Katrina could hear a rapid heartbeat under her head, and slowly opened her eyes to see that she was laying on top of Barry, the menu screen from the sixth Harry Potter was playing on her TV screen. She quietly gets up, to check her phone to see what time it was. "Shit!" she says as she realized they were about to be late to work. She zoomed around her apartment getting dressed before going to wake Barry. "Barry! Barry!" she shouts shaking him awake. He slowly opens his eyes to see she had changed, "Please tell me we didn't fall asleep" he says as he rubs his eyes, waking up.
'Yeah we did, and now we are going to be late" she says.
"Crap, okay, umm I'll rush home and meet you at the lab" he says getting up.
"Yes do that, and I will grab donuts for us" she smiles to him, as he gets up off her couch and heads out, she watches him speed away.
Katrina ran to the nearest donut shop and got her and Barry three dozen donuts, and headed to their lab with them, just as Barry got there too.
"Donuts" she says to him as she places them down on the table.
"So about last night" Katrina says taking a donut and eating one.
"Yeah sorry, I should have probably woken you up when you feel asleep, but you looked so peaceful, then I started to get tired, and just fell asleep" Barry says as he eats a donut.
"We probably should keep that to ourselves for now" Katrina says.
"Yeah" Barry says as the two of them eat more donuts, and get to work.
Barry goes over to the table, to write some notes down, when they see Joe enter the lab.
"Come to yell at me again?" Barry says to him.
"Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night. The coroner took some skin samples. Hopefully they belong to the killer" he says handing Barry the evidence, "See if you can find a match" Joe starts to walk way.
"It can't just be a coincidence. Stagg's benefit was attacked last night." Katrina says to Joe.
"I'm going to interview Stagg now" Joe says to them.
"We'll go with you" Katrina suggest.
"Your jobs is in here, stay in here and do it" he says and they can clearly tell he's still mad about last night.
Just then Iris walks into their lab, "Hi dad" she says.
"Hey Iris, gotta go" he says kissing her on the cheek. Barry goes to process the new evidence and Iris walks over to the two of them.
"Why is my dad mad at you two?: she asks them.
"More at Barry then me, but its work stuff" Katrina tells her, and then realizes she is giving her a hard look.
"Why are you mad at us?" Katrina asks.
"You two were suppose to meet me at Jitters to give me scientific background for my article" she says to them.
They give each other a guilty look, "we didn't show up" Katrina says to her.
"Now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment" she tells them.
"Iris" Barry starts to say.
"Don't say you two are sorry. Okay? I know that you are. What I don't know is what is going on with you two" she says to them. "Barry we grew up one bedroom down from each other, Do you honestly think that I don't know when you're happy or sad or depressed or lost" she says adding sugar to her coffee, "I'm gonna ask you one last time Barry, and you better be honest with me what the-"before she continues on, Katrina watches as Barry super speeds around Iris, claiming how he wants to tell her the truth, but just can't. Katrina hears how Barry wants to tell her how he feels about her but can't either and that hurts her.
"-the hell is going on with you" Iris finishes once Barry comes back in front of her. Before Barry can reply they hear one of the machines beeping indicating it was done processing. Barry and Katrina walk over to the machine, Iris following, 'We are not done talking about this"
They look over the results, "That's impossible, there was a murder last night. These skin cells belong to the murderer but these cells are naïve" Katrina says looking at Barry.
"Stem Cells, they can replicate and become any cell the body needs. They only come from babies" Barry explains more simply to Iris.
"This means your killer is what, a newborn?" Iris asks them.
"We're not really sure, we should take this to the Captain" Katrina says to Barry.
"Uh yeah, Iris, we'll have to catch up later" Barry says printing the results out.
Barry and Katrina head down the stairs to see everyone starting to gear up, and rushing out of the precinct. "Captain what's going on?" Barry asks seeing Singh putting on his bullet proof vest.
