Chapter Sixteen: Perfect

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We were at the recording studio. I was sitting on Harry's lap, making him giggle. He had the cutest little laugh. It was easy to make him smile, showing those dimples. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

After a while of waiting, Zayn finally came out of Simon's office and looked right at me, a sour look on his face. "He wants to see you, Tay."

I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my mouth to ask Zayn what for, but he was already walking away. I was about to get up when Harry pulled me back and hugged me tightly, burying his face into my neck. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice breaking.

I stood from Harry's grip and turned to look back at him, but he wouldn't make eye contact. Confused, I strolled into Simon's office and shut the door behind me. He gestured to one of the seat's and I got comfortable. "Something wrong?"

"I don't wan't you with Harry anymore." I sat up quickly, eyeing him. "I'm serious this time, Tay," he continued.


"The media are turning it around. You're younger then him. He is going to be with Taylor. I understand what she did to you but this isn't good for the company, and I care about my company. To prove to the media and fans, we're putting you with my nephew Justin. Go talk to him. He's out back."

"You're not the boss of me, Simon," I barked, glaring at him.

"No, but I'm the boss of Harry, and I can keep him away from you."

"But Si-"

"No buts! Now go." He gestured to the door., completely done with my shit.

I got up and walked out the door, slamming it on my way. I walked past the couch and glanced at Harry who was crying into Liam's shoulder. Liam gave me a 'sorry' look as I passed. I hated seeing Harry like this. I couldn't believe this is happening. No more kisses, I love you's and no more Harry for me. I let a tear slip down my cheek as I opened the back door, but made sure it was only one single tear.

Out there stood a boy, I couldn't see his face. He was wearing a baggy black shirt and boxing shorts. He was punching a boxing bag, hard. His boxing gloves were ripped at the ends and tied with shoe laces. I gave a little cough to get his attention and he turned around. He put his hands over him, resting them on his head as he breathed heavily, eyeing me up and down. He had gorgeous blue eyes and beautiful messy blonde hair, and big lips. He looked me up and down one more time before he gave a little side smirk with his mouth open a bit, panting heavily. "Hi."

"You must be Justin, I'm Tay," I said, holding my hand out.

He didn't shake it, or even move. He stared into my eyes, I smiled a little and he did the same before awkwardly dropping my hand back down to his side. His mouth hung open, panting and breathing. I reached up and lifted his chin to close his mouth. "Don't wanna catch flies." I smiled.

"Simon's a liar," he said.

I tilted my head in a confused manner and he chuckled, looking down and then back up. "He never said you were this beautiful." He dropped his hands to his side. "How about you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Well... I'm Tay, seventeen. I live with One Direction and I have this scar from a truck accident." I smiled.

"I'm Justin, eighteen, and have my drivers licence. I live with my uncle Simon, I play guitar and yeah, that's it."

"Why do you live with your uncle?" I asked, clasping my hands behind my back and swinging on my heels.

"My parents were in a car crash when I was really young." He shrugged.

"Oh... sorry."

He smiled and I did the same. He was really cute. "You're smile is cute," he said.

I blushed before looking away. He lifted my chin up with his finger, looking into my eyes. He came closer to me, his hot breath blowing onto my lips. He wasn't much taller then me. He leaned a bit closer to me, we were a few inches apart. "You're very pretty, Tay."

He was quite good looking. Slowly, he began leaning in towards me. He put his hands to my hips and pulled me a bit closer. Just as our lips were about to meet, we were interrupted. "Tay, what are you doing?" Liam said. I was kind of glad that Liam stopped me. I had just met Justin, I didn't want to kiss him. I loved Harry.

I sighed, stepping back a bit. I smiled weakly at Justin before turning to Liam. "Sorry Mr. Payne." Justin chimed, holding his hands up.

"C'mon guys, we have to be in Essex by tomorrow morning!" Louis shouted.

"Wait, you're coming on tour with us?" I pointed to Justin.

He smiled and nodded. "My bags were put in there today," he said, untying his boxing gloves with his teeth.

He threw them into a gym bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Let's go," Liam said.

We walked into the bus and not long later the driver took off. I slumped down onto the couch, Justin sitting next to me. He rested his arm on the back of the couch behind me, leaning in to my side. He smiled at me and I returned it. Once again he slowly began to lean towards me, and once again we were interrupted.

