Chapter Eleven: Not yet

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I jolted up quickly and fell out of bed landing on my broken arm, causing me to moan in pain. Upon finally waking up, I checked the date on my phone; September 13th.

I smiled, remembering it was Niall's birthday. We're going out to dinner with his family.

I searched threw my closet for the present I got him. He broke his iPhone so I got him a new iPhone 5s. Well, Harry payed for it but it's from me.

I ran downstairs, smiling to myself when I saw they were all in the kitchen. Niall had a huge smile on his face. He always did but today it seemed more... happy.

I ran up and hugged him from behind before shouting in his ear without hesitation, "Happy birthday Niall!"

He turned around and hugged me, a grin taking over his features. "Thanks Tay!"

"Here you go." I handed him the small box wrapped in paper.

"You didn't have to get me anything!" 

"Well I did. Open it." We both sat at the table as he teared the lovely wrapping paper. 

He smiled so big that he looked like his face would rip when he saw it. He hugged me tightly. "Thanks Tay. Just what I needed!"

"Anything for you, my leprechaun!" I squeezed his cheeks.

After breakfast, I went upstairs to have a shower. Because my arm was sore it was almost impossible to wash my hair. I groaned loudly from the immense pain.

"You need any help?" Harry asked from outside my door.

"Yeah, can you wash my hair?"

I could hear him chuckle and he walked in. I handed him the shampoo and conditioner and turned around. Let me just say that Harry has the hands of and angel.

When I got out, he did my hair all pretty for the dinner. Well, just curly but it was nice.

Once I was wrapped up in a towel, I turned around and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Thank you."

"Anything. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure." He sat me down on the bed, seriousness taking over him.

"I could hear you crying last night. I tried to wake you but... you wouldn't. Why were you crying?" I had to tell him; I knew he wasn't going to let it go.

"I um... I was dreaming. Actually, it was more of a nightmare. It was about a time I got beat up after school. But I'm good, see!" Hiding my fake pain, I sent him the biggest smile I could, cringing by how fake I was being.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "You're too optimistic, you know." He kissed my head, clearly not worried about me anymore. "Time to get dressed." With that, he smiled at me and left.

I wore a white tank top with a black bow on it, some sparkly shorts and sandals, the bracelet Kayden got me and my purse. It would have looked nicer if I didn't have this scar and my bright green cast. 

My purse was empty so I got my phone and ear plugs, just in case. My wallet, too, and some extra lip gloss.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed at the big, noticeable scar going across my face. I couldn't wear makeup on it in fear of it getting so easily infected, so I put on a pair of sunglasses that covered it, which was stupid because we were eating inside and it's already dark.

I put my ear plugs in and listened to some music, A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope came on. Content with the song playing, I went down stairs and sat on the couch, waiting for the boys.

They came downstairs almost instantly after I sat, all dressed nicely. Not tuxedo's or anything like that, "that's boring," is what Louis would say, but dressed nicely.

Niall came over to me and held his hand out to me, grinning. With a smile sent back at him, I took his hand and stood, letting him and the other lead me outside.

To my surprise, there was no car but a limo waiting to take us to dinner.

We got in the huge limo and there was a flat screen TV, the chairs were really soft, a small disco ball hung from the roof and beer and wine was sat in coasters waiting for us. Of course, Niall had a pint.

We met Niall's family at the restaurant. Niall's mum, Maura, was really nice and sweet, his dad Bobby was very loud. His brother Greg was very nice. The restaurant was fancy. When we walked in a waiter escorted us to a lovely room in the back. 

Almost making me jump from fear, Harry came up behind me and took my sunglasses off of my face, slipping them in his pocket. "Not in here, you're fine, okay?" he whispered. I decided not to answer and just let him have his way.

We sat down and I kept my head down. I didn't wan't them knowing about or seeing my ugly scar.

Harry lifted my head up to look at him. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

I nodded and turned away from him. Maura looked at me and smiled, not caring about my scar.

After hours of waiting for our meal, we ate the delicious dinner. Everything about the meal was perfect and afterwards, everyone sat around chatting to one another, catching up.

While I was listening to a story Liam was telling Zayn and I, Harry leaned in behind me, gripping my shoulder and whispering low in my ear, "Follow me."

He excused himself and stood up. I watched him go out the back and waited a bit before excusing myself too, so nothing would seem suspicious--though everyone obviously realized. I walked out the back and felt him grabbed my hand and drag me around to behind the restaurant to where there was a small beach-like lake.

