Chapter Eighteen: You're Safe Now

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Bit of an intense chapter I thinks, so heads up x


I woke up, still lying on the couch in the disco. The only people here were me and the boys, who were asleep on the ground. I chuckled a bit. They got very pissed last night.

The door to the back suddenly opened and shut loudly, a man coming out. I turned to see if it was one of the workers, but who I saw shocked me completely.

"Hello Tay," he said, coming closer to me.

"P-please, just go away," I said, pushing myself back further into the couch, hoping it would just swallow me alive.

"You put me in jail, and the cops beat the fuck out of me so many times for doing this to you. I'm not going to let you off," he said, an evil twitch in his eye.

He stood in front of me. I was nearly in tears when he grabbed my shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me stomach and picked me up, my back against his chest. I screamed and squirmed, hoping the boys would get up. They didn't.

He carried me out the back door, shutting it after himself and threw me into the back of a van. I crawled under one of the seats and pulled my legs to my chest, digging my face into my knees while I tried to even out my breathing again. I was terrified. How did he get out of jail? How did he find me? And what is he going to do to me?

He pulled up outside an old building and parked the van before crawling into the back of it with me. He grabbed my hair and pulled me out from under the seat, causing me to scream and cry. He had a pocket knife in his hands. "If you scream again I'll kill you."

I nodded lightly, watching him. He grabbed my arm and held the knife to it, ready to cut. In fear, I cried out loudly, and he looked at me in shock. I couldn't register what was happened but before I knew it, he was slapping me in the face with the side of his knife, cutting my cheek. "Shut up."

I cried silently as he brought the knife back to my arms. He began cutting deep slits across one, then the other. How did I get from the happy disco to this so quickly? I thought.

Blood was trickling down my arms and onto my superwoman skirt. He then lay me back, pulled my dress up and held the knife to my stomach.

"P-please d-don't..." I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut. There was nowhere to go now, nowhere to hide.

He smirked at me and quickly cut across my stomach, not deep enough to kill me but deep enough to bleed. I bit my lip so I wouldn't yell and cried silently. He grabbed me and sat me on the seat, throwing a bag at me. "Change into these clothes quickly."

I took a sweatshirt and track pants out of the bag. Why did he want me to change? "Can you turn around?" I whispered, afraid to speak up in case he hurt me again.

"Whatever," he said sternly.

I quickly changed into the baggy clothes and put my blood-stained costume in the bag. My cheek was stinging and bleeding. I held my hand over it as my step dad dragged me out of the van. He pulled me up to the door of the building and knocked. "You keep quiet about everything I did."

The door opened and there stood and nice looking, middle-aged woman. She smiled a sad smile as my dad pushed me in the door. "I'll bring the pay next week," he said before walking off.

There was about twenty other kids here just sitting around doing nothing, staring into space. I looked back up to the lady as tears streamed down my face. She moved my hand from my cheek. "I'll clean that up, come with me..." She walked into a room and I followed.

She motioned for me to sit on a couch so I did. She sat next to me with a spray and cloth and began wiping the blood from my cut and sprayed the stuff on; it stung. I cried a little more, but then got confused. "Where am I? And why am I here?" I asked.

"That nice man sent a complaint about you getting abused by the people you were staying with. Don't worry, you're safe now. Those mean boys aren't going to hurt you anymore."

I scoffed, shocked by how she could believe a word my father told. "First, that fuck of a man hurt me. He cut me, abused me my entire life and second, he isn't the slightest bit nice. And last, One Direction saved me and I wanna go back to them!" I screamed, annoyed and afraid.

She engulfed me in a bear hug. "Shh, love. It's okay. You don't need to lie anymore."

I pushed her off me. "I'm not lying! I love the boys, let me go back to them!" I yelled. A few kids looked in at me with blank faces, obviously used to people crying about wanting to leave.

"Come on, I'll show you your room," she said, pulling me upstairs.

Understanding that I really wasn't getting anywhere with this, I followed her. She showed me into a big room that was empty apart from 7 beds lined against the wall with light sheets covering them and hooks on the wall with old, scruffy clothes hanging from them. Where am I?

