Acacia and I were sitting on the river bank. Acacia rested her head on my lap as I played with her hair. I was amazed at how intricate the braids in her hair were. I traced the braids and I tried to commit them to memory, so I could emulate them when we eventually go home. Acacia's eyes were closed as she enjoyed the head massage I began giving her.
"Pupu?" I hummed a reply to her. "Do you think differently of me?" She looked up at me. I tilted my head since I didn't know what she meant. "I- you were my first." She sat up. "Call me old fashioned, but I never had a desire to sleep with anyone who wasn't my partner for life." She sighed. "And then with Jethro- it was more times than we've been intimate."
"I don't think differently of you." I cupped her face. "I love you with all my heart, Aqua... and that's not gonna change. It's taking me every ounce of control not to murder that bastard." I clenched my jaw. "Just knowing that he still breathes makes my blood boil." I mutter.
"Thank you." She hugged me. "But, I also did something that I'm- I don't know how to feel." She averted her eyes.
"What do you mean?" I gently pushed her face towards mine.
"Jethro refused to... he didn't believe in the pull out method." She looked down. "I couldn't even picture carrying his offspring, so I had Tgeorina make liquids that would be terminal to fetuses. I'm not saying that I was pregnant because I have no idea. I just wanted to take all precautions." She teared up. "I-"
"I'm so sorry." I hugged her tight, causing her to cry into me. "You had to deal with emotional trauma because of him. And I was too late!" I was angry at myself. "I shouldn't have-"
"My mom had me indirectly poison you." She muttered. "I could've killed you, Zena! You're the love of my life and I almost killed you!" She clung onto my shirt. "How can you ever trust me again?" She looked down.
"It wasn't by your fruition. You had no idea. If you had known-"
"I'm so sorry for everything, Zena. I poisoned you and then I betrayed you." Acacia hysterically cried. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She brokenly whispered.
"I trust you with my entire being." She looked up. "I trust you more than myself." I chuckled. "I love you." I grabbed her face and deeply kissed her. "I'll always trust you, my ethereal elf."
It's been about a week that we've been in the elf realm. Acacia needed time before she could mentally prepare to see her friends. Acacia was aware that they knew/ suspected what happened to her. It was bittersweet to be in the elf realm since it was both beautiful and horrendous. The natural beauty of the realm concealed the vile actions that took place in the palace.
Acacia's mother, Queen Ingrid, privately spoke to Acacia about the things her daughter wanted. Everyone was surprised that the Queen agreed for another sibling to be heir. Well, they also attributed it to her fear of me... the tribrid or Lara's daughter going apeshit. I was about to tell them that I'd never do that to Acacia's family, but the girl stopped me. She wanted her family to have a healthy fear of me. I rolled my eyes and allowed her to play up my strengths.
Acacia's father, Erikson, actually liked me. He wanted to know the person his favorite child loved. Erik taught me the bow and arrow (I may or may not have accidentally shot Kai in the foot). It was also fun to learn sword fighting techniques from him. Erik also told me that elven weapons were highly desired due to the quality of their materials.
I was currently in the kitchens trying to teach Freja and Kai how to make pasta! Freja had no idea what the food was, so I had to explain in grave detail about the dish. Freja looked like a deer in headlights. Finn laughed as he entered with a basket of eggs. Hailey was right behind him with some flour.
I then instructed the elves to mix the ingredients together. Hailey and the boys were more interested in throwing flour at each other than actually making the food. I rolled my eyes since Freja and I were pasty white from the flour. The boys locked eyes and nodded.
We gasped when Kai ran at us. He flung Freja and I over his shoulder while Finn picked Hailey up. They then raced out the room, knocking innocent staffers over. The duo didn't stop running until we reached the spring. We squealed and yelled at them to stop, but they jumped into the water.
Freja and I swam to the surface and spat out the water. Finna and Hailey were trying to dunk each other while Kai floated over to harass the nymphs. Freja chuckled and led me to shore. We lifted ourselves out of the water and sunbathed on the grass.