He took his shoes off and I did the same. Harry picked me up by the waist and sat me on his shoulders. He ran out into the water, holding me so my cast wouldn't get wet. Holding my waist tightly, he moved me in front of him. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. We stared at each other for a bit and I internally laughed at how cringy we were being. Then I leaned down to him and let him kiss me.

He carried me back to the sand and we lay down, still kissing. He lay on top of me and pressed his body against mine. We were hidden by rocks so nobody could see us.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and began searching through the inside of my mouth. Slowly and subtly, he slipped my shirt off and took his off. I had both hands on his back. He went down to my neck and began biting and sucking, hard. That would leave a mark, I thought.

I began pulling his pants down with my feet. He helped a bit and then they were off, hanging down around his ankles. I began playing with the hem of his boxers to tease him while he pulled down my shorts. I could tell he was getting annoyed with me, playing with his boxers. Deciding to tease me back, he hit my soft spot and I leaned forward, moaning into his shoulder. 

I was about to pull down his boxers but he grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear, "Not yet." I sighed, letting him touch me instead.

He began making out with me again. He moved one hand down my pants an began to play with me. I let out yet another moan into his skin and proceeded to leave scratches littering his back.

About three minutes later, he rolled off me, proud with the work he had done with me. He put his clothes back on and I did the same. We were walking back in and he poked my neck and whispered, "That will have a mark in the morning."

We walked in and Niall's family had gone home, leaving the four boys sat at the table. We sat down and the boys were giggling and staring at us

"We didn't do anything," Harry said, raising his hands with a smirk.

"Then why's Tay's shirt on backwards!" Zayn laughed, throwing his hands towards me for exageration.

I looked down at my shirt and Zayn was right, it was backwards. I turned a bright red and walked into the bathroom to fix it.

When I came out, Louis, Niall and Zayn were laughing and Harry had Liam in the corner by a... dirty spoon?

"Take it back!" Harry said.

"Fine! I take it back, I take it back. Just get it away!" Liam pushed Harry back, fear struck across his face.

Harry threw the spoon on the table and smiled at me. We didn't do much afterwards and we went home.

I fell asleep easily that night, hoping for no bad dreams.

Next Morning.

My back was killing me when I woke up. That's what I get for playing around with Harry on the hard ground. I checked the time on my phone; 01:18pm

Wow, I slept in late. I trudged to the bathroom and found out mother nature is a bitch for surprising me like this.

I searched threw my things, looking for something to clean up with. No tampons or pads. I really wasn't in the mood for going to the shop so I threw on a pair of sweats and one of Harry's Jack Willis' and some slippers and tied my hair up in a bun.

"Harryyyyyyy!" I called down the stairs.

He ran up and into my room quickly. "Yeah, are you okay?"

I put on the puppy dog eyes and smiled sweetly at him. "Will you run down to the shop for me?"

"Sure," he said with a smile, no persuasion needed, "what do you need?"

Shit, I forgot he had to know what it was. "Um... you know, girl stuff."

He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "What kind of girl stuff?"

"You know when mother nature comes, and you need that stuff?" He looked even more confused. I sighed. "Pads, Harry."

"Ooooooh! Do I have to?" he whined, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest.

I nodded and giggled. Harry sighed, throwing his arms down by his hips in exaggeration. "Hmpf, fine. Oh, and I told you it would leave a mark." And before I could question him, he rand down the stairs and right out the door.

"What?" I whispered to myself, groaning at his ignorance.

I trudged down stairs, annoyed at myself for being female, and fell down next to Louis on the couch. After taking one glance at me, he began to laugh and poked at a spot on my neck. "Harry did that?" He poked my neck harder. What was he talking about?

Niall and Zayn looked up from their phones on another couch to see what Louis was talking about and began to laugh along with Louis. "Harry's naughty," Zayn laughed, winking at me..

From where Liam was standing and listening to our conversation in the kitchen, he took a small mirror from the windowsill and brought it to me, holding it towards my neck. I looked at my neck and there was a huge hickey. I blushed like hell.

"Awww, look, she's blushing!" Niall laughed.

As if it was right on cue, Harry walked in then, a pack of pads in his hand for not long before he threw them at me and let them hit me for all the boys to see. "There, happy?"

I was as red as a tomato by now and the boys burst out laughing. I ran upstairs and could hear Harry yelling, "What did I do?!"

He's silly in a cute way.

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