Katrina and Barry met up with Iris at the award ceremony; they stood among the crowd, as Simon Stagg stood on the stage accepting his award.
"I find it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City University to be standing before you now the Regents choice for Man of the Year. While I very much appreciate the award the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank You all very much for coming" he finishes his speech and everyone applauds.
Katrina, Barry and Iris turn away from the stage, "Okay first things first, Simon Stagg's work in cellular cloning has lead to huge advancements in organ replacement" Barry explains to Iris, as she grabs champagne from a waiter.
"Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?" she asks handing a drink to Barry and Katrina.
"Okay If you are bored already," Barry says taking her drink and his placing them down on a table.
"Just wait until we get to the science behind cellular regeneration" Barry adds, as Katrina quickly drinks hers, earning a look from both of her friends.
"What, I needed that okay" she says to them as they continue to walk around.
Iris then links her arms with Katrina and Barrys. "I have missed this you two. I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from the coma" she says letting go and standing in front og them.
"We went out the other night" Katrina says.
"Yeah, but I meant the three of us" she says.
"We've just have had a crazy few weeks. I know" Barry tells her.
"I thought maybe you guys were avoiding me because of Eddie. I know you guys think it's wrong me dating my dad's partner and I just" Iris says to them.
"No, that's not it. At all" Barry tells her.
"Oh.Oh Mr.Stagg" Iris suddenly says seeing the man walking by. "I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my article"
"Not now, miss" his security guard tells her as the man walks away.
"I'll just make something up" she says as Katrina and Barry join her.
"So, what were you gonna to tell me? You look like you were about to say something" Iris says.
Just as Barry was about to say something they hear gunfire and people screaming. The turn to see a group of men in black, by the stage, "Quite down all of you!" the one man shouts.
"Oh god" Iris whispers scared, as Barry holds her and Katrina behind him, trying to protect them.
"How considerate you are all wearing your finest jewelry. Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you" the leader says to all the scared people. Katrina looks around trying to assess the situation, figuring a way to make an escape, or take the men out.
"Now everybody line up" the man orders and they do so.
Barry stands between the two women; he starts to move, when Katrina grabs his arm, "Don't. Don't" she tells him, knowing it's not safe.
"Freeze!" they then hear a guard come into the room shouting. All 6 men turn, pointing their guns at the guard, "Drop your weapons" he orders, but the men don't listen. Barry speeds away, rushing the guard outside, as Katrina runs after the guards. As she gets outside, she realizes her heels are burnt, so she quickly pulls them off and tosses them in the dumpster. She starts to get light headed, the men get away, just as she starts to faint.
"Kat,Kat, Kat" she then hears Iris calling to her. She opened her eyes to see Iris kneeling beside her, Barry seated on the ground beside her, looking like he had just been woken back up too.
"I turned around and you were both gone. What happened? Are you two okay?" she asked the two of them.
"Yeah, we're fine, we umm went after them to try and get the plates. And we umm fainted" Katrina says hoping that Iris buys the story.
"What happened to your heels?" Iris then asks Katrina.
"Oh I umm broke a heel" she lies to her.
"Come on let's get you two back inside" she says, as Barry stands up he helps Katrina get up too, she stumbles and falls right into Barry's arms. He holds onto her as she looks up at him, her heart racing faster than her new normal. She quickly pulls away from him as they head back inside.
"Hi" Iris says as they walk over to Joe and Eddie.
"Iris" Eddie says trying to hide a smile.
"Where were you two?" Joe asks as he sees them.
"Dad, go easy. I found them both outside, they had fainted" Iris tells her father.
"You want me to get you two a paramedic, Ivory, Allen" Eddie says concerned.
"No, Eddie we are fine. Thank You" Barry tells him.
"I thought I was dead" they then head the guard tell a detective, "I heard the gun off then BOOM. Suddenly I'm outside. I have no idea how I got there" they hear him continue.
Katrina quickly looks at Barry, before Joe motions to the two of them. "Let me talk you two for a second" he says.
"Uh,yeah" Katrina says as they follow him away from Eddie and Iris.