"Thank you for making my sister happy." I turned on my side to look at Freja. "She's the happiest when she's with you." Freja smiled. "I'm gonna miss them." Freja gave me a sad smile.
"My brothers and Cia."
"Why would your brothers-"
"Finn will refuse to be apart from Hailey and I assume she's your guardian." I nodded. "So when you leave, she'll leave with you. Finn wouldn't be able to bear being away from her, so he'll leave. And then Kai won't be able to function without his brother. So 3 of my siblings are leaving." She sadly smiled.
"I'm sorry." I felt guilty.
"Don't be!" She happily smiled. "They are ecstatic and I have you to thank for that!" She hugged me. "We adore you, sister!"
We stepped through the elf portal and landed back in Croatia. Acacia smiled and held my hand while Finn sped around with Hailey on his back. Kai decided to do a walking handstand towards the dorms. Hailey and Acacia had decided on the room arrangements without consulting the rest of us. I'd be staying with Acacia while Finn and Kai would be staying in the same room with Hailey. Kai was already dreading accidentally walking in on them.
Kai cartwheeled onto his feet when Naomi rounded the corner. Naomi ran to hug me. I smiled and hugged her back, but immediately released her when Acacia cleared her throat. I blushed and scratched the back of my neck while Naomi was eyeing me weirdly.
"Since when do you do whatever Acacia tells you?" Naomi chuckled. I averted my eyes, which caused her to furrow her brows in confusion. "Why are you doing whatever she wants? She's not your-"
"Wife?" Acacia smirked and stepped in front of me. "Well, let's break the news to her, wifey." Acacia moved her hair so the faded bite marks could be seen. Naomi's eyes widened in horror. "Seems like she made her choice." Acacia blew Naomi a kiss.
"Wh-How could you?" Naomi gave me a heartbroken look. "After everything?!"
"HOW?!" I flinched, so Acacia pushed me behind her. She then stared down Naomi. "You better move elf because I'm about to lose it." Naomi's eyes glowed.
"Well, you won't be the only one." Acacia conjured up her sword. "What do you say?" She smirked.
"I say no!" I stepped between them. "Naomi, I'm sorry but-"
"You made your choice." Naomi glared at Acacia. "I hope you realize the mistake you made... I release you from the bond."
She sighed and looked away. I felt the bond between Naomi and I unlock. This was a different feeling from rejection. It didn't hurt at all. It was like when two people come to a peaceful decision to not continue a relationship. My eyes watered since this really was the end for us. I was about to apologize again, but Naomi brushed past us.
"I'm sorry." Acacia hugged me. "I know it's hard and-"
"I don't regret choosing you." I looked into her eyes. "It just hurts that I caused her pain." I sighed. "Now, let's get you to your friends!" I smiled at Acacia.
"I thoroughly enjoyed the show." Acacia and I turned to see Hailey and the boys eating popcorn. "Was hoping for more action between the bitchy elf and seductive temptress." Acacia and I rolled our eyes at Hailey. "But it was a good RomCom ending, right boys?"
"RIGHT!" They replied.
"Whatever. Let's go." Acacia tugged me behind her.
Acacia and I arrived at the dorm and saw her friends. They immediately got up and tackled Acacia with hugs. Nat and Cara pulled me to join in the reunion. I was surprised when Tatia smiled at me. The girls dragged Acacia to a couch and started to ask if she was alright. I gave them some privacy and went to make dinner.... or pasta! Hey, pasta is a comfort food as well. Pasta goes with every occasion! Pasta! Pasta! Pasta!
By the time I finished making a rigatoni dish, the girls were in tears. What did I miss? They snatched the pasta bowls from me and shooed me away. I guess I'm not invited to their girl chat? I shrugged and went to cleanup. I overheard yelling about how they were gonna kill Jethro. I think they're also drunk since I could hear Acacia hiccuping, Cara and Nat were giggling uncontrollably, and Tatia was rambling utter nonsense. Okay then... if that's how you cope.
