"Good morning, sunshine!" Harry ripped open my curtains, the sun blazing in.
I put my head under the pillow, "Few more minutes!" I whined into the mattress.
He ripped the blankets off of me. Lucky for him I only slept in my bra and underwear last night. He giggled as he looked me up and down. Yes, giggled.
"Come downstairs, we have some news." He left, smirking to himself.
I rolled out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. The shower water was lovely and refreshing. I washed my hair and body.
I got out and looked at myself in the mirror. My dip dyed hair was still deep in color. I dried my hair and curled it in only under a few minutes.
I opened my door a crack to see if Harry was there. He was.
I wrapped myself in a towel and went out. He was sitting on my bed, smirking his adorable smirk with those adorable dimples, his adorable eyes staring into mine.
"Get dressed." He smiled. Stop killing me, I thought.
Harry began laughing like a crazy person.
"Did I say that out loud?" I asked, blushing. Harry nodded, still laughing. "Oh, sorry."
"It's okay, get dressed."
I took out a plain tank top and denim shorts, one of Niall's snapbacks, and Converse. Same as usual.
He watched me getting dressed, looking at me intently. It didn't bother me.
"Let's go." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed as he sat down at the table and sat me on his lap. All the boys were sat there.
"We don't think it's good for you to sit home all day," Louis said, chewing on his bottom lip.
"We want to send you back to school!" Zayn smiled.
My smile dissappeared, I began shaking my head. I looked around at all the boys, shock left on my face to see if they were being serious; they were.
"No, no, no!"
Panic washed over me, and I struggled to sit still. I climbed out of Harry's lap, staring down at them, clutching onto the chair he was sat in. All their smiles seemed to have fell off their faces when they realized I wasn't as excited about the idea as they were.
The air in the room became thick, and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. I was having a panic attack.
I fell to my knees, holding my chest with one hand and my head with the other, feeling the pounding in my palm. Tears rushed over me, and I began to feel weak.
"Tay! Jesus Christ, why can't you do anything right?!"
One of the boys shoved me against a locker. I panted heavily as he pressed himself against me, biting his lip and looking down at me. He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the locker once again.
"Lay off her guys, she can do one thing right," another boy said, leaning against the locker beside me.
"And what's that?" the boy pressed against me questioned, chuckling as he held my shoulders.
The boy leaned against the locker beside me grabbed my hip and began to squeeze. "She can get on her knees."
I abruptly came back into the real world, confused as to what just happened.
"W-what happened?" The boys were all stood over me.
"You were crying and shaking when we mentioned school," Liam said, resting his hand on my shoulder..
"School?" I asked.
"You have to go to school," Louis said.
I remembered now, I stood up quickly and backed against the wall, wrapping my arms around myself and shaking my head. Harry picked me up and put me on his knee, sitting at the table. I buried my face in his chest and tears spilled down my cheek. He began rubbing my back.
"You're not going back to that old school. You'll like this one."
I calmed down a bit knowing it would be a new school, but that means I would be a new girl. I nodded into Harry's chest, wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand. After a few more minutes, I was calm. I put my head up and sighed and climbed off him.
I went over to the counter and took out some cereal, "Who wants some?" I muttered, tired of the day already.
I'm surprised Niall didn't say anything, when I turned around, he already had some.
"I will." Harry smiled. I poured two bowls and handed one to Harry. He chuckled as I sat next to him.
"What?" I smiled.
"It's funny how someone can go from so sad to so happy, in a matter of words. Bipolar, like." Harry smiled. I giggled.
"I'm taking you shopping for supplies so eat up." Liam smiled. I nodded.
I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink, turning around and leaning against the counter as I waited for Liam.
"Let's go." Liam took the keys and opened the door for me.
"Thanks." I smiled.
We drove to the mall quietly, neither of us saying much. Liam parked in a empty parking lot. "Hood up, glasses on." He put on a pair of of sunglasses and stepped out of the car. I pulled up my hood and put on a pair of Liam's glasses that were sat in the glove compartment.
"There they are!" I heard a girl scream.
Liam turned away from me and bent down a little before telling me to jump, giving me access to hop on to his back. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. He ran inside. He hid behind a big fountain. He stood with his back facing the fountain, panting, annoyed.
The fans aren't that dumb, though. They ran over and straight up to Liam, a few pushed around and one fell into Liam.
Liam and I both fell back into the fountain. Liam was on top of me but rolled off. He got up but I lay there for a minute. I couldn't breathe but I don't know why I didn't get up. I could see people bustling around over me, grabbing and pulling Liam. I shut my eyes. I heard a deep accent yelling from above the water, "C'mon guys, get off him! Where's Tay?"