"You two chased those gunmen?" he asked them.
"Yeah, and I lost a good pair of heels" Katrina tells Joe, who just gives her a look.
"They must be the same guys that knocked over the gun shop" Barry tells him.
"And what where you gonna do, when you caught them, huh? Ask them nicely to pull over? You two are not bulletproof" Joe says as they stop walking and he faces them, "Wait, are you?"
"No" they both say to him.
"Okay. Look no more heroics" Joe warns them.
"Joe, trust me I know how to handle bad guys" Katrina tells him.
"Chasing bad guys is not your job. It's mine. You two are not cops. Promise me" Joe says.
"Promise" Barry tells him.
Joe gives Katrina a hard look, "Okay I promise" she says.
"And you two know Iris is not stupid. Start making better excuses than 'I fainted'" Joe says looking at them as he walks away.
"Do you really think you could have handled those men?" Barry ask Katrina as they leave the building.
"Possibly, there are things about me Barry Allen that you don't really know" she smiles at him.
"I will figure them out though" he smiles back at her.
"Come on we should go talk to Caitlin and Cisco figure out this light headed thing" she says as they walk away from the university.
"You lied to us" Caitlin says to Barry as the two of them get checked over by Cisco, "How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells? We're your doctors. God knows what's going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You two could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack" she asks mad at them.
They both look over at Wells for an explanation, "Mini-Stroke. Probably not" he tells them.
"You two, of all people, should know that in science, we share. We do not keep secrets" Caitlin finishes and walked away.
"I just started getting the spells today, so don't be mad at me" I call out at her.
"Wow, I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie" Cisco says passing Wells a tablet.
Katrina and Barry look over at Well's "Ronnie was her fiancé?" Katrina asks.
"The one that died the night of the accelerator explosion" Barry adds.
"Yeah. He is missed" Wells says not looking at them. "Now lets figure out why this is happening to the two of you"
They get Katrina and Barry to change in sweats and sweatshirts, giving them each a pair of running shoes. Cisco leads them into a room, where he has stacked a bunch of boxes filled with Styrofoam.
"We are all set" he says when he comes back into the room, "A little padding. Just in case" he says to them hitting the boxes.
"Yeah, good idea" Katrina says as Cisco exits back out, and the two of them step onto a machine that looks much like a treadmill.
"You sure about this Cisco?" Barry asks.
"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about 12 miles per hour. This one has been Cisco'd. Trust me, it can handle your speed" he informs them through the speakers.
"Okay" they both say as Cisco turns the machine on and they start walking on it, as it picks up speed, they start going faster and faster, their lightning starting to spark behind them.
"Katrina, Barry we think" is all they hear as they both pass out and crash into the boxes behind them
Katrina slowly opened her eyes, and Cisco helps her sit up as Caitlin helped Barry, "We passed out again?" he asked them.
"Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia" Caitlin explains.
"So we're not getting enough nutrients. Just give us an IV and we're good to go" Katrina suggests to them.
Cisco just scoffs turning them around showing how both of them were connected to a lot of IV bags, "Try 40 each. Guess you two were thirsty" Wells says to them.
"We're gonna need to fashion each of you a diet based on your metabolic changes" Caitlin explains, walking away.
"I've done a few calculations" Cisco says as he stands in front of them, "You will need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos" they both nod at him, "Unless we're talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations" Cisco says as he then walks away to figure the new calculations.
"For Mexican, I recommend Tito's on Bruckner Avenue, Best burrito in the city" they then hear Joe say and look to see he has entered the cortex. Barry and Katrina sit back down on the bed, wondering why Joe was there.
"Detective West, what brings you to S.T.A.R Labs?" Dr.Wells asks him.
Joe points at the Katrina and Barry, mostly at Barry, "When I couldn't find either of you at your lab, I started doing a little research. Turns out there have been reports of a red streak around the city." He looks over at the others, then back at Barry, "Stopping muggers. Rescuing people from burning buildings"
"You didn't tell him we were working together" Wells says turning his chair to face the two of them.