"Not now" the captain says to them, "AN armed gunman's shooting up Stagg Industries" he takes off. Katrina and Barry look at one another, "Joe's there" they say together and they know exactly what to do next. The speed up to their lockers in their lab, opening them and taking out their suits.
"You brought yours here too?" Barry asks.
"Yeah I did" she says and they both quickly change into them, and race off to Stagg Industries. They arrive just in time to see three men shooting at Joe, and the two of them take the men's guns away dropping the guns in front of Joe.
"Go!" they tell Joe.
"No!" he says and Katrina speeds Joe out of the building.
"You can't leave Barry in there alone Katrina" Joe says to her.
"I know Joe" she says to him as she speeds back into the building, to see Barry getting beat up by more than three men.
"Hey" she shouts getting the men's attention. They look at her and start to go at her, and she ducks a blow from the first man, and spin kicks at the next. Using her speed to her advantage, she manages to punch a couple of them and kick down another. She keeps going at them, but they start to duplicate themselves. Suddenly she gets knocked down, being over powered by the amount of men, as they toss her beside Barry. Four of them stand in front of the two speedsters and aim their guns, just as they go to shoot, Barry and Katrina super speed away.
They finally come to a stop and lean against a fence, both looking at one another. "You shouldn't have done that?" Barry says to her.
"If I hadn't you would beat a lot worse then that" she tells him.
"When did you learn to fight like that?" he asks her.
"I grew up in Gotham Barry, I had to know how to defend myself. Then lived in Starling City, so I just knew, but man what that guy can do, I have never seen that before." She says.
"Yeah, we should get to S.T.A.R labs, you should get some of those wounds healed" he says going to touch the abrasion she had on her head. She flinched at his touch, but only for a second due to the pain.
"Yes, we should" she says and they both speed away to the lab.
Sitting on one of the beds, now changed back into normal clothing, Katrina sat still as Caitlin cleaned up her wounds. "Well, looks like we know you can heal like Barry, you had bruised ribs, and they have already healed in less then an hour" Caitlin says to her.
Barry flinches as Caitlin moved on to clean his wounds, "Sorry, the abrasions are already rapidly healing" she tells him.
'Yeah, I got my ass handed to me, if it wasn't for Katrina it would have been a lot worse" Barry tells her.
"You both got blood on my suits" Cisco says and Katrina gives him a cold hard look.
"I'm pretty sure some of it belongs to our perp" she tells him.
"Another not so friendly meta-human" Barry adds.
Dr.Wells, suddenly makes a picture appear on a monitor and Barry and Katrina both recognize it as the man they had just fought off earlier.
"Danton Black, A bio-geneticist. Specialized in therapeutic cloning. Growing new organs to replace failing ones" he explains to them.
"Apparently Stagg stole his research and then fired him" Caitlin then tells them.
Barry stands up, "We saw Stagg create duplicates from his own body"
"That's pretty ironic the guy specialized in cloning. And now he can make Xeroxes of himself." Cisco says to everyone.
"If he was experimenting on himself when exposed to the dark matter wave released by the accelerator explosion" Wells explains.
"Meet Captain Clone" Cisco says and they all give him a look, "Don't worry I'll come up with something cooler"
Barry then starts to walk away, "Where are you going?" Caitlin asks him.
"Joe was right. I'm in way over my head. Yeah. I'm fast but I am no warrior. I could baerly fight one meta-human let alone six" He says as he goes to walk away again.
"Barry" Wells says making him stop and turn back around, "I understand. Today was a setback. But any grand enterprise has them. And we can never learn to fly without crashing a few times"
"This wasn't a grand enterprise, Dr.Wells. This was a mistake" Barry says and he leaves the lab.
