I was trudging through the forest when I heard a voice. I stopped and turned to see Ken running up to me.
"Zena! What happened?!" She embraced me.
"I hurt so many people." I cried into Ken. "I lost control and murdered them."
"T-These wolves were trying to hurt Acacia, so I-I killed so many of them." I whispered. "I didn't need to kill them. My parents could've- I hurt them Kennedy. I was wrong. I don't have control. I'm a monster!"
"You can't be a monster when you were protecting others." Ken pulled back. "You're the purest one out of all of us. You're a hero Zena. I know Acacia thinks so as well."
"Should we get back to training?" I mumbled.
"About that... Zena, I want to apologize. I shouldn't have-"
We tightly gripped onto each other when the ground shook. It stopped after a minute of shaking. Ken and I locked eyes. Did an earthquake just happen in- we screamed bloody murder.
Hands shot us from the ground and grabbed our legs. Ken and I were quickly separated and yanked into the ground. I didn't have time to react since the hands dragged me under the ground. I can't believe I'm gonna be buried alive again! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I was thrown onto a stone ground. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a dungeon. I felt really chilly down here. Where am-
She landed with a harsh thud. She winced in pain, so she must've broken something. I tried to crawl towards Ken, but something halted my advance. I noticed my leg was chained so I tried to break it. Big mistake! The chains were silver, so my hands began to burn from the contact. I screamed and dropped the object. I was focused on my burnt hands, so I didn't even notice the sound of heels.
"Well, this turned out better than I anticipated."
I turned and saw an attractive woman with black hair. Her features were sharp, but she was incredibly pale. It was almost as if she spent most of her time in the dark and was Vitamin D deficient. Why so she- oh no! Don't tell me she's-
"Lilitu." Ken whispered. Aww, come on!
"I'd prefer Aunt Lilitu." She smirked at Ken. "And you must be Zena." She crouched in front of me. "You are beautiful like Lara." She ran her eyes over me. "I am curious who tastes better... you or Lara?" Ken and my eyes widened. "That'll be for a different day." She stood.
"What do you want?!" Ken snapped.
"Your death." Lilitu casually remarked. "I hate competition."
"Because you know you'll lose!" Ken really has a death wish here.
"Quite the contrary. It's just annoying having to kill flies like yourselves." Ken rolled her eyes. "You know I gave your mom an opportunity to end the war." I arched a brow. "Wanted her body, but she refused. Claimed she had a wife and wouldn't engage me!" Lilitu then yanked me up by the throat and slammed me into the wall. "How dare she deny me?!"
"You're crazy!" My eyes widened.
"I'll settle with your body then." I shivered when she licked up my neck.
"Leave her alone!" Ken yelled.
"And you took my dear Nyx from me!" Lilitu threw me into a wall as she marched towards Ken. "I'll kill you." She backhanded Ken.
"Find your own mate instead of trying to steal everyone else's!" I yelled.
"The disrespect between you two is unbelievable!" She yanked both Ken and I up. "Who should I kill first?" She deviously smirked.
"More like which one of us will kill you." Ken said through gritted teeth.
Lilitu then pounded Ken's head into the wall. Lilitu dropped me so that she could deliver blow after blow to Ken. Because Lilitu was rough, she had accidentally freed me from the chain. I rushed to her and ripped her off Ken. I then did a quick spell to heal Ken's broken ankle. Ken gave me a grateful smile and pushed me out the way of Lilitu's strike.
Ken and I locked eyes. We could take Lilitu on by ourselves. We nodded and rushed the dark angel. Lilitu was fast... I'll give her that. Ken and I teamed up and were able to match her strikes. I had distracted Lilitu, so Ken was able to speed behind her. Ken then crushed her calf, causing Lilitu to fall. I was given a clear opportunity to kill her. I was about to rip her head off when I was placed in a headlock.
My hands immediately grasped the arm that was choking me. Lilitu quickly got up and kicked Ken into the wall. Lilitu then did a spell that gave Ken a migraine, so she'd be easy to chain down. I heard dark chuckles behind me, so I glanced up. My jaw dropped at seeing my grandfather. I thought he was dead!
(Joaquin/ grandfather)
"I hope you like the family reunion." Lilitu smirked and placed a silver collar around my neck. I immediately weakened, so my grandfather released me. "Thought he would love to see his granddaughter for the first time."
"Bonjour." He smiled evilly. "I've been waiting for the day to strip Lara of her greatest creation." I stiffened when his hand punched through my chest. His hand squeezed around my heart. "Though, I want her to witness me destroying her flesh and blood."
"I can make you great. Not this pathetic waste! You're a tribrid, so why aren't you more feared?! I'd change that! Lilitu, show her what she would be like under me!"
Lilitu pulled Ken's face to the side, showing the angel bloody and bruised. She tossed Ken's limp body to the side and strolled up to us. I began shaking the closer the dark angel got. Lilitu then touched my grandfather and my neck. My eyes widened as I was plunged into a vision.