"Tay, you have to sleep on the couch bed with Justin for now on," Louis called, suddenly entering the room. Upon seeing our actions, he pointed his finger at me. "And only sleeping!" With a smile and a nod, he turned to leave but instead turned and stuck his head in once again to say, "Oh and one more thing, we're taking you to a hospital in Essex tomorrow to get the cast off."

A huge smile grew on my face as I turned back to Justin. He smiled at me. Life is good, real good.

3 weeks later in Florida. 

"Morning, morning, morning!" Niall yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah, morning, so shut up," I growled, sitting next to Justin at the table.

"You're in a good mood," Justin laughed sarcastically.

I didn't look at him, instead I spread my hand over his face. "Hush child."

Louis and Harry came in and Louis went straight into the bathroom. Harry smiled weakly at me before sitting down at the counter. Niall handed him a bowl of cheerios. Me and Harry haven't been talking much lately, he's always been out with Taylor and I've been with Justin.

Me and Justin still haven't had our first kiss, we always get interrupted. 

I smiled at Justin. "C'mon," he said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out front. The bus was parked in an empty parking lot of an arena. The weather was warm. I wore a tanktop and denim shorts, he wore a tee and boxing shorts.

He started bouncing the basketball he was holding and after a while we were playing a game; I won. He went over to the bus and picked up two bottles of water once the game was over, throwing one to me. He held his, watching my every move. I took a small sip of my water and watched him back. He opened his bottle slowly and sprayed me quickly. I squealed before spraying him back. 

Before I knew it, we were running around, throwing water at each other. We were just messing around. I turned my back to him as he splashed me, screaming at the cold water on my skin. He grabbed my arm and turned me around, pulling me close to him. He poured the last of his water over the two of us and I giggled. He looked down at me and smiled as he dropped the empty plastic bottle to the ground. He leaned in quickly and kissed me, it was intense. I swear, I saw sparks fly. He pulled back and smiled at me. "You're beautiful."

"Way too young, but that was cute so I'll accept it." I turned my head to see Liam standing in the door, smiling and shaking his head at us. "C'mon in, it's getting cold." I hadn't realized how long we had been out here for.

Justin held my hand and we walked in. We pulled out the couch bed and lay there after drying off and changing. He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Wanna watch a movie?"

I nodded. He put on Orphan.

Definitely the most scary movie I've ever watched. I hugged him tightly and put my face into his chest every time it got scary. I screamed at a few parts. He kissed my head and whispered to me, 'its not real'. I fell asleep like that in his arms.

Next Morning.

I woke up still in Justins arm's. I crawled out of his grasp and changed into jeans and a tee, then threw my hair in a bun and went into the kitchen, surprised to see Harry sat at the counter. "Good morning," I said, sitting across from him. Justin doesn't know about me and Harry, well, what we were.

"Mornin'," he said, not looking up from his phone.

I laid my hands down on the counter, enjoying the feeling of the cold marble on my warm skin. "What time is it?"

"It's... seven o clock, you're up early." He glanced up at me.

After contemplating asking the question or not for about five minutes, I finally asked, "Why don't you like Justin?"

Harry lifted his head and looked into my eyes. Those green eyes that reminded me of summer. I began falling into them. Harry is so cute- no! I'm with Justin, no more Harry.

"He doesn't seem good enough for you, you deserve better then him."

"Then who is good enough for me, Harry?" I said, sitting on the marble counter beside him and looking down to him.

He hesitated for a minute and looked away. He turned back to me. "I am."

The bus door flew open and in came Taylor. She gave me a disgusted look and as soon as I noticed it I climbed off the counter and sat at the table, ignoring her. She smiled sweetly at Harry. "C'mon Harry, let's go shopping today."

"No, I don't feel good today," he lied. I can tell when he's lying because he scrunches his nose up.

She turned and looked at me. "That's the disease you get off rats." She turned back to Harry. "Get well soon, baby!" She ruffled his hair, refusing to kiss him because of his sudden illness, and left.

As soon as she was gone I sat back on my previous seat on the counter and looked down at Harry. "Why lie?"

"I don't wan't to go out with her, she annoys me," Harry said.

