Chapter Nine: Hit

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The building was huge. "This will be fun."

I hugged Harry and climbed out of the car. There were people hanging around the outside of the school. I put my head down and began walking an- Oof!

"Watch it!" a girl snarled at me. I had walked right into her and fell back on my bum. Good job, Tay.

I stood up to see a blonde girl, she was pretty, but, her skirt went right up her bum, and her bra was clearly about three sizes to big, her massive boobs almost falling out of her shirt, and she had 4 inches on her heels.

"Sorry, I'm new." I kept my head down.

"That's no excuse for walking into someone!" she barked.

"Well then, maybe if you looked where you were going, you wouldn't need to waste your voice, peasant." I remember Louis calling Zayn that and it made me laugh.

Her eyes widened at me, "Listen here you little bitch." She was much taller and probably older then me, she stood over me looking down at me, I stared up. She continued, "This is my school. You don't come in here and push me around you little bitch!" She pushed my shoulder, acting as if she was some kind of top dog.

I slapped her hand off me, "I don't wanna get slut on me. You might give me herpes."

I walked in, leaving her standing there. It felt good standing up for myself. I had a smile plastered on my face.

I walked over to the office and knocked on the door, "Come in!" a voice called from inside.

"Hi, I'm new, I don't know where my locker--or anything--is." I smiled at the lady sat at the desk.

"Oh, Tay, is it?" I nodded. "Here you go." She handed me a note with a locker number and combo on it. I smiled, nodded at her, and left. My locker was right outside the office so I went over to it. There was a bench and a little drinking fountain 4 lockers down, and a boy sitting on the bench tapping away on his phone.

I put in the combo, but the locker wouldn't open. I jiggled the lock but it wouldn't open. I sighed and gave up, dropping my heavy bag in defeat.

The boy came up to me and lightly moved me over, smiling down at me innocently. He kicked the bottom of the locker and hit the top corner twice with the side of his fist. The locker popped open.

"Thanks." I smiled up at him. He was taller then me, but didn't look much older.

"I'm Kayden!" He held his hand out. I took it in mine and shook it.

"Tay, how old are you?"

"Sixteen, and you?"

"Sixteen." I smiled. He nodded and smiled too.

I picked up my bag and  began putting my books in my locker, keeping the ones I needed in my back. I took out my schedule; English first.

I took out my map and looked at it. Kayden snatched it from me and put it in his back pocket and I looked up at him in shock. He took my schedule too, smiling down at me and sending me a wink. He smirked at it. He was rude in such a cute way.

"We have all the same classes." He handed me back my schedule.

I smiled at him and put it in my locker. When I closed it, he quickly grabbed my hand in his and pulled me away, walking quickly.

He stopped outside a door and smiled down at me before opening it and holding it open for me, too.

"Why are you late, Mr. Brown?" an older teacher said, annoyed.

"I was helping the new student, Mr. P." He gestured to me.

Mr. P looked at a page on his desk and nodded, "Tay Tomlinson?" he questioned, looking at me over his glasses. I nodded and he smiled. He tilted his head, a smile playing on his lips. "As in Tay Tomlinson, living with One Direction?"

"Well, yeah." Most of the girls were already listening intently.

"Okay, well the kids can ask questions to get to know you, I will be right back." With that, he stood and left, leaving me alone with a class of strangers and Kayden.

A girl raised her hand and asked, "How old are you.?"

"Sixteen, seventeen this month."

"Did Harry Styles actually get you pregnant?" a boy asked. Some other boys sat around him laughed to each other.

"People are saying that? No, no, he didn't," I said, shaking my head viciously. Where did that come from?

"But you slept with Harry?" another girl asked, smirking as she played with her hair, twirling her curls around her finger.

"Yeah, he was singing me to sleep, we fell asleep like that." I wasn't lying, but he was going to sleep there anyway.

A chorus of giggles and "aww"'s erupted throughout the classroom.

"Okay." We were interrupted when the teacher came back into the class room. "There's an empty seat next to Kayden so we'll have to have you sit there.

I walked up and sat next to the adorable boy.


Liam packed me a lunch. I sat at a table alone. The sandwiches Liam made were actually very good.

To my surprise, two girls came up to me and sat next to me, smiling.

"Whats Zayn's hair like, his new hair do?" The blonde girl asked, "Oh, and I'm Samantha."

"Messy, I guess. It suits him." I took a bite of my sandwich. 

"Sexy. What's Louis like? I'm Alice!" the brunette asked, bouncing in her seat.

"Same as always, really. Funny, nice, sweet." She looked as if she melted right there.

"How hot is Niall?" Samantha asked.

I nearly choked on my sandwich at that, until someone slapped my back; Kayden. He sat next to me and smiled.

"I wouldn't actually say that, but if it makes you happy; very." They giggled to each other and left me alone with Kayden.

"What was tha-" I cut him off before he could question the fangirls.

"Don't ask... So." I smiled and turned to him.

He opened his mouth to talk when he was interrupted by a hand slapping down onto the table, "So, you're the cunt they adopted."

I looked up to see the little girl that bitched at me this morning standing there, "They didn't exactly adopt me."

She scoffed before grabbing my shoulder and pulling me up, dragging me outside the cafeteria, then outside the school.

"Brooke!" I heard Kayden yell from somewhere else.

She dragged me out the front of the school and looked me dead in the eye, her cheeks turning red. "Stop trying to be cool, okay?! You're not! I'm queen around here, bitch." She punched me and I fell to the grass.

