phone at us and ran into the bathroom. I picked it up off the ground; it was logged onto her Twitter and on a Twitter page. A hate page towards her.
The boys crowded around me. I scrolled through the feed. The things they wrote was down right awful. We've all been sent hate but this... this was sickening. I could hear the boys breathing heavily, except Harry. He was silent the whole time.
I looked up at him. His mouth was open slightly. He looked truly annoyed... and hurt. They were calling him names as well. But, why?
Liam put and arm around Harry. I scrolled through more of the feed; it only kept getting worse.
Harry removed himself from Liam's grasp and headed to the bathroom to Tay.
Why they said that is beyond me. I did nothing, neither did Tay. But for some reason we deserved this?
I opened the bathroom door to see she was sat on the toilet seat with a razor in her hand, not moving to make any use of it though. Slowly, I shut the door and knelt down in front of her, resting my hand on her knee. "You're not supposed to mess with those, you know," I said, quietly.
"I know..." she whispered.
I took it out of her hands before she hurt herself and placed it on the floor beside her before holding her hands. "None of that is true, okay? You're a beautiful girl and none of that is true."
"Harry, where's your laptop?" she asked, finally looking me in the face.
"It's in the living room, why?"
"Can we do a twitcam?" she asked.
"Simon said we can't be seen together..." I trailed off, rubbing her knee soothingly.
"I don't give a shit right now, Harry," she groaned, throwing her head back.
"Okay," I mumbled.
I picked her up bridal style and carried her out. I walked past the lads, ignoring them as I went into the living room and sat her on the couch. I handed her my laptop and took out my phone, tweeting:
"@Harry_Styles: Doing A twitcam with a cool girl. Her hair is many colors."
By this time, Tay had it on. I stuck my head in and smiled then waved. "Hello!"
"Hi everybody," Tay said, blankly.
The horrible comments poured in almost instantly. Tay took a deep breath and started a little rant.
"Did I do something to make you hate me? I dated Harry for a bit, I didn't murder your puppy. Hating me isn't going to make him like you anymore. But if that's not it then what is it? You all know he's never going to love you for it. You're hating me, and for what? To make yourself feel better? Well, why me? I did nothing to you people, but you still seem to hate me so much..."
People were now commenting thing like, 'You're a slut for hooking up with a 19 year old' and things like that.
"A slut..." she scoffed. "I'm no slut. Look at me! Look at this! This is my life and doesn't effect anyone but me, why are you bothered if I'm a slut? Age is just a number-"
"But maturity is a choice." I finished off for her. She looked up at me and smiled. She then turned back to the camera.
"And if you hate on me, you think that'll make him want you?" she asked, sticking her thumb towards me.
"Because it won't," I said.
The lads all came in then and sat around us on the couch. They were all able to be seen on the twitcam and they all waved.
"We all saw what you people are saying about our angel, Tay," Louis said, wrapping an arm around Tay and pulling her into his chest.
Then a comment came up. A harsh one:
'Angel? hahaha, angel from the strip club. is that her prostitute name? how many of u guys did she ride? all of u? jesus, ur all delusional'
We all set our eyes on Tay. She dropped here head and shook it, finally letting herself break down and cry. She put the laptop on the coffee table and sat back in the couch, panting and huffing. We were all in clear view of the twitcam now. I pulled her onto my lap and rocked her back and forth as she balled. "Shh... It's a lie."
Just by looking at her I could tell she was so sad. I looked into the camera, sighing. "Is there a reason you really hate her? She and Harry were dating. I bet there are twelve-year-old's out there that wish they could've done what she did with Harry. So what's the point? You all wanted to, right?"
"She's a great girl and really doesn't deserve any of that. Please, if you're a real fan, you'll leave her alone," Zayn begged.
"She is a little angel. A great girl, a girl that doesn't deserve this. Just stop," Niall said.
"You guys don't even know me... none of you know me. You know my name, you don't know me. You see the rumors, you don't see me," Tay said into Harry's chest, but loud enough for the people watching to hear.
In the comments, people began to ask her what is her story. Tay climbed off Harry and sat on the ground in front of the camera, wiping her stained cheeks.
"It's a long story, but I've got time," I said.
"From when my mom married my step-dad, everything got bad. He was sick--horrible! He'd get drunk and he'd hit me and hurt me in all kinds of way and I had to take it. Then school was even worse, I'd go there everyday just to get abused and beaten on. I stopped eating and became tiny and started to reflect all my pain on myself, and I still have scars! But I got the privilege of meeting these amazing boys and got the opportunity to be part of their family, and everything was good again. Until I come online and see all the bullshit people here say to me."
I had tears pouring down my cheeks as I carried on. "The worst part is... you made me believe it. All of it. No matter how many times I got told it wasn't true, I believed it. That's what happens when you break someone, and you all broke me. I was fixed, I was better, I was doing so good and all of you broke me again. So for that, thanks," I said and turned off the twitcam before I could read anymore of the stuff people said.
I looked up at the boys with tears in my eyes.
"Are you okay?" Louis asked.
I shook my head. "I've a scar on my heart."
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