She gets to a rooftop, and sees Barry talking to Oliver, "Never imagine that I would become the impossible" she hears him say as she stops right beside him.
"Hey" she says to them. "Yeah, I'm like him now"
"So why come to me?" Oliver asks looking at Barry, "Something tells me you didn't just run 600 miles to say hi to a friend"
"I came to find him" Katrina says to him.
"All my life I've wanted to just do more. Be more. And now I am. And the first chance I get to help someone, I screw up. "What if Wells is right? What if I'm not a hero? What if I'm just some guy who was struck by lightning" Barry says to him.
"I don't think that bolt of lightning struck you, Barry. I think it chose you" Oliver tells him.
"I'm just not sure I'm like you, Oliver" he says to him, "I don't know if I can be some vigilante"
"You can be better, because you can inspire people in a way that I never could. Watching over your city like a guardian angel. Making a difference, saving people in a flash." Oliver says to Barry, as he goes to step on the ledge, he then turns back around. "Take your own advice, wear a mask, and that one, she can help you with the whole vigilante thing" Oliver says as he then shoots an arrow and zip lines away.
"Cool" Barry says then looks at Katrina, "What did he mean by vigilante thing?"
"Umm race you back then I'll tell you" she smiles as she takes off speeding away.
Katrina runs, not stopping, the feeling coursing through her was amazing, and she loved it. She finally got back to Central City stopping in the back alley by CCPD. Barry comes speeding up to her, trying to stop but managing to trip over his feet and falling to the ground. "You should really learn to stop" Katrina laughs at him, as she helps him get up.
"Yeah, something I need to work on, cause I also managed to burn my jacket" he says to her.
"You burned your jacket, from running" she says looking at him, still holding his hand.
"Don't make me forget that I was gonna ask you what Oliver meant by learning to be a vigilante from you?" Barry asks.
"He must have been talking about how I watched him be one" she says trying to lie her way out of this.
"I know you aren't telling me something Kitty Kat" he says to her.
"Don't you use that nickname with me BarBar" she jokes back with him.
"I'll discover your secrets soon enough" he smiles at her.
"You know what, how about we figure this meta-human thing. We should go through all the CCPD files, look up any cases with anomalies. It might help us track down anyone who might have got powers." Katrina suggests as she takes Barry into the precinct still holding his hand.
Katirna and Barry go over all the case files from the past nine months picking out the ones they believe might have a meta connection, and decide to bring them all to S.T.A.R labs. They place the boxes on a table, and get Cisco and Caitlin to join them taking out a couple files that might be of most interest.
"We've been going over unsolved cases from the past nine months, and there has been a sharp increase in unexplained deaths and missing people. You're meta-humans have been very busy people" Barry tells them.
"Now we're not blaming you. We know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. We know you all did lose something. But we are going to need you help to catch Mardon and anyone else out there like him" Katrina says to Cisco and Caitlin, looking at Caitlin when she mentions loss.
"Listen, We can't do it without you too" Barry tells them.
Cisco and Caitlin look at one another, a grin on Cisco's face forms, "If we're gonna do this ....I have something that might help" he says and leads the three of them to another room. He goes over and turns around a table, "Something I have been playing with" he says displaying two leather suits, one in crimson red and the other in dark violet, "It's designed to replace the turnouts firefighters traditionally wear. I thought if S.T.A.R labs could do something nice for the community, maybe people wouldn't be so angry at Dr.Wells anymore" Cisco explains to them. Looking at the suit it made Katrina think about the one she wore as a teen when she was Red Cardinal.
"How is it going to help us?" Barry asks him.
"It's made of a reinforced tri-polymer. It's heat and abrasive resistant so it should withstand your moving at high-velocity speeds, and the aerodynamic design should help you maintan control. Plus, its has built in sensors so we can track your vitalsand stay in contact with you from here" Cisco says a smile on his face proud of what he had designed for them.
"Why does Barry get a full face mask?" Katrina asks him, as she walks around the suits taking in all the details.
"Well, I didn't think your hair would fit, so I created this" Cisco opens a box pulling out a violet mask, much like one she has worn before, but they wouldn't have known that.
"Thanks" Barry says to him, "Now how do we find Mardon?"
"I re-tasked S.T.A.R lab's satellite to track meteorological abnormalities; over Central City. We just got a ping." Caitlin says showing them on her tablet, "Atmospheric pressure dropped 20 millibars in a matter of seconds. I've tracked it to a farm just west of the city" as she tells them this Barry steps away, going closer to the suit.
"We really are going to do this?" Katrina asks Barry.
"We have to" he says and the two of them change into their suits. They speed away from S.T.A.R labs, running for the location Caitlin had told them about to see a giant tornado had formed outside the barn. They say debris about to go flying at Joe, and Barry manages to block it away.
"Barry, Kat, this things getting closer, Wind speeds are 200 miles per hour and increasing. Kat, Barry can you hear me" they hear Cisco come though on their com link.
"Yeah, we hear you loud and clear" Barry tells him.
"And you still don't have permission to call me Kat" Katrina replies to him.
