After staring at me for a few seconds, he punched me in the stomach and then harder in the face. I fell to the ground in pain as he left the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. My head was spinning; it all happened so fast. I pulled my self up onto the toilet seat and sat there, clutching my stomach in pain as I cried silently. "How could he do this?" I whispered to myself.
I fell forward off the toilet seat and onto my knees, letting out a cry from pain. I bent over, clenching my stomach tightly, trying to ease the aching I felt. I couldn't help but scream from crying, probably waking the boys. The bathroom door flew open and there stood Justin, just as angry as before. "Can you not stay quiet?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the ground, dragging me back to the kitchen.
He threw me into the counter and my hip hit the sharp corner. I bit my lip so I wouldn't scream, tears flowing down my cheeks. Justin turned me around and pushed my back into the side of the counter, coming in close to me and pressing his body right against mine. He slapped me hard over the head.
"Now you keep quiet about this, baby," he whispered, stroking my cheek. He laid his hand flat across my cheek before holding back and slapping me hard one last time before snickering, standing back and strolling back to bed.
Holding my aching stomach, I ran into the bathroom and fell to my knees beside the toilet, throwing up because he had punched me so hard. I felt someone pull my hair back and began rubbing my back, calming me down from my hysterical state. "You're alright, love," Louis whispered, "I have you."
When I was over my vomit session, Louis helped me up by putting his hands on my hips. From the aching pain in my side and Louis gripping tightly, I screamed out in pain but he held his hand over my mouth and helped me out of the bathroom as I continued to cry. He sat me on the table. "What happened?"
"I-I felt sick..."
"Why did you scream when I held your hips?"
"I just hurt it today," I lied.
Louis grabbed my arm and lay me back on the counter. Even though I protested and pushed, he lifted my shirt up to just under my chest. My hip was cut and bruised and my stomach was badly bruised. Louis looked at me, worry spread across his face. "W-What happened?"
"I fell, Louis," I lied.
"There's a hand mark on your face, Tay, what happened to you?" His voice began to raise as he helped me sit up again, examining me.
"Shh!" I hissed. "Please stop shouting Lou, you'll get me in a lot of trouble..."
"Huh? What happened to you?" he asked quietly, his eyebrows furrowed.
I looked away. "I-I can't tell you, Louis..."
"Please Tay," he begged. When I looked up at him I noticed his eyes begin to glaze over, clearly extremely worried about me. I watched one tear slip and continued to cry myself.
"Please, Lou, please don't cry."
"Tay, you look so hurt. Please just tell me!"
I shook my head. "I'm sorry Louis, I can't."
Next Morning.
I had fallen asleep on the uncomfortable counter that night, unable to find the energy to move after Louis went back to bed. I was woken up when I was pulled to the floor and landed on my front with a loud bang, groaning at the pain. "You didn't tell anybody, did you?" Justin asked, pulling me up by the neck and staring at me.
I shook my head. "Good, now go outside and wait for me there." He pushed me to the door. I was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, not given any time to change..
I went out the door and leaned against the side of the bus. Seconds later Justin followed me outside and stomped over to me, shoving me to the ground. I winced when I hit the hard gravel and almost broke in to tears again when I looked up and saw Justin standing over me.
"Do you even fucking understand how much Louis was bugging me about you this morning? You let him fucking catch you, you son of a bitch!" he screamed at me, clenching his fist.
I covered my face with my arm as he leaned over me, his eyes almost looking red with anger. Justin grabbed my arm and pulled it away from my face, shaking me roughly. Holding me up by my arm, he kicked me in the side and let me drop to the ground again. I felt as if the air had been knocked out of me, and then once again when I felt the impact of his fist hitting my stomach again.
My head spun, it was happening too quickly. He picked me up by my arms again, holding me off the ground and then violently dropping me, my back hitting the hard pavement. He watched me for a few minutes as I cried and shook, and began to laugh before turning and getting back on to the bus. I lay there in pain, curling up around myself and hoping the bus would leave without me.
A couple minutes later, the doors to the bus opened and Harry came out, his phone in his hand, looking like he was about to make a phone call. Before he could do it, though, he noticed me and shock took over him. "Jesus Christ, Tay, what happened?! Are you okay?!" he shouted, running towards me.
He sat on the ground and pulled me onto his lap, touching me only lightly. I cried out in pain and let the tears fall as I moved closer to him. He rocked me back and forth. I was still confused on why Justin did this, on what had taken over him to do this.
"What happened, baby girl?" Harry asked, whispering quietly in my ear.
"I-I can't tell you H-Harry," I sobbed, reaching up and gripping on to his T-shirt.
"Babe, look at you, you're bleeding and have a black eye. Tay, you have to tell me." I began crying some more. Harry rubbed my back gently and whispered, "Please Tay."
"Jus-" I didn't need to finish his name, Harry already knew what I was about to say.
"He did this to you?" his voice boomed.
I nodded lightly. "Please don't tell him I told you. He'll beat me again!" I cried quietly, trying my best to keep my voice down.
"I can't just sit here and watch you get beat up by that dick."
"But you can't tell him I told you either," I sighed.
"What can I do?" he asked.
"Harry, I said you can't tell him I told you. I couldn't care less about him, cause brain damage for all I care, just don't mention that I told you."
Harry smiled at me and I tried my best to force a smile back. He helped me up and carried me back inside bridal style, sitting me on the counter. He cleaned my bloody nose and cut hip up.
After I was cleaned up and given an aspirin, Justin came strolling out of the bathroom. With no hesitation Harry charged at him, grabbing the neck of his shirt and holding him up against the wall. "I'm about to beat the living shit out of you for hurting her," Harry growled.
Justin looked over to me. "You told him?!" he asked, shouting and raging once again.