"I'll talk to him, trust me I know what he's feeling right now. He's feeling defeated, I've been there before. There's something I haven't told Barry or you guys about me, but I know what it's like to save people. I know what it feels when the bad guys get away cause I have had my fair share of bad guys get away from me and that's not just from working in the SCPD or CCPD. If you really want to know what I'm talking about talk to my friend Grayson at the GCPD, I think you guys can figure it out" Katrina says that as she leaves the lab. Going out onto the street she looks for Barry, but doesn't see him anywhere. She takes off zooming through the streets of Central City until she sees the familiar red and yellow lightning from Barry. She catches up to him smiling over at him as she speeds faster by him, eventually coming to a stop in an alley just down from Jitters. Barry stops right beside her, both their shows sparking.
'We really gotta stop running in our normal clothes" she says to him.
"Yeah" he quietly says.
"Barry about today, it's going to happen. Not all good guys are going to win, trust me. I know what it's like for bad guys to get away, and I know what it's like to get beat up by them, trust me you have no idea how many times I have had to fight henchmen for the Penguin or The Riddler" she looks at Barry once she realizes what she had just said.
"Wait, what" he asks her.
"Uhh something from my past, that isn't something we need to discuss right now" she says as she walks away toward Jitters.
"Who the heck are the Penguin and the Riddler?" he asks her.
"Gotham bad guys" she says as she opens the door to Jitters.
As they enter they can hear a reporter on the tv "Detective, was the gunman apprehended?"
They then hear Eddie replying as they see Eddie and Iris watching the report, "The shooters whereabouts are unknown at this time. We consider him armed and extremely dangerous. Thank You. No more questions" Iris then shuts the tv off.
"Nice work Eddie" Barry says an d the two of them turn around to look at Barry and Katrina.
"Yeah, right place, right time" Eddie says to him.
"No, you were a hero today" Barry tells him.
"CCPD still has a killer on the loose. I should get back to the precinct" Eddie says.
"Bye" Iris says as the two of them kiss good bye.
"So did you two come here for caffeine or are you finally gonna tell me what's going on with you two?" Iris then ask walking over to them.
"Caffine and some food sounds good right about now." Katrina tells her.
Barry and Katrina sit down as Iris gets them some food and coffee. They quickly eat it all down, as Iris brings Barry a glass of water. "I guess you two were hungry" she says sitting down with them.
"Stress eating" Katrina tells her.
"We came to say we're sorry. And you're right we, mostly I have been distant" Barry says to her.
"Correct" Iris says back.
"Kind of a Jerk" he then adds.
"You should apologize more often. You are really sensational at it" The two of them share a heartful smile and something tugs at Katrina seeing them share amoment.
"So, what were you gonna tell me the other day?" Iris then asks.
"I thought I had to do something. Something I thought was important. But it turns out that I'm not very good at it, but Katrina is. But what I am better then her at is being your friend" Barry says earning a light hit from Katrina. "Hey" she smiles at him.
"If you need help with a new topic for your article, we can" Barry goes to continue but Iris stops him.
"I found one. Something, that actually interests me" she gets up from the table. "I know this is gonna sound crazy. It's been all over the internet this week" she turns her laptop around and Katrina and Barry get up walking over to see what she has to show them. "At a building fire. At a Bank heist, even when those robbers shot at the security guard, he said he was whooshed outside" she brings articles up of the heroics Barry had done the week earlier, and the ones that Katrina was now apart of. The two of them share a look, knowing this was something they did not need Iris getting involved in.
"Something out there is saving people" she says bending back up to look at them.
"Uhh Iris I thought you were taking Journalism, not science fiction writing" Katrina quickly says
"Ever since I have known you Barry, You have believed in the impossible. What if you were right about the night that your mom died" Iris says, before he can respond, Barry's phone starts buzzing. He takes it out of his pocket, hitting the answer button, "Look I told you I'm through" they hear Barry say. "Yeah, okay Kat's with me too. Be there in a sec" He then hangs up. Turning back toward the women, "Umm Kat, we gotta go do that thing" he then says.
"Uhh right that thing at the lab that we forgot to do. Iris, we'll talk to you later" Katrina says as her Barry leave Jitters.
"What's happening?" Katrina asks Barry once they were outside.
"I got no idea, just Caitlin called saying we needed to get to the lab now" he tells her.