"If this keeps up, this could become an F-5 tornado" Cisco tells them.
They both look at one another than at the tornado, "And it's headed towards the city. How do we stop it?" Barry asks him.
"Guys, we need an answer" Katrina says as they don't get a reply.
"What if we unravel it" Barry sudden;y suggests.
"How the hell are you going to do that?" Caitlin asks him.
"We run around it in the opposite direction" Barry says to them.
"Cut off its legs" Katrina adds cluing into what Barry was suggesting.
"Your bodies may not be able to handle those speeds, You'll die" Caitlin warns them.
"We have to try" Barry says back.
"Well wouldn't be the first time I've been in a life and death situation" Katrina says to them, Barry looks at her surprised, before they both quickly glance at Joe, who is looking at them in confusion. They both then take off running, going as fast as they can around the tornado. As they run hoping to unravel it, Mardon looks over at them, then creates a lightning bolt that strikes them both knocking them away. They both go flying across the ground, and roll, until coming to a stop. They both sit up, crouching, "It's too strong" Barry tells Caitlin and Cisco.
"We just try again" Katrina says, "Trust me I know not to give up"
"You can do this, Barry" they then hear Wells say, knowing that Barry needs the confidence more than Katrina. "You were right. I am responsible for all of this. So many people have been hurt because of me. And when I looked at you, the both of you, all I saw was another potential victim of my hubris. And yes, I created this madness. But you, Barry, you can stop it, along with Katrina. You can do this. Now run, Barry, Katrina.Run!"
They finish hearing Wells give Barry the confidence he needs to do this. Barry nods at Katrina, and they take off running again, using all the speed they can to try and stop the tornado. Running around the tornado Mardon sees streaks of red, yellow, blue and purple. The finally get the upperhand and collide into the tornado, making Mardon stop. Barry pulls his mask down as he kneels beside Katrina both out of breath,
"Barry, Katrina" they hear Caitlin call out their names though the com links but before neither one can reply they see Mardon, standing infront of them holding a gun.
'I didn't think there was anyone else like me." He says pointing the gun at them.
"We are not like you. You're a murdered" Barry says to him. Just as Mardon goes to shoot at them, gunfire comes from behind and they watch him fall down. Turning around they see Joe come running over to them.
"Katrina, Barry" Caitlin practically shouts into the link.
"It's over Caitlin" Katrina tells them. "We're okay" Barry adds. Joe comes up to the two of them, a scared and confused look on his face, as he kneels down in front of them.
The next day Katrina and Barry meet up with Joe back at the crime scene on the farm. Joe is still in shock about what he had seen them do last night. "What you two can do it was the lightning bolt?" he asks them.
"More or less" Barry responds.
"I'm sorry Barry. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. And I called you crazy for chasing the impossible. But you really did see something that night your mom died. And your dad is innocent" as Joe says that Barry looks over at him. Joe then steps in front of the two of them. "I want you two to promise me something. I don't want you telling Iris about anything you two can do. Any of it. I want her safe. Promise me" Joe says to them.
"Yeah" Barry tells him.
"We promise Joe. Trust me I'm good at keeping things a secret" Katrina says as Joe walks away.
Katrina then leans away from the police cruiser and steps in front of Barry, "That went a lot better than I thought it would" Katrina says to him.
"Yeah I would say it did" he says to her.
"So, we don't need to stick around anymore, did you want to come back to my place, order some pizza watch movies like we were suppose to do, before well you know" she asks him.
'Uh, I got to so something first" he says to her.
"Going to see your dad?" she asks having a feeling that was what he was going to do.
"Yeah, I need to go talk to him, especially after everything that is going on" he says smiling at her.
"Go, We'll catch up later" she says hugging him, as he then heads off toward Iron Heights.
Katrina decides to start heading home when a thought crosses her mind that she needs to go see someone. Heading to Jitters she stops in the back alley as she then heads inside seeing Iris working late as always.
"Hey" she says to her friend as she takes a seat at the table Iris was working at.
"Hey, how are you doing?" Iris asks her.
"I'm doing okay I think" Katrina tells her.
"How are you really doing Kat? I mean you and Barry were just in a coma for nine months, you have to have a million things going through your mind" Iris says to her.
"It is weird that things have just gone on since we were in a coma, but I mean not like we expected everyone to not move on with their lives" Katrina says. "Listen Iris there's something I wanted to talk to about" she then says.
"Is this about me and Eddie?" She asks.
"No.. it's about me. I'm not sure if I still feel the same way about Barry from before the accident. I mean since I woke up someone came and saw me that I hadn't seen in a while and it still felt like there was something there" Katrina explains.
"I'm sure you will figure out whatever feelings your having, is this person at least cute" she smiles at Katrina.
"Yes, but I choose to end things, and I really don't want think getting back with him is a very good idea" Katrina tells her.
"Well, just listen to what your heart is telling you, and you will know what to do" Iris tells her.
"Thanks, Iris" Katrina tells her.
"It's no problem, you know you can always come to me for anything" Iris tells her.
Not everything Katrina thinks to herself as she just smiles back at Iris.
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