I giggled a little before climbing down off the counter again and sitting back on the stool across from Harry, laying my arms out on the cold marble counter once again. I watched Harry move slowly as he lowered his hand and laid it on top of mine, playing with my fingers.

"I miss you, Tay," he whispered before looking up at me, his eyes glazed over. 

I cupped my hands around his face, wiping his teary cheeks with my thumb. "Please don't cry Harry. I'll be in tears too, please."

I heard shuffling and quickly took my hands away from Harry's face just as Justin came out and smiled at me. "G'morning Tay, Harry."

"Good morning." I smiled.

Harry smiled and nodded his head. He put his head down but his eyes were kept on mine. I sighed and sat next to Justin at the table, avoiding the awkward situation between Harry and I. Justin put his arm around me and pecked my lips. "Hello beautiful," he whispered to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "We're going out, yeah?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, allowing me to follow him outside. There was a motorbike waiting there. He handed me a helmet and put on on himself. I hesitated, but put it on and climbed onto the motorbike. He drove off.

We didn't go anywhere, we just went around for hours. Once we realized how dark it was getting we decided to go back to the bus. 

Upon getting there and climbing off the bike, I noticed Zayn standing at the door looking worried, his arms crossed and tapping his foot. The minute he saw me, he already had me up and thrown over his shoulder, running back into the bus with Justin following behind. He ran in and sat me on the counter, where the rest of the boys were sat with the same worried expression as Zayn.

"Where were you two?" Louis asked frantically, glaring at Justin.

"We were just out, we told you Harry," I said, eyeing him.

"You didn't say where you were going," Harry said, "you were gone for hours and nobody knew where you were."

"We didn't go anywhere in particular," Justin said, "we're fine, see?"

"Sorry..." I said, looking down at my hands and fiddling with my fingers.

"It's okay," Niall said, "As long as you're safe, yeah?" He sent me a grin to tell me that everything's fine and the grumpy boys would get over it. 

"We're going to bed," Liam said, speaking up for all of them as he turned and walked away. They all followed and went into their beds, including Justin. But Harry stayed with me. He sat next to me at the table. I turned to look at him, but he was already staring at me. The usual smile I always caught him staring at me with was gone though, and was replaced with something that looked a lot like pain.

"Simon ruins a lot of stuff for us," he started, "I wish he would let us do what we want to do." He looked hurt.

"I want to be with you," I mumbled under my breath, hoping for his sake he wouldn't hear me.

But I knew he did when he turned and this time did smile at me. "I heard that," he confirmed.

I looked into his eyes, and there was that smile again. "I want to be with you as well," he started, "I want to hold you, hug you, kiss you, love you, call you mine all over again."

"You still have my heart Harry, you never gave it back."

"You still have mine, and I don't want it back. I want you back, Tay."

"I love you so much Harry." When I spoke, he looked at me with so much hope in his eyes, and I knew I couldn't hurt him like that. "But we can't have each other." I looked away, not daring make eye contact and see how upset he is.

He lifted my head up with his thumb, looking me straight in the eyes, and then at my lips. With no hesitation, I leaned forward and kissed him hard on the lips before pulling away almost instantly afterards. 

"I missed that." He had some of my lip-stick on his lips

"I'll get you back, Harry. I promise."

He kissed my cheek and whispered. "Goodnight, perfect." He left and I did the same.

I went into the bedroom with Justin, and once he saw me the smile on his face dropped. He sat up, glaring at me. "Who kissed you?"

"What? No one." I lay down next to him, lying straight to his face.

He sat up and looked at me. The look in his eyes is a look I have never seen before; it was pure rage. "You cheated on me and now you're lying to me, too? Your lipstick is messed up."

I sat up as well, inching away from him. "N-no, I-I didn't."

Suddenly I felt him grab my neck and let him pull me into the bathroom. He shut the door before slamming me against it by the neck, causing me to let out a small whimper from pain. 

"Now, you listen to me. You never lie to me ever again, got it?" he said through clenched teeth. I nodded, afraid to disobey him.

After staring at me for a few seconds, he punched me in the stomach and then harder in the face. I fell to the ground in pain as he left the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. My head was spinning; it all happened so fast. I pulled my self up onto the toilet seat and sat there, clutching my stomach in pain as I cried silently. "How could he do this?" I whispered to myself.

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