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friend. Now I'm alone" they hear what they assume may be the prime say. The two of them rush at Danton knocking him down, but it isn't him, as they hear a noise to see the real Danton Black make even more duplicates of himself. The multiplies rush at the two speedsters, and Katrina and Barry prepare to fight them off. Katrina manages to fight some of them back, but then sees Barry getting over powered by a multitude of copies. "Barry! Barry!" she shouts at him, as she is then overpowered. They both get a break and speed away breaking free.

They manage to get away and catch their breath, "Remember you guys, find the prime" they hear Caitlin tell them through the com links.
"There's too many of them to fight" Barry tells them.
"Barry you need to isolate the prime" they hear Dr. Wells say.
"I can't it's impossible" Barry says back panic in his voice. Katrina watches Barry knowing he is having a hard time with this, and not being able to help him without giving away her past that she has tried so hard to keep hidden.

"Nothing's impossible, Barry. You taught me that. You can do this" they hear Joe say encouraging Barry.
"Barry you can do this. I know you can, besides you have me in there with you and trust me the two of us together we can stop Black" Katrina tells him. He nods at her as they turn to see millions of clones coming up the stairs towards them. The two run among the copies, taking down as many as they can before Barry spots the real Danton Black. He grabs the real one and takes off, knocking him out, as all the copies fall to the ground around Katrina. She looks up at Barry who is looking down at her, and he lets out a light laugh surprised that they did it.

­"Barry, Katrina, are you two all right?" they hear Joe asks them.
"Yeah Joe we're fine" Katrina replies holding the comm link button down on her mask.
"We're fine Joe, it's done" Barry also replies and Katrina notices movement behind Barry. She superspeeds up to where he is, knocking Black away from Barry and they crash through the glass window.

Katrina holds on to Black, as Barry grabs her "Hang on" Barry shouts at her.
"I'm trying. Danton hold on, we are going to get you back up there" Katrina tells the man that they had just fought off.
"No" he replies to her as he makes another hand grow out of his arm, grabbing her hand and trying to pry it off his.

"Don't" she says to him. The man pulls harder and finally breaks free falling to his death, "Ahh!" Katrina screams as Barry pulls her back up onto the building. He holds her close, as they are both in shock over what they had just seen. "Are you, are you okay?" Barry asks her, as he takes his mask down to look at her.

"I don't know Barry, I've never seen someone just give up like that." She says to him holding in tears at feeling upset.
Barry holds her close, and wipes a fallen tear from her cheek, she feels herself moving closer and realizes what was about to happen. She quickly pulls away from Barry and stands up, "We should uh head back to the lab" she says.
"Umm yeah we should" he says standing up too and they both race back to the lab.

Changing back into their normal clothes they stand in front of the TV monitor watching the news speak about Danton's death. "We tried to save him" Katrina says.

"Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved" Wells says to her. "Some people when they break they can't be put together again" at those words they seem to hit her hard remembering a time when someone she once knew had the same thing happen to them.

"Some people heal even stronger" Barry then says.
"I hope so" Wells says to him.
Katrina and Barry start to head for the door, Barry patting Wells on the shoulder. "Well at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else" Cisco says as they stop and look at him at his new name for Danton Black. "I told you I'd come up with a cool name" he says putting the lollipop into his mouth.

"We may be the ones in the suits doing all the running but when we are out there helping people making a difference you're all out there with us" Barry says to Cisco, Caitlin and Dr. Wells. "Finally realized something, we were all struck by that lightning" he says as they two of them walk out of the lab.

"I'm proud of you Barry. I know it may seem like we lost cause Danton well you know, but you still overcame that panic and was able to find the real Black" Katrina says to him.
"I wouldn't have done that without you, you know that" he says.
"Barry, you could have done that with or without me" she says to him as they walk out of the lab.
"I guess, but still you really know how to fight. How did you get so good did Oliver teach you?" Barry asks as they head down the street.

"No, I had a really good friend teach me when I lived in Gotham" she tells him still scared to tell him the truth.

"I think you should teach me" he says to her.
"I'm game for that, but first we should probably head back we still have a load of paperwork to catch up on" she says as she speeds away toward CCPD.

Stopping just outside the back entrance, her shoes spark as Barry catches up to her, his shoes doing the same. "We really got to see if Cisco can make us shoes that don't do that" Katrina says as they head inside the station and up to their lab. They both get started on the evidence that had piled up on their desks, each giving each other small glance, thinking about the moment they had earlier.  They both grab some papers and sit down at the one desk, about to read them over when they hear footsteps. Looking up they see Joe standing there holding pizza boxes, "Hungry?" he asks them. "Pepperoni, Olives, And Jalapenos, just like Barry likes and Pineapple, and Ham the way Katrina likes" he says placing the boxes down on the table. They each grab a box of pizza for them to eat as Joe looks over at the board of a map of the city. "You were wrong" he says looking at Barry.

"He's been wrong about a lot this week, you're gonna have to be more specific" Katrina says as she takes a slice out and starts to eat it.

"He said that one of things driving him to run around out there was that he couldn't help his dad" Joe says putting the map up and showing the board of Barry's work on his dad's case. "You can help him. We can" Joe tells him "We're gonna figure out who or what killed your mother that night. And then we're gonna get your father out of prison. Together" he points at himself and Barry.

"I'm in on this too Barry. With what I grew up seeing, I know you are right about that night, especially now with what is going on with us." She reaches over and takes his hand squeezing it.
"Joe what I said about you not being my father" He says to him.
"Barry, I know. I know I'm not your father" Joe says.

"No you're not, you're just the man who kept me fed and in clothes, who sat beside my bed at night until I fell asleep because I was afraid of the dark. Helped me with my homework, you taught me how to drive and shave and you dropped me off at college" Barry says to him.

"That sounds a lot like a dad to me" Katrina smiles at the two men.
Joe tears up at the words Barry gave him, and Katrina squeezes Barry's hand again. Joe then joins the two of them at the table. "I'm not eating yours" he says to Katrina who lets go of Barry's hand grabbing another slice of pizza.
"Why do you think I get this kind, more formyself" she smiles as they eat.

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