"Nope," I said, examining my nails. "But you kinda just did." I smiled sweetly at him, tilting my head to the side and shooting him a wink.
Harry slammed him against the bathroom door again. "What the fuck were you thinking?" he growled again.
Justin didn't answer; he wouldn't even look at him. Harry lifted a fist to him but was quickly pulled away from Justin when Louis and Liam came in and saw. Louis pulled his fist away while Liam held him back, glaring at Harry.
"What the Hell were you doing?" Liam asked loudly, pushing Harry's fist away.
Niall and Zayn walked in, looking very confused. I smiled sweetly at them and they returned it. "What's happening?" Niall asked.
"Harry was about to hit Justin. Why were you going to hit him?" Louis asked, glaring him down.
"That cunt did this to Tay!" Harry shouted. He came over to meand lifted my shirt a bit, showing my cut hip and bruised stomach. He put it down and glared at Justin, then charging at him again. Zayn grabbed his arm this time, holding him back as he tried to fight.
"He deserves it Harry, but you can't hit him."
"Tay, why didn't you tell me when I asked?" Louis asked me.
"Because he would've hurt me again," I said, looking down.
"You're going back with Simon at the next stop," Liam said, pointing his finger at Justin.
Justin began glaring at me and the minute Harry saw, he wrapped his big arms around me. Justin began charging at me, ready to hit me again but I buried my face in Harry's shoulder. When I looked back up, I saw Justin being held back by Niall and Liam. Harry helped me down off the counter and put his arm around my shoulder. I rested my head on his side and held his hand, nuzzling against his shirt. He smiled down at me and I returned it.
I then looked over at a scary Justin who had anger spread across his face. I could feel my heart beat speeding up as I watched the boy try to squirm his way out of Niall and Zayn's grip. He pushed his arms back which made the boys stumble out of his grip, then he ran at me quickly, pushing Liam and Louis down. Harry picked me up by the hips and ran into the living room, holding me away from Justin. I screamed in pain, a knot forming in my throat. Harry set me on the couch and shut the door, leaning against it because it didn't have a lock.
Justin slammed his fists against it, shouting swear words at me. I suddenly heard a loud thud and bang and the shouting stopped; it was silent. Harry opened the door and inch and peeked out. "Holy shit!" he yelled, opening it fully. He ran out and I followed him.
Lying there on the floor was an unconscious Justin and standing next to him was an angry Louis. Louis punched him? "Louis, what did you do?" I asked, eyeing everyone.
"I wasn't going to stand there and watch him try to kill you. I might of possibly punched him," he answered.
"Thank you!" I ran up and hugged Louis and he chuckled while I smiled.
"You're welcome, bub."
Next day in Ireland.
"I'm sorry he was this much of a bother. I'll make it up to you," Simon said to me, pushing Justin in the back of his car.
"Thanks Simon!" I smiled, rubbing up and down my arms. Ireland is cold, but nice. Niall is really excited to be here and so am I. Ireland is pretty awesome. Nice places, cool accents. Ireland has everything.
I plumped myself on the couch next to Harry, resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, making me look up at him as he stared down at me, smiling. "You're beautiful," he whispered.
I blushed and looked away. He put two fingers under my chin and pulled my head back toward his, smiling at me. His lips pressed against mine quickly; the kiss was perfect. He pulled back and smiled again.
"Harry, you know I love you, but Simon will kill us an-" He cut me off.
"Forget about Simon, the fans, everyone. Forget it all. This is you and me. This is our little secret."
I smiled at him. "I missed you so much." I hugged him.
"I missed you too, love. But I promise you, you're mine now, and I'm keeping it that way." He kissed my lips lightly.
Next day, again.
"Happy Halloween, mwa ha ha ha!" Zayn chuckled, rubbing his hands jokingly evil.
I laughed lightly. "You too Zayn. What are we doing tonight?"
"We're going to a Halloween party, so dress up!" Liam said.
"Nice!" I smiled.
I love Halloween. It's, like, my favorite holiday. I was dressing up as Superwoman in a very revealing costume. Harry chose it, of course he would chose something like that. But it's Halloween so it's all good.
Later that night.
I changed into my costume and waited for the boys to come out. When they did, I didn't even know what they were, they just put white and black face paint all over themselves and put on Halloween themed clothing. "Awesome costumes," I said sarcastically.
"You look good!" Harry smiled at me.
I thanked him. We all got out of the bus and headed for the disco. It was big, loud and crowded. Full of drunk people in the skimpiest costumes. It smelled like beer and cigarettes. A few girls smiled at me while other's sent me death glares, as usual. They boys and I went to the counter and they ordered beers. Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie came in, also in skimpy little costumes, but not that bad. They smiled and said hello to me and went to their boyfriends, giving them an inappropriate kiss and ordering beers of their own. Harry smiled at me and took a gulp of his Guinness can, Ireland's best beer. "You wanna dance?" he asked, setting down his beer.
"Uhh, I don't thin-" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor, not waiting for an answer.
A slow song played. Harry put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. I put my hands around his neck. He smiled down to me. I smiled back and he chuckled.
He picked me up with his hands on my waist, holding me in the same place while I wrapped my legs around his torso. He held me close and looked me in the eye. His eye's flickered to my mouth and back to my eyes. I nodded lightly, giving him permission as he pressed his lips to mine. I didn't know why but this kiss seemed different to all the others. It seemed more realistic. He pulled back and smiled at me. "Our little secret," he said, putting me down.
The rest of night was fun. The boys got wasted which made it better for me. I made a mess of there faces using my trusty black marker and took a ton of photo's, tweeting and instagraming them all.
After a while, the boy's pretty much passed out on some couches. I lay on a couch and fell asleep myself, dreaming of my amazing life.
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