"I was only here one day." I tried to contain my tears, holding my arm over my face to block her.

She sat on my stomach and held my shoulders down as she leaned in close to me and whispered, "I don't like being replaced." She began punching me again, harder each time. My vision was going blurry with tears.

Doing my best to stop what was happening, I pulled her down beside me by her hair and struggled to get up, but did. I ran, but before I could get very far she grabbed my hair and pulled me. I spun around, hit her straight in the nose, and ran again.

I ran to the road, panting. I was unable to catch my breath and my vision was completely blurred. I began to get dizzy and feel faint, but before I could, something hit me hard, and everything went dark.


That bitch needed to know whats right, I'm glad I did what I did.

She ran onto the road and began rubbing her eyes, wobbling. I laughed to myself as I noticed that she was unable to even stand right. But what I didn't notice was the giant truck that was coming straight forward, but before I could do anything, it had hit her and she went flying down the road, landing flat on her chest.

I was stunned at what I just saw. Blood was pouring out of her, but from where I didn't know. Before anyone who had noticed what had happened could react, the truck started up again and was gone in seconds, rolling over her arm with each of his wheels

I stood there, staring at her, stunned.


I saw the whole thing. Brooke just stood there. It was her fault, after all.

I ran right up to her and pushed her to the ground, "Bitch!" I screamed.

I ran over to Tay. She was bloody and bruised and her right arm was bent the wrong way. She was pale, and here eyes were shut.

"Go get the principal! Now!" I yelled, not taking my eyes off of her. Brooke ran inside.

"Tay," I whispered. I only knew her one day, but she was so sweet and nice. And beautiful. And I might have just witnessed her death.

Brooke came back out with Ms. Ryan, the principal. She took one look at Tay and ripped her phone out.

"Hello? Yes, there was a hit and run outside Green Fields High School. Just now. Sixteen. A truck. Thank you." She put her phone away and screamed at Brooke to wait at her office and not to move.

The ambulance came quickly with a car behind it. Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson got out of the car. Paramedics came over and helped her onto the stretcher.

"Tay!" Harry shouted, his voice cracking as he ran over to her. The paramedics took her to the ambulance. Harry got in with her and Louis got in the car, both of them driving away.

Before Ms. Ryan could stop me, I ran to my bike and cycled home as quick as I could.


She looked so broken, hurt, scared.

I cried the whole way there. I couldn't touch her.

We were finally there. I had to wait in a room with Louis. I cried into his shoulder and he hugged me. Because of the Larry shit, we're not supposed to hug in public but I didn't care right now. The paparazzi were taking a ton of pictures but I didn't care. Fans came up to us and asked what was wrong but we ignored them until they left. 

A small child came up to us, she looked about three. "Was wong with Hally?" she asked, her voice barely developed.

I looked down at her, tears spilling from my cheeks. She came closer to me and reached up on to her toes to wipe my cheeks.  "No Hally, you cwy makes me sad."

I lifted her up and hugged her. She had a 1D T-shirt on so me and Louis signed it. "Bye bye, wuv wu, be appy." Her mother carried her away.

About four hours of waiting, stressing and crying later, a doctor called us in to her room. He told us that she was going to be okay apart from a few cuts and breaks, and to call him as soon as she wakes up again.

Her arm was in a cast, she had a scar going down her face, from her eyebrow, going through her eye, and slightly down her cheek. Her body was bruised everywhere. They took her jumper and shirt because it got dirty and dirt would get in her cuts, so she was in her skirt and bra, a blue sheet covering her body.

I sighed and held back my tears.

Her cast went up to just her below elbow, so she could still bend her arm and it was a bright green.

I began crying when I remembered the other time she was in hospital.

The doctor came in.

"Is that scar... permanent?" Louis asked, pointing to the horrible gash on her face.

"Well it's a scar, so probably." With that, he left again.

Suddenly we heard the sound of her groaning. I turned to look at her just as she lifted her cast-covered arm to her head, knocking it against her skull. "Ouch," she whispered, dropping her arm back down.

Her eyes fluttered open slowly. She looked at the cast and sighed. She raised her other bruised arm and held it to her head, holding tightly.

"What happened?" she whined.

"Do you remember?" I asked. "A truck hit you. You're okay."

"Oh, I remember." She touched the scar going down her face. Tears trickled down her cheeks. "Is this permanent?" she asked, feeling the scar.

Me and Louis nodded and she burst into tears, "You're okay, its not a big deal," I told her, trying to comfort her.

She nodded and gave me a weak smile. Just as she smiled, a knock came at the door.

"Come in," Louis called.

A boy I didn't recognized peeped his head in the door and smiled before walking in.

"Kayden, what are you doing here?" Tay asked, smiling, trying to sit up.

"I wanted to see if you were okay." He walked over to Tay and smiled.

He didn't mention the scar on her face, or her cut and bruised body, or her broken arm. I quickly pulled the sheet up on her because she was shirtless, hiding her body.

"I have something for you." The boy held a box out to her, a shy smile coming over him. Shyly, she took the box from him and opened it, taking a charm bracelet out and examining it before grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Kay!" She hugged him with her good arm, burying her face in his neck.

"I have to go, I just needed to make sure you were okay, and obviously drop that off. I'll see you soon Tay, yeah?" She smiled at him and nodded. With that, he leaned in and kissed the top of her head before leaving and shutting the door after him.

"Who's that?" I asked, jealousy boiling inside me.

"Don't worry, just a friend." She kissed my cheek and hugged me, "I love you."

"I love you too!"

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