"Then lets go" she says and they take off.
Arriving at S.T.A.R Labs, they stop right infront of Danton Black, "Katrina, Barry It's okay" they hear Caitlin say.
"It is not okay. Black is here and he's just standing there" Barry says.
"That's not him at all is it?" Katrina says realizing it can't be the real Black.
"It's one of his replicas" Wells comes over saying.
"How did you get it?" Barry asks
"I grew him" Caitlin says and they both look at her surprised.
"I isolated a sample of Black's blood from your suits to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplies" she explains showing them her process on one of the monitors in the cortex. "So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel and they began replicating into that:" she says coming back over to Barry who is poking the replica and waving his hand in front of it.
"Why doesn't he? It do anything?" Barry asks them.
Wells pulls up his sleeves, "We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active, little else" he explains.
"We think it's acting as a receiver" Cisco tells them.
"The clones are an empty shell without Black" Caitlin says as she walks around the clone, so does Barry and Katrina. "Shut down the real Black and you might shut them all down" she tells the two of them.
"But how would we know which ones the real Back?" Katrina asks.
"That occurred to be given your passing out. Black has limits, just like the two of you. Controlling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength. So look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue. He's the prime." Caitlin tells them.
"Just a theory, but one you might want to put to the test, Mr. Allen, Miss Ivory" Wells tells them.
Cisco comes walking over to them, "I whipped up these high calorie protein bars for the two of you to keep your metabolism up "
"AHH!" Caitlin suddenly screams and the look over to see the clone moving. Before anyone can react there is the sound of gun fire. Barry quickly pulls Katrina behind him, trying to protect her. They look to see Joe standing there holding his gun up, "Anymore of them?" he asks all of them.
"Nope" Caitlin quickly responds.
"Uh Barry you can let me go" Katrina says to him.
"Uh yeah sorry" he says to her.
"Why did that thing start moving?" Katrina turns to Wells asking.
"The prime. My guess is the prime is on the move" Dr.Wells tells them.
Joe puts his gun away, "And I know where he was summoned to" he looks at Barry and Katrina, "Stagg Industries"
"You should call it in" Barry tells him.
"Police can't fight this. What Black's become, like Mardon is beyond me. Maybe way beyond them too, the only person it's not beyond is the two of you. You gotta do this. I get it, so for once in your life do what I tell you to do. Go stop him" Joe tells mostly Barry. Barry looks at Katrina, she smiles at him knowing they need to do this, that they can do this. They then walk away from the others going to their suits, they take them changing into them and taking off for Stagg Industires.
Just as they arrive they see Black aiming a gun at Simon Stagg, Katrina quickly rushes him away back to his office.
"Stay here" she tells the man and runs back to join Barry as they see multiple Danton Blacks walking around the building.
"We know Stagg stole your research, but that doesn't give you the right to murder" Barry says as they look around for who the prime may be.
One standing right in front of them shoots his gun, and the both manage to move out of the way of the incoming bullet with their speed. They both look at one another after the bullet goes by then decided to speed around the building knocking down as many copies as they possibly can. The decided to stop for a second to process which seems to be the prime, but still can't locate him when one comes up behind them.
"You think this about my job" he goes to attack and Katrina takes him on. Using her speed he grabs him and knocks him into a nearby post. "This is about Elizabeth" the copy says to her. "She was my wife" another copy says as he fires a bullet at her. Before she can react, Barry knocks the man who was shooting at her down, and she punches the other copy in the face. They continue to run around looking for the real Danton Black.
"She had a degenerative coronary disease. She had been on the transplant list for years but time was running out." They hear another copy saying, as they both hide behind a pole. "SO if I couldn't get her a new heart" the copy says.
"You were gonna grow her one" Barry says and they both come out of their hiding . The one copy goes to shot but they speed away in time as the bullet hits another Black copy, knocking both duplicates down.
"I was so close until Stagg stole my research so he could reap the glory. And I got to bury my best
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