I saw myself with literal fire in my eyes. My hands were soaked in blood and I wore a demonic smirk. My fangs were permanently extended, with blood dripping down my chin. I walked through a field of dead bodies... bodies I killed. The village behind me was up in flames with no chance of life.
I was then thrust out of the vision. I began shaking at the possibility of me turning into that. My grandfather gripped my face and forced me to look at him.
"You'll be great. I'll make you that great." His hand tightened around my face. "Once I kill Lara, no one will stand in your way of greatness."
"N-No." I quickly shook my head.
"Yes." He grinned and threw me down. "Now, let's just get maman here." He mocked and left with Lilitu.
I was frozen in fear, so I couldn't move. Ken crawled next to me and touched my arm. I looked to see her slowly healing. I touched the collar and winced when it burnt me. Ken sighed and rolled onto her back. The two of us simply stared at the ceiling in silence. What was there to say? We weren't getting out of here, so there want any use in-
Ken and I looked at the door being screeched open. We then sat up when Kiki was thrown inside. The guards spat at her before locking the cell door. Kiki rolled her eyes and scooted between Ken and I.
"Wow, you two look rough." Kiki commented.
"What are you doing here?" Ken questioned.
"Well, we heard you guys were trapped here, so I thought I better come and keep you guys company."
"Meaning you don't have a brilliant plan to escape?" I turned to her in amazement.
"No..." She mumbled.
"You are even stupider than I have ever imagined." Ken groaned.
"So... what did I miss?" Kiki laughed.
"Dead grandfather brought back to life." I pointed at myself.
"And psycho aunt wants me dead and my girlfriend." Ken added.
"And her killer aunt also wants me to spite my maman remaining loyal to my mum... Lilitu is really confusing at times." I shrugged.
"So you're saying no one knows that we've been taken?" Ken questioned to which Kiki nodded. "Are you a dumbass?! You didn't tell one person!"
"Someone is bound to figure it out." Kiki started looking for a weak spot in the chains. "We just have to hope they figure it out before we're dead." She smiled.
"Any idea how to get out of here?" I motioned for Ken to break the collar. "And does anyone else think it's weird that they allowed us to be imprisoned together?"
"Either they severely underestimate us..." Ken grunted and broke the collar.
"Or we're doing exactly what they want." Kiki broke her chains. "It's hard to know which it is." Kiki then helped me free Ken.
"Ideas?" Ken asked as we stood up.
"Don't get killed." Kiki smirked.
"Don't split up!" They looked at me weirdly. "Not my fault! In all the scary movies, the group splits up and then the killer gets them. I don't want to be the first to die!" I'm having flashbacks to Jason in the Halloween movie.
"I nominate Ken to be our sacrifice." Kiki smirked while Ken rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." Ken rolled her eyes and walked to the cell door. "Can I get some help, you two?"
Kiki and I held our hands up. We smirked and then shot an energy blast at the door. We heard the guards groan in the hall. Ken was the first to step out and motion for us to follow her. We jogged down the hall and stopped to see a battlefield.
"It seems our missing presence was noticed." I climbed up the railing. "Look!" I pointed at Adira on the back of a Pegasus. "Your mom is dope." I complimented.
"Thanks... it seems that the demons are also here." We watched as Erana and a group of people led the army.
Kiki pointed at the group in front. She showed us her siblings that helped lead the army. Alabasandria was gorgeous and looked fierce wielding a weapon. Kiki explained that she was the one who encapsulated envy. She was adamant to steal any praise Kiki would get. She'd willingly have her people slaughtered if it'd make others look bad, so that she could outshine them.
We then saw Baalam, who was animalistic on the battlefield. He was wrath and didn't disappoint. Baalam would launch unnecessary wars or meaningless tortures. He lived off strife and conflict. He wasn't the smartest, but most temperamental.
Finally, we saw Radna. He was greed and wanted everything for himself. He hated when anyone got something that he'd didn't have. He was also known to steal and lie to get what he wanted.
None of the siblings were close, but they all agreed on one thing: they wanted the crown. They all despised Kiki since she was the heir. It wasn't something they could change since Kiki was the only child of Lucifer, the King of Hel. Kiki found her siblings squabbling to be annoying since they were all ill equipped to actually govern the realm.
"And it seems Lara didn't disappoint." Kiki smirked and motioned to my maman ripping heads off. "How'd they get the vamps and wolves to work together?" She turned to me in wonder.
"No idea." I smiled as I saw my mum lead the wolves into battle. "Acacia got the elves!" I pointed at the elves helping to fight against the demons.
"So they're gonna take out the army, so we need to take out the brains of the operation." Kiki spoke up. "Where's Lilitu?"
"Right here!"
We then dodged a fire blast. The intensity was so much that the entire realm shook. I'm sure we got the attention of everyone on the battlefield. Lilitu swung her swords around as she eyes us. The three of us wasted no time in fusing. We smirked at a shocked Lilitu.
"Ready to die, bitch?" Kenzeki spoke.
