Chapter Ten: Next Time

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One week later.

I woke up with an aching headache. I didn't know why.

I was glad to be home, but I had to keep the cast on my arm for a long time, it was badly broken. The scar on my face hadn't gone, or healed at all. It didn't hurt that much, but people stared at me. The bruises cleared up and I only have a few light cuts on my body.

I never took off the charm bracelet Kayden got me.

I rolled out of bed and dragged myself into the bathroom. Once looking in the mirror, I sighed. I was going to have to go back to school with that next week. The scar.

I pulled my clothes off and put a plastic bag on my cast. Then, I hopped into the shower, the warm water soothing my skin. Let me just say it is more than impossible to wash you're hair with a plastic bag on you're hand, but I did!

I got out soon later and dried my body. I took the plastic bag off and attempted to dry my hair. It was hard.

"You need any help?" Harry asked from outside the door, starting me.

I wrapped myself in a towel before opening the door, "Will you dry my hair?" I asked, handing him the hair dryer.

With a smile he took it.. He dried my hair and brushed it, then curled it. May I just say it looks better then anyway I ever did.

"Thanks Harry!" I hugged him.

"We have to go to the studio so let's go eat, get dressed." He kissed my head and went down stairs.

I wore a sweater with some skinny jeans and black vans.My sleeve wouldn't go over my cast so I rolled it up, showing off the bright green.

"Good morning!" I smiled, sitting at the table.

"Vormin'," Niall mumbled with a mouth full of pancakes.

I giggled as he smiled. Harry placed a plate of pancakes in front of me and Liam gave me a cup of tea. "Thanks!" I ate it and was suddenly lifted out of my seat. I was thrown over somebody's shoulder and the person was holding my legs. It wasn't Harry or Liam or Niall.

Zayn doesn't just wake up and do this; Louis

"TO NARNIAAAAA!" he yelled before running to the car. "Or the studio, either works."

All the boys ran behind us, laughing. Louis threw me in the car before getting in the front, Niall in shot gun, me at the window, Harry next to me and across from me was Zayn with Liam next to him.

Louis and Niall sang along to the radio, loudly. Liam and Zayn were talking about stuff I didn't care about so I took and nap.

I lay my head against the window and dozed off.

My eyes shot open and I jolted up. I had been leaning on my cast so my arm hurt, causing me to wake with a pain.

"You alright?" Harry put his arm around me. I nodded before laying my head on his shoulder and casually playing with the charms on my bracelet.

"We're here!" Harry called, then picked me up bridal style. He carried me in and up the stairs. When we got there he sat me on the couch.

Lou, their stylist, came in shortly after us with Lux. I really liked Lux, she's adorable. I must have been staring at the adorable baby. "Can you hold her for me?" Lou asked. I nodded eagerly.

She sat the baby on my lap. Lux looked at my arm and giggled, she began knocking on the hard cast and laughing. She looked up at me, her little finger running over my scar, "Boo-boo," she whispered.

I reached over and grabbed a black marker from the table. I told her she could draw on my arm. She drew her name in messy writing and a flower on my cast. I giggled at how cute she was.

Paul came in and sat next to me. I got along well with Paul, he was teaching me self defense, but I have to wait until my arm is better to start up again. He smiled at me and ruffled my hair.

"How's you're arm?" he asked.

"Good, drawn on." I looked at Lux who was smiling.

Paul chuckled. The boys came out of the dressing room then, all dressed up and hair and make-up done.

"We're going to a signing." Niall smiled.

"Can Lux come and keep Tay company?" Harry asked.

"Sure, bring her back afterwards." Lou smiled, sending a Harry a glare as if to make sure to keep Lux safe.

We all piled into the car after leaving the studie. Lux sat on my lap and played with my hair the majority of the ride. She giggled at the funny faces I was making. She was so cute.

We got to the empty mall not long later. I checked the time on my phone; 11:47. I sighed.

I held Lux on my hip as we walked over to the table. There was a long table with five seats, behind it was another long table up against a Take Me Home sign. The second table was for them to put the gifts they got.

The boys sat at the table, Paul behind them and some other bodyguards I haven't seen before in front of them.

Me and Lux sat behind them on the other table, Paul next to us, standing. I crossed my legs onto the table and held Lux on my knee.

The fans were already pilling in,  and after a half hour the mall was full with screaming fans, it was crazy. Lux held her hands over her ears; she really did look cute.

