Tay, three weeks later.
I woke up in Harry's arms with a headache.
"Butterflies, unicorn, ice-cream... very loudly! And an egg!" I screamed, sitting up, my head spinning.
I sat up to quickly and fell out of bed, landing on my back. I lay on the ground, laughing. I thought, What would it be like to be a narwhal? The unicorn of the sea.
"Narwhal," I said, staring at the ceiling.
I looked around to see the boys all staring at me, worried and confused looks on their faces. "What, is there a puppy on my nose?" I asked, holding a hand to my face.
"Are you alright?" Liam asked.
I stared at him. "When did you get hair?"
"Tay, what's wrong with you?" Niall asked, leaning his chin in his hand and watching me.
"You silly sunflower, go back to the garden," I giggled.
"She's having a mid-life crisis," Zayn laughed.
"Like what happened to Harry during the X-factor?" Louis asked.
"I wasn't that bad, Lou," Harry said.
"You were going around, licking a cat and singing, 'I lick pussy'," Niall chuckled.
I began laughing like a crazy lady. I didn't even know what's wrong with me. "Harry, you're so stupid!"
"Did somebody drug her or something?" Zayn asked.
"What time should we arrive in Narnia?" I asked.
"Harry, carry her to the living room." Liam instructed.
Harry picked me up bridal style. I reached up and licked his cheek. "Woof, I'm a turtle."
Harry chuckled a bit as he laid me on the couch. He wrapped me in a blanket. Zayn came in and handed me a hot-chocolate. Before he left, I grabbed his wrist and said to him. "If I open my ears, can you see my brain?"
"I dunno, Tay." He shrugged. I pouted and then began laughing again.
"What's so funny?" Niall asked.
I stopped laughing and then put on a serious face. "Would you love me if I was a narwhal?"
"What's a narwhal?" Louis asked.
"A narwhal is only the unicorn of the ocean and sea!" I answered, shouting.
"Yeah, we would." Liam said.
"Then when we goin' to Narnia?" I held my hands up in the air and shook them.
"We're not, Tay." Harry said.
I poked his nose. "Where's the snooze button?"
Liam came over and grabbed my shoulders, lying me down. I sat up and turned around, glaring at him. He looked confused. "Tay, wha-" I cut him off by punching him straight in the nose.
"YOU DO NOT TALK TO ME!" I screamed.
I jumped on him and he fell to the ground. I straddled him and began punching and slapping him everywhere, but thankfully I was pulled off him by Niall.
He had his arms around my stomach as he was holding me up so I squirmed in his grip and he dropped me. I turned around and kicked him in the crotch, not even realizing what I was doing. He wheezed over in pain, holding his jewels. I then knee'd him in the chest and he fell to the ground. I have no clue why I was acting like this, or how to stop it. My head was still spinning.
I ran out of the room and into the kitchen. While I was running past Zayn, he grabbed my wrist. I turned around quickly and pulled at his hair and that was enough to make him scream and let go. I then ran past Louis. He grabbed my hips. I screamed out in pain; I still had a bruise on my hip. I turned around and also kicked him in the crotch. When he bent forward to hold himself, I pushed him over.
I ran straight for the window and opened it up. The bus wasn't moving really fast, but pretty fast. The air blew my long hair back. I turned to see Harry helping Louis, and Zayn helping Liam and Niall. I smiled and shouted, "I'M GOING TO NARNIA! TO NARNIAAAAAA!" I then started to climb out the window and lift myself onto the roof of the moving bus--the fact that I didn't fall surprisedme. We were on the highway. People in other cars glared at me as I sat on the roof of the bus. I then lay down on my stomach and looked down at Harry, who was leaning out of the window.
"Get in here, Tay!" he screamed.
"Narnia isn't in there," I said, casually.
My arms dangled down over the side of the bus. Harry grabbed them and pulled me down, I fell down and my back hit the side of the bus. I was dangling out the window of the bus, only being held by Harry. His grip and my wrists tightened as he tried to pull me in.
"Pull me in, Harry! Pull me in!" I screamed and kicked around.
"I'm trying, stop squirming!" he shouted.
He groaned as he pulled me in. When I got in, we both fell to the floor, panting. I shut my eyes and was out like a light.
She was finally asleep. Where did all that come from? What was that?
"What just happened?" I said.
I stood up off the ground, leaving Tay lie there. Louis and Niall were holding ice pack's to there crotches and Liam was cleaning his bloody nose. Zayn had already fixed his hair.
"I do not know," Louis said.
"It could be her 'monthly thing'," Zayn said, using air quotations.
"She wouldn't act like that though, she would just be all pissed," Niall said.
Liam came over and picked her up bridal style. He went into the living room and came back out without her after lying her down on the couch.
"Did she eat anything strange when she was with you last night, Harry?" Zayn asked.
I tried to remember last night.
"Do it as a laugh. It'll be funny!" I laughed.
"Harry, It could kill me," she whined.
"No it won't, you'll be fine. The most it would do is make you a little loopy!"
She sighed opened Zayn's tube of hair conditioner and began squeezing it all into her mouth.
I laughed. The boys looked at me. "She ate Zayn's hair conditioner."
"The edible kind?" Niall asked. I smiled and nodded.
"That's probably it then..." Louis said.
Great, now I feel like this is my fault. I made her eat it.