I was suddenly pulled out off the fountain. I kept my eyes shut. I was carried, then put down, I heard a door close. Everything seemed wavy.
I felt hands being pressed onto my chest, my mouth was opened and lips were put onto it, air was being blown into my mouth. This went on for three more time and I shot up.
I began coughing and I spat up all the water. Somebody was rubbing my back. Liam was sat in front of me holding a bucket. My hair was pulled back, and I vomited.
"It's okay," whoever was rubbing my back said. A big hand grabbed the bucket and Liam stood up and left. A police man going with him.
The bucket was put down and somebody lay me back down on the ground.
"Where's Liam?" I closed my eyes, shivering from the cold.
"He's just getting you're school stuff, he'll be back, you just stay here with me."
I opened my eyes to see that Harry was the one talking to me, a grin on his face.
"Hi." He smiled, his white teeth showing.
"Harry!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Thank you!"
He pulled back and looked me in the eyes for a few short seconds before his lips pressed against mine. He reached over and locked the door. I had no clue where we were but I didn't care. He lay on top of me and slowly slipped his tongue into my mouth.
After a few moments of us heavily making out the door handle began to jiggle and I pushed Harry off me. He landed on his back, laughing quietly.
I unlocked the door and Liam was there with bags. "You two ready? I'd rather not stay here any longer then we have to."
I nodded and Harry stood up, taking me up with him.
"Here, I got everything you would need." Liam said and handed me the bags.
"Thanks Liam!" I took the bags from him, grinning up at him.
I put them on my bed and sat at my desk. My hair was still wet and now in a bun and I changed my clothes out of the damp stuff I was wearing before to something more clean and dry.
I logged onto Twitter on my laptop. It was so sweet. There was pics of me and Liam falling in the fountain being spread, Liam being pulled back while I lay there, and Harry pulling me out, and there was a video of the entire thing happening. Everyone was saying they're so sorry and #WeAreSorryTayFromDirectioners was trending worldwide. A huge grin was plastered on my face.
I decided to do a twitcam to say thanks. I tweeted it and then started it.
There was already a few hundred watching.
"Hey! Okay, so, hi. First I just want to start by saying a big thanks to the people who pushed me and Liam in the fountain, and a thank you to all the fans saying sorry on Twitter even though you didn't do anything. I don't hate One Direction fans, I just think you all need to, like, be more careful, you know?"
I talked about other random stuff for a while until Harry walked in and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. He rested his chin on my shoulder, staring at the computer.
"Watcha doing?" he mumbled into my hair.
"Twitcam!" I smiled.
"Hellooooo internet!" Harry sat next to me. "Look." He pointed to the questions on the screen and smiled, laughing at how crazy the fans started to go.
"No we're not dating," Harry giggled, and I couldn't help but stare at him, smiling at how adorable he looked hen he laughed. "Well, you have school tomorrow, bed." He pointed to my huge bed.
"Okay, okay. Goodnight my sexy people!" I ended it with a wave and shut my laptop off before climbing into bed.
He kissed my head and climbed in next to me, wrapping his long arms around me.
"Sing me a song," I whispered.
He sang Isn't She Lovely as I dozed off.
Next Morning.
"Its time to get up in the morning."
"Got McDonald's breakfast for you."
"We drove two miles to get it, so you better get up and eat it." I put my head under my pillow, groaning at the four boys bouncing around the room.
"Don't be lazy people, Harry and Tay!"
"Its time to... wake uuuup." The boys jumped on my bed and sang loudly, Niall with the guitar in his hands.
"Time to get up!" Harry sat up. They all laughed as Harry shook his head and said, "Hadn't heard that one in a long time, lads!"
I forgot I slept with him. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. "Shower, go," he said before pushing me into the bathroom, shutting the door and leaving.
I showered, washed my hair and body, dried and curled my hair, and went into the bedroom.
I put on my underwear and bra and put on my uniform. The skirt was to my knees so I turned it up so it was about half way up my thigh. I had grey socks that went to my knees, my shoes were plain black with a bit of a heel, and a red polo shirt hugged my body comfortably.
Goddamn ugly uniform.
I put my books and supplies in my bag. I got my schedule and map and put those in, then I went downstairs with my bag on my shoulder.
"Breakfast is there." Louis pointed to the table.
I sat down, shifting around in my seat. "Here you go!" Niall gave me a cup off tea. I ate it and drank my tea slowly.
"I'll take you to school." Harry picked me up and put me on his back. He carried me to the car. The drive was about 10 minutes.
The building was a huge. "This will be fun."
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