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Teen Fiction



A Silver Lining

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If life gives you lemon, make lemonade out of it. But if life gives you lemonade, what can you do with it? That's the situation Stella finds herself in when the Finch couple shows up at her doorsteps and reveals the darkest secret of her life. At that moment, Stella didn't think things could get any worse. If she then knew it was only the beginning of the longest chapter of her life.

"And before you reach any conclusion, I don't like you, in any way." "Good because I don't like you either," He said bluntly. "I happen to love you." I barely had anytime to mule over his words before he grasped the back of my neck and pulled me tightly into his chest. He buried his face in my hair and whispered in my ears, "So, will you be my valentine?" His arms slid down around my waist and looked down at me hopefully. I stared back. I couldn't tell what was happening. I wanted to say yes, no, something. But nothing was coming out. It felt like I've lost my voice all of a sudden. I couldn't even trust my voice and felt my head nodding. And before I knew it, Ryan Anderson was kissing me.

* cover picture collected from Pinterest*

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