When I woke up I had a pounding headache. What just happened? I thought. I could barely remember anything. I remember hanging out the window, and narwhals. Lot's of narwhals.
I walked out and into the kitchen. Zayn, Liam and Harry were talking. Louis and Niall were resting and holding an ice-pack on their crotches. What?
"What happened to you two?" I asked.
The five boys looked at me like I was crazy. Liam had a bruised nose and a small cut on his cheek. "What happened, Liam?"
"Don't you remember?" Zayn asked.
"I remember dangling out the window, and narwhals. A lot of them."
"You kicked us..." Niall said.
I looked at him. "Where did I kick you?"
They looked down at the ice-packs then back at me. I nodded and gave an, 'ohh'. I then looked at Liam. "Did I do that?"
He nodded. I pulled them all into a group hug. "I'm so sorry guys. I don't even remember it."
"It's okay, baby girl," Niall whispered.
My headache began getting worse. I sat on the stool on the counter and put my elbows up, my face in my palms and groaned. I lifted my head, the room was spinning. Two Harry's were sitting in front of me. Or is that Jacob Skelton? Nope, two Harry's.
"Are you okay?" the Harry's said.
I groaned. I now had a pounding headache. It was getting worse by the second. I turned around in the stool. There stood two Zayn's. Do I know of a Zayn look alike? Nope, two Zayn's.
"Oh god," I groaned.
"You alright, love?" Zayn's asked.
I groaned. The headache kept getting worse. I stood up but quickly fell to my knees. Louis and Harry ran over to me instantly and Louis put his hand on my waist, helping me up. "Lean on me, love," he whispered.
I looked up at the two boys and then fell to the ground. I lied on my back, the noises around me were muffled. The boys were rushing around while Harry stayed with me, holding me. I could barely see him properly and couldn't hear him properly. I could feel myself being picked up and brought somewhere.
After a while I was in a hospital. Doctors and nurses were doing stuff with me. I don't what they were doing. My eyelids began getting heavier. Then, it all went dark.
I opened my eyes and looked around. There was nothing but white. Then, I saw a figure.
"Who are you?" I asked
"I am your angel." Wait... what?
"I'm d-dead?"
"Not yet. You have a choice to keep living and possibly die a more painful death later, or say goodbye to life now."
"How painful?"
"A lot of pain. But in this pain, you have to keep fighting for life," my angel said. "But first, I'm going to show you what happens if you say goodbye to life." I nodded.
Suddenly, we were in my hospital room. The boys were there, all in tears. Harry was the worst. They were trying to revive me. A nurse turned to the boys. "We lost her.... I'm so sorry."
My hand slapped over my mouth as I watched the boys break down. "How did this happen to me?" I asked
"You were highly allergic to the conditioner." I'm so stupid for eating that.
"What happened to the boys after?"
"They never smiled again, ever. Not even for photo shoots or interviews. They covered their skin in tattoo's, even Niall. After a year, they broke up."
"All because I died?" Tears streamed down my cheek.
"You were the missing piece in their lives. You can say goodbye and let this happen, or possible die later in pain. I'm going to unfreeze time and let you decide. Make the right choice, Tay."
I was scared. I could die in pain in the next few weeks or possibly live. Or die in peace now. My decision is final.
BANG. The shock traveled through my body. BANG, and again. BANG.
My eyes flew open. The pain going through my body right now was unbearable; I screamed in pain. The five sets of teary eyes were on me as I had needles being put into me. I screamed in pain every time a new needle was put in. Conditioner; it kills.
"That should do it," the nurse said.
She went to talk to the boys, handing them some medication. "She'll be in a lot of pain for the next few weeks. Be gentle with her. Give her three of these each day. You can take her home later today, I think." The boys nodded.
I was attacked by loving hugs. I winced when they made contact. "Am I going to be okay?" I asked, when they sat back.
"You'll be fine after about two weeks," Louis said.
I could tell they've all been crying, but Harry looked terrible. He looked a real mess.
I put my arms out, signalling him to hug me. He sat on my bed and wrapped me in his big arms. I signaled the other boys to join our hug and they did.
A doctor came in after our hug. "We ran some tests, she's free to go home. But it's best to keep her off her feet so you will be taking a wheel-chair home."
We all groaned. That's the last thing I wanted, to be stuck in a wheelchair for the next two weeks. I was lifted onto the wheelchair and wheeled myself out of the room. This was actually kind of fun. When we got to the exit, Harry wheeled me out. There was a ton of paparazzi throwing questions at us. I faked a smile at them.
One Week later.
The pain wasn't as bad, but I've been really down lately. I haven't been smiling, whenever I did It was a fake smile. I don't why I've been so down lately.
I groaned as I climbed off the couch and hobbled into the bathroom. Yes, I was off the wheelchair. I took a quick shower washing my hair and body. I dried myself and threw on some sweats and ugg's with a baggy T-shirt. I hobbled out and sat at the counter across from Liam.
"How ye feelin', love?" he asked.
"Sore and tired," I mumbled. The only reason I was extra pissed today is because of my period. Dumb girl body. "Is there any chocolate?"
Liam handed me a bag of mini chocolate bars from a cabinet under the counter. I scoffed them down quickly.
I stumbled back into the living room and sat down next to Harry on the couch. I rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.
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