A few fans waved at me and Lux and asked if I was okay, others gave me dirty looks, probably because of the scar.

They be jelly of my sexiness, I thought and laughed lightly to myself.

They got the most ridiculous gifts; Liam got a good few spoons, Louis got a ton of carrots, Zayn got a couple of mirrors, Niall got a lot of food and Ireland stuff and Harry only got envelopes. He was going to read them when we got home.

I was curious to see what nice things they'd say to him so I took one and opened it. I nearly let out a scream when I saw it, there was a pack of condoms and a note, I read the note. It read:

Hey Harry, just in case you and Tay are going to have some fun again. -Maya.

They were all as horrible as that. It made me feel even more of a slut.

The thing about this signing is that the fans had more time to talk to the boys because there was less fans. So I took the note and sat in and extra seat next to Harry. I handed him his water bottle and he thanked me.

"What did the notes say?" he asked, glancing at me.

"Oh, just the fans giving you condoms for the next time we hook up," I said, almost flinching at my own words. Harry looked at me like I was crazy. He took the note off of me, almost ripping it as he snatched it off me. He looked taken back and annoyed.

A fan came up to me and gave me a note then. "For you and Harry." She smiled.

I gave her a death glare and stood up, my chair falling back. I grabbed her shirt and pulled her forward over the table. I looked her dead in the eye and she smirked. "If it's another box of condoms, take it back and use it on yourself, little girl." I pushed her back and she smiled again.

"Come get me, Scar Face." She smirked and crossed her arms, eyeing me up and down.

Before anyone could stop me, I jumped over the table and tackled her to the ground. We were wrestling each other. I could hear Lux laughing and clapping. I could hear Harry, but couldn't make out what he was saying

"Listen you little whore, I'm pretty sure your charity owners threw you in front of that fucking truck to fix your fugly-ass face, Scar Face!" she scoffed, screaming the horrible name in my face.

I was about to punch her before I was suddenly grabbed by the hips by an angry-looking Niall.

"She is the complete opposite to a slut, she is beautiful! If you ever mention the truck again, it will be the last thing you say. And I personally think that scar makes her look cool, like a bad-ass. She's our bad-ass!" Niall sat me on his hip.

I smiled and hugged him while the crowed 'Awwww'd'. A security guard escorted her out instantly after.

Niall handed me over to Harry and I hugged him tight, not wanting to let go. He set me down and I hugged Niall again. "Thanks Niall!" I gushed.

"Anything for you, princess!" He kissed my head.

The signing only lasted for another hour after that. We took Lux home and went to Nando's.

All the boys got out and Harry hesitated. He fell back in his seat and moaned holding his head.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you go in, I'm not hungry. My head hurts."

"I'm not hungry either, lets go home," I said, squeezing his hand.

Harry nodded, and we both climbed into the front of the van, driving back to our home.

When we got home, he carried me inside and upstairs, into my room. We both lay on my huge bed. I kicked my shoes off. His arms wrapped around me.

I looked up at him to see his green eyes that reminded me of summer already looking at me. He had the most beautiful eyes, so perfect. I smiled at him.

"You are the most beau-" I cut him off.

 I put my finger on his lips to shush him. "You don't need to say it." 

He reached down and his lips touched mine, they were cold and soft.

Without hesitation, Harry rolled me over and got on top of me, sliding my tongue into his mouth.

I tugged at his shirt and pulled it off. I need to get him to explain his tattoos to me one day, I thought. I rubbed his torso with one hand and with the other, just kept it on his back.

Harry pressed his chest against mine. I moved both hands to his back. He began biting and sucking my neck, leaving love bites. A lot of them.

He quickly ripped my sweater off, leaving me in only my bra underneath. I don't think he knew that at the time but it didn't matter. He's seen me naked.

He kissed me hard and rough. I felt his hands go behind my back. He un-clasped my bra, before he took it off he looked at me. I nodded, allowing him do whatever he wanted.

He took it off and pressed his big hands to my breasts, massaging them. He began leaving more love bites down my neck. I was about to go for his pants but I heard the front door open and close.

"We're home!" Liam's voice rang through the house, interrupting us.

Harry fell off me quickly and threw his shirt on. I got my bra and sweater and put them on. We both opened the door and all the boys were standing there, snickering.

"What were ya doing?" Niall laughed.

"Nothing," Harry said.

"Nothing, you're a terrible liar," Louis scoffed.

They all went off laughing. Harry snickered too before turning to look down at me.

"Next time."

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