We then sprung at Lilitu and drove her into the middle of the battlefield. The force from the craters' impact pushed people away. We then dodged her swords and kicked her back down. Lilitu impaled our hand with her sword. We cackled and slowly pulled the blade out. She was shocked when we revealed our fangs. We were about to strike, but she sent a wave of dark energy to knock us back.
We flew into the wall and allowed the darkness to absorb us. Lilitu was looking around so we allowed demonic voices to disorient her. We had the illusions race to her, which caught her off guard. Lilitu slashed at the projections while we called down a lightning storm. Lilitu began to spazz out as the electricity ripped through her being.
Lilitu fell down, so we used our magic to chain her down. Lilitu was like a raved animal as she tried to free herself. Our wings extended and we flew to her. Lilitu managed to break free and tackle us into the air. We slammed our fists down, but she didn't budge. Lilitu threw us into a boulder. We tried to get out, but she pounded us deeper into the ground.
We caught Lilitu's fist and flung her down. Lilitu conjured up a dagger and struck out abdomen. We flinched, giving her the opportunity to set us on fire. We immediately encased ourself in ice to cool down. Lilitu then punched through the ice, sending us flying. Lilitu grabbed us by the neck and slammed us into the ground. She then began slashing at our face with her nails. We held up our hand, which caused her nails to sink into our skin. We winced, but then punched her in the face.
Lilitu conjured up her swords and began slashing them in the air. We jumped up and got into a fighting position. We pulled out the blade and tossed it to the side. If she wanted a sword fight, we'd give her a sword fight. We conjured up a samurai sword to match her. We then sped and clashed steel against silver. Lilitu cheekily spun away and stabbed us in the abdomen and throat.
We had to fly away and apply pressure to our wounds. Lilitu didn't ease up and attacked us again. We used a light blast to blind the dark angel. She squeezed her eyes shut, so we allowed the darkness to suck us in. Lilitu opened her eyes and roared since she couldn't find us. We were hiding behind a boulder as she looked around for us, slicing up our allies in the process.
"We're majorly injured." I breathed out.
"She's too good with the sword." Kiki commented.
"How long till our wounds close up?" Ken asked.
"Silver is my main weakness, so I don't know." I coughed out.
"We need a different strategy." Kiki stated.
"Like what?" Ken and I asked.
"We give her hell as one..." Ken and I nodded at her words. "So how about more than one of us gives her hell?"
"Ya! Ken, you can tap into Nyx's abilities and then Kiki and I can use our own abilities." I suggested.
"There you are!" Lilitu yelled at us.
"Let's go!" Kenzeki spoke.
We shot into the air and stared down Lilitu. She darted towards us, so we instantly multiplied ourselves... not an illusion, but actually multiplied ourselves. We then all attacked the flabbergasted Lilitu. Lilitu tried to parry our attacks, but it proved futile. We then used our electricity to zap her to the ground.
Lilitu was outmatched and looked winded. We then slowed down time, teleported to the ground, conjured up a dozen blades, and then teleported over Lilitu. We smirked and allowed time to proceed as normal. Lilitu was shocked we were a foot from her. We smirked and blasted light, darkness, fire, ice, electricity, and energy at her. Lilitu screamed as she was propelled into the blades. She stiffened and began coughing up blood when she got impaled.
"Any last words?" Kenzeki growled out.
"Yes." Lilitu choked out.
"What?" We bared our fangs.
"A little human is on display for demons." We arched a brow. "A squadron of my follow- followers are on their way to end her life." Lilitu gave us a knowing smirk. "In fact, the disabled human shall be dead in minutes." Our eyes widened.
Kiki's thoughts passed through our shared consciousness. We saw her fear of the demons murdering Addison, her mate. Suddenly, Kiki separated us. She then screamed for Erana and then flew off. Ken and I were shocked that she just left. Our focus was directed back at Lilitu, struggling to get up. I was about to use my claws and decapitate her, but I was thrown into a wall.
I groaned and propped myself up to see my grandfather. His hair was stark white and his eyes were black. Fuck! I tried to get up, but he sped and kicked me into another wall. My grandfather then grabbed my neck and slammed me into the wall. He threw his neck back as he got ready to strike, but he was suddenly ripped off me.
I slid down the wall and saw Acacia standing in front of me. Her sword was pointed in a defensive stance. My grandfather chuckled as he mocked my mate. I growled at his disrespect and sped in front of Acacia. I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the ground. I allowed Sloane and Kimbra to take over. My grandfather laughed as my black eyes with red irises and yellow pupils glared at him. I bared my fangs and roared at him.
My grandfather revealed a silver dagger and pierced my stomach. He then dragged the dagger up to my throat. I yelled in agony and stumbled backwards. He then kicked me into a wall and was about to crush my head, but my maman tackled him.
They rolled around until my grandfather was on top. He began to deliver blow after blow to my maman. My mum, in the wolf form, ripped him off my maman. My mum growled at him and then jumped on him. My
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