I sat on the couch and watched them sluggishly fall over each other. Acacia was cuddled up to Tatia and Nat while Cara was trying to find a movie on Netflix. This will be interesting. I chewed on my pasta and began texting my Italian friends. It didn't take long for the drunk girls to pass out. I locked my phone and stood up. I sniffed the air and figured where their individual rooms were. I picked the girls up and sped them to their respective rooms.
I saved Acacia for last and brought her to the largest room. Not really surprising she'd have the master suite. I gently laid her on the bed and brought the covers up. I wrapped my arms around her and allowed myself to fall asleep to her calming scent.
I felt calming fingers massaging my head. I smiled and snuggled into the warm body. I heard chuckles, so I opened my eyes to see Acacia lovingly staring down at me. She pecked my lips and hugged me tighter.
"Good morning, my love." She whispered.
"Morning, Aqua!" She chuckled at the nickname. "I love you!" I peppered her face with kisses. "You're cute." I gave her my dimply smile.
"You're cute jeans."
"Those are my jeans." I pointed to the jeans neatly folded on her chair.
"No, you're cute jeans."
"Those are my jeans?"
"No! You're cute jeans." She began laughing hysterically. "It's a meme from the Kardashians-"
"Who are the Kardashians?"
"I'm actually happy you have no idea who they are." She chuckled and got off the bed. "I'm hungry. Let's get food... or you make me food." She wrapped her arms around my neck.
"You know I'm powerless against your smile." I blushed and looked down.
"I know." She pecked my lips and grabbed my hand. "Food!"
Acacia and I were laughing as we descended the stairs. We arched a brow when we smelt something sweet wafting through the air. It was also coincidental that the other girls had just woken up. They rubbed their eyes and left their rooms. They looked at us in confusion since none of us had made breakfast. I pushed Acacia behind me, so I'd be the first to round the corner. I was about to roar at our uninvited guests, but I quickly recognized the scents. Yep, scents...
I rolled my eyes and saw my mum munching away on French toast and banana bread and other shit my maman baked. My mum had her legs kicked up on my maman's lap. My maman was scrolling through her phone in the meantime. The girls looked at my parents in confusion. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. My moms finally looked at us and smirked.
"What are you guys doing here?" I crossed my arms.
"Mila, who taught our daughter to have no manners? Surely not I?" My maman smirked.
"Definitely not me either." My mum chewed on the pancakes.
"Okay...good morning. I'm so grateful for your trespassing. Makes me so happy. So what made you want to stop by? Without asking." I narrowed my eyes.
"We need to go meet with some wolves from the wolf realm and thought it'd be best to take you. Your mum has brought to my attention that it isn't fair to keep-"
"You have two moms?" Cara asked.
"That's really the most important thing to you?" Tatia rolled her eyes. "One of her moms is a vamp while the other is a wolf. Zena is proficient in magic, so she's clearly a tribrid. That means she's Lara's daughter." Tatia glared at me and my maman.
"Knew you were special, sexy." Nat nudged me, causing Acacia to shove her.
"How do you plan on meeting with the wolves or-"
"We have a meeting with a diplomat in a few. Wanted to know if you wished to join." My maman shrugged.
"What do you say?" My mum asked.
"Sure if it gets you guys to leave and-"
"I'm coming." Acacia stated.
"No." I replied.
"I'm coming." She reiterated with more sass.
"She's coming." I turned to my moms who began laughing. "What?!"
"You sure are powerless against her." My mum stood up. "Wait! Are those bite marks- did you mark her?!"
"ZENA!" My parents yelled at me.
"We shouldn't be late, so let's go!" I dragged Acacia out the door.
Acacia and I had to listen to my moms lecture me about biting Acacia. They were livid that I was a young wife. My mum was angry that I got married young while my maman was trying to wrap her mind around having a daughter in law.
Maman? I mindlinked her.
Yeeeeeeez I rolled my eyes at my maman's immaturity. What is it that you want to speak about privately?
I-I have a question. She glanced at me. Acacia was distressed. She-She- Jethro did... the point is that I couldn't feel her in distress. We're mates and bonded, so why couldn't I feel her pain?
