Truth or Dare

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Ryder is long gone. Chase gets up and wakes up the pups. He pulls Marshall aside to talk

Chase:I am going to tell her today

Marshall: Skye?

Chase: Yes

Marshall: Finally

Zuma: What do you want to do, dudes

Rocky: Truth or dare

All pups, but Chase: Yes

Chase: I will go up and watch over the city

Rocky: Your loss

Chase rides up tower as Rocky gets a bottle

Rocky: Who wants to start

Rubble: ME

Rocky: Okay

Rubble spins, and it lands on Marshall

Rubble: Marshall truth or DARE

Marshall: Truth

Rubble: Who do you like and why

Marshall blushes

Skye: Come on, Marshall

Marshall: Fine

Marshall: I like Everest because she is beautifulandfunny

Paw Patrol members giggle

Marshall: I will get revenge

Everest arrives at Lookout

Everest: What are you doing

Skye: Truth or dare care to join

Everest: I would

Marshall: I am going to spin

Marshall spins and gets Rocky

Marshall: Truth or dare

Rocky: DARE

Marshall: He he he he

Rocky: What

Marshall: I dare you to take a 10 minute bath

Rocky: ahhhh

Everest: You have to do it

Rocky: Fine

Rocky goes to Katie's and takes a bath. He screamed the whole time. The others just got bored, but it was worth it for Marshall as revenge for making others bored and giving Rocky pain.

Rocky: My turn, please be Marshall. Please be Marshall

It landed on Skye

Rocky: Skye truth or dare

Skye: Truth, no bad one, please

Rocky: Sorry, Skye, who do you like

Skye faints. Chase comes down when he is about to tell Skye his feelings but sees her on the ground

Chase: What did you DO

Rocky: it's just a question she fainted after I told her the question

Chase: What was it?

Rocky: Who do you like

Chase: This is why Ryder doesn't like this game

Chase: I will put her up

Chase went and put Skye in her pup house disappointed, still not asking her,

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