"He didn't tell me what he was up to either, until I discovered it this morning" Katrina says.
"Way to throw him under the bus" she hears Cisco mutter, and quickly glares at him.
"Joe I can explain" Barry says looking at Joe.
"You already have a job in law enforcement Barry. I suggest you get back to it" Joe tells him
"Mm-hm" Caitlin says, earning a look from Joe, "don't look at me. I'm on your side" she quickly says.
"Detective we all want what's best for both Barry and Katrina" Wells says.
"I'm not worried about what's best for Katrina. If you wanted what was best for Barry though, you'd try talk him out of this instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life" Joe says angry.
"You saw a man control the weather. What are the police gonna do against someone like that. Since the accelerator explosion, we suspect there may be more like him" Barry tells him.
"And you're gonna do what? Catch them? Are you insane? You think because you can run real fast that you're invincible? You're not. You're just a kid. My kid" as Joe says those words he glances at Wells.
"I'm not your kid, Joe" Barry says, "And you're not my father"
"Barry" Katrina says disappointed that he would say that and she can see the hurt on Joe's face.
"My father is sitting in Iron Heights. Wrongfully convicted. You were wrong about him." Barry stands up, "And you're wrong about this. Now, I may not be able to help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves. I'm gonna do it, and you can't stop me. So don't try" Barry says mad at Joe.
Katrina can see the hurt on Joe's face, knowing he is just trying to look out for Barry, "You think you're so smart. All of you. But you don't know what you don't know. And I hope you're clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed" Joe points at Barry when he says those words and he walks away.
"Barry can we talk, in private" Katrina says to him.
"Yeah sure" he says and they head into another room away from the others.
"Don't you think you were a little hard on Joe. He's just worried about you Barry, he loves you and I know he doesn't understand what has happened to us, but he doesn't want you to get hurt trying to be a hero. I know he doesn't worry about me, cause I grew up in Gotham, that place was full of crazy, but still Barry being a hero or vigilante, is not all it's cracked up to be" Katrina tells him.
"I know Kat, but come on what we can do, we can help save people, and that to me is the most amazing thing ever. Joe just doesn't want to listen or understand" he says to her.
"But Barry, you can't do this alone, trust me I know someone who always thought they were better off working alone, till they took a couple of kids under their wing, and learned how to work with a team. Yes I know you have Caitlin, Cisco and Dr. Wells but trust me you need me to" She says placing a hand on his arm.
"You're not talking about Oliver are you?" he asked her.
"No, actually someone else I know who is a vigilante, but my past is not important right now. We need to be in this together from now on" she says.
"Fine, we will" he says to her.
"Good" she smiles at him. "Now how about you and me go to my place, order a whole bunch of take-out and watch all the Harry Potter movies"
"That sounds good" he smiles at her.
Barry and Katrina were seated on her couch, eating their third pizza and almost done the fourth Harry Potter movie.
"I miss this" she smiles over at Barry.
"Yeah, I do too" he smiles back at her.
"Do you want any more pizza, or some of the Chinese food? "Kat asks as she gets up from the couch.
"Umm, I think I am actually full" he tells her, 'Want me to help clean up?" he asks her.
"I think I got it" she smirks as she speeds around the room cleaning it all up. She collapses back onto the couch beside Barry once she is done.
"Didn't want to put the next movie in while you were running around?" Barry asks her.
"I did the first four movies it's your turn" she says nudging him.
"Fine, I got it" he says as he gets up and goes to put the movie in; there's a picture on her TV stand that catches his eye.
"Is that you with Bruce Wayne?" Barry asks her.
"Uhh, yeah he umm took me in when I lived in Gotham" she confesses to him.
"Dude, you lived with Bruce Wayne that is awesome!" he smiles at her as he puts the next movie in.
"Yeah, it was pretty good" she says to him as he comes to sit back down beside her.
"Then why did you leave Gotham?" Barry asks her.
"I have my reasons that I don't wish to get into right now. Let's just watch some Harry Potter" she says as she starts the movie, and moves a little closer to Barry, who wraps an arm around her holding her close.
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