There's a high possibility magic was used to block out the connection. A spell could've been placed over her where she wasn't able to communicate with you... actually, you don't even mindlink her. Why not?
I try to avoid mindlinking because I already have three voices in my head and I'm not too fond of having another voice pass through my consciousness. I prefer speaking aloud. I shrugged. But you think they performed a spell to sever our connection?
Not sever, but block. But the block didn't raise any alarms since it didn't feel like you couldn't talk to her. She just felt normal to you, so you weren't alarmed at her desperation. I nodded at my maman's words. I have a feeling Ingrid... Acacia's mother performed the spell.
Okay... it was just killing me that I couldn't feel her desperately calling for me. I was in the training realm frolicking around while she was getting violated! I feel like a disappointing. I let her down. I sighed.
You didn't-
Suddenly, a pack of wolves darted from their hiding spots. Shit! This meeting was actually a surprise attack! We were distracted, so we didn't even sense them. I was thrown away from my maman and slammed into a tree. The wolf tried to bite my head off, so I punched him a few yards away. I got up and watched my mum transform into her wolf. My maman sped next to her and hissed at the wolves.
The wolves were glancing between my moms. I tapped into their mindlink and heard what they were yelling at my mum. They were furious that she was spending time with a bloodsucker... or vampire. They wanted to kill my maman, so my mum roared at them. They then began to attack us.
I used my magic to fling the wolves away, but I heard an ear piercing scream. I gasped and turned to see Acacia clutching her shoulder. Blood was dripping down her abdomen while her sword laid buried in a dead wolf's head. I-I... she got hurt under my watch! I-she got hurt because of me bef- she's always getting hurt because of me!
A group of wolves jumped in her direction, so I sped to her and caught them by their throats. My inner monsters took over and I glared at them with hatred. They whimpered when I crushed their windpipes and pelted them at other wolves. I growled and started to unleash total mayhem. I refuse for Acacia to be hurt in my presence. I made that a reality by fighting any wolf my eyes connected with... and that included my mum.
My counterparts didn't recognize my mum as a friend, but as a wolf... or potential foe to Acacia's safety. My mum turned around with wide eyes just as I tackled her to the ground. She used her teeth to fling me off her, but I wouldn't go down easily.
Zena! What are you-
I ignored her and attacked again. She didn't want to hurt me while I wanted any possible threat dead. After my mum's dead, I'll move onto my maman. I grabbed Chiara's throat and slammed her into the ground. My mum kept moving, so I released her and wrapped my arms around her body. I then slowly started to crush her, causing her to whimper in pain.
I was then thrown a few yards away. I pushed myself up to see my maman looking at me in total confusion. I growled and raced towards her. She used her magic to pin me to the ground, but I was stronger. I broke the magical hold and slammed her into a tree. My maman gritted her teeth and kicked me back. I roared and used my nails to scratch her face. My maman cursed since I temporarily blinded her. I smirked and punched a hole into my maman's chest.
My mum then sped and tore me off my maman. My maman fell to her knees while I began fighting my mum. My mum roared for me to submit, but I merely smirked at her. I raced towards her and began slashing away. My mum howled in pain while I bit down on her. I then saw other rebel wolves trying to run away, so I left my mum and ran after them.
A log then crashed into my back. I toppled to the floor and turned to see my maman's black eyes staring at me. I hissed before attacking her. I pinned her to the ground and was about to rip her head off, but I felt arms around me. I turned to kill the person behind me, but I saw the soft blue eyes of my love. I immediately calmed down and flinched when she cupped my cheeks. I heard my mum limp away to find any surviving wolves, so they could deliver a message for her. I assume the wolves will join the light angel's side since my mum would threaten to let me loose on them. I squeezed my eyes shut as I noticed all the blood on my shirt and arms. I was coated in the blood of the fallen.
I was shaking while Acacia held me. I couldn't bring myself to look into her eyes. I felt like a monster. I tried to k-kill my parents again and then I-I killed so many people.
"Pupu? Zena-"
"I'm so sorry." I cried out. "I'm a monster! You don't deserve me!" I ran off.
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