"Your bed is the last one," she said, pointing to it.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're at the orphanage."

"What?! No! I need to get back to the boys. They'll be worried," I said frantically.

I was about to run but she caught my shoulder. I broke down and fell to the ground, crying loudly. I was on my knees. She wrapped her arm around me and hugged me. "You don't need to lie, love."

"I'm not!" I screamed, standing up. "C-can I use the phone?"

She nodded. "Over there." She pointed to a phone on the wall. I ran over and grabbed in, quickly dialing Harry's number.


"Ugh!" I groaned, sitting up.

Never sleep on the ground; it's painful. I rubbed my head and look around. We were still at the disco. Sighing, I pulled my now buzzing phone out of my pocket and answered. "Mmm, hello?" I said, groggily.

"Harry?" Tay whispered into the phone.

I looked around the room. The boys were still asleep on the ground, but where was Tay?

"Tay, where are you?" I asked.

"I'm at an orphanage, I don't know where exactly," she answered, her voice low. What?

"Wait... What the fuck did I miss?"

"Listen, Harry. My step-dad broke in this morning, he brought me here. He cut me then sent me here, saying you guys did it." 

"Are you alright?!" I shouted, suddenly very awake.

"Not really. I'm in pain, so is my heart. Harry, please save me," she begged.

"What's the name of the orphanage?" I asked.

"Umm..." I heard some mumbles. "It's called St. Francis For Girls."

"We're on our way, hold on there." I hung up quickly, shoving my phone back in my pocket and grabbing all my stuff.

"Wake up lads! Tay's in trouble" I yelled, getting up off the ground.

They slowly got up. I grabbed them and ran to the van, pushing them in the back. I put the name into our GPS and set off.


I lay on my bed and cried silently, staring at the ceiling. I was really scared about the whole thing. What if they boys don't get me back? What if they get accused of beating and cutting me? Just then, I got an idea.

I ran to the phone again and dialed Harry's number. After three rings he picked up.


"Harry, Listen carefully."


"You need to pretend you don't know me and adopt me. No questions, just do it." I hung up.

I began getting more worried. It was then I saw a small window up high on the wall, hidden by an extra wall, with a small window-sill. I ran over and climbed up the pipe, leading to the window. I got up and pushed open the window, sitting on the window-sill. I looked out over London and sighed. The sight from here was quite beautiful.

"It's beautiful," a voice said, speaking my thoughts.

I turned around to see a scruffy looking girl in scruffy looking clothes. 

"Yeah, it is," I said.

"Ryder, and you're Tay." She smiled. I climbed down the pipe and looked at her. She seemed happy. I nodded.

I heard some voices from down stairs and quickly ran down, ignoring Ryder completely. I sat on the bottom stair so I could hear and see the boys conversation with the nice lady. Harry spotted me but quickly looked away. He whispered something to Louis and he looked over at me too. He whispered to the others and they all looked over and smiled at me. 

"Can we adopt her?" Louis asked, nodding at me. I smiled at them.

"Go talk to her," the lady said.

The boys came over to me, smiling widely. They bent down in front of me.

"Make it seem like we're asking you questions," Zayn whispered. I nodded lightly.

"Did your step dad do that?" Liam asked, pointing to my cheek. I nodded again.

"We're so sorry we let this happen. It won't happen again, babe," Harry said, rubbing my arm.

"It's okay guys. I just wanna get out of here."

Harry picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and rested my head on his shoulder. The boys went back over to the lady. 

"We're going to adopt her." Louis said.

"Okay, sign these paper and come with me."


Harry sat me on the counter. We were back at the tour bus. I was still scared though. Why, I didn't know.

"Where did he cut you?" Harry asked, speaking low to me.

I pulled up my sleeves and lifted my top. He gulped when he saw my cut arms and slit stomach. He bandaged my arms and put plasters on my stomach to try and help.

"I'm so sorry we let this happen," he said, leaning in.

"Stop saying that Harry, It's okay." I hugged him.

He placed a light kiss on my lips. "You're safe now."

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