The Dance

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Ryder: Pups it is time. Let's get in our vehicles and go.

The pups get in their cars. Skye is riding with Everest because flying would ruin her hair. Chase looks at Skye's beauty.

Chase thoughts: I need and want to be with her for all my life. I will ask her to dance.

Then Everest and Skye look at Chase. Skye almost faints.

Everest thoughts: I need to be with him.

The pups then ride to the dance.They go to sit down. Chase is next to Skye. They then get their food and start eating. 20 minutes later.

Mayor Goodway: Attention, I would like to announce that the dessert section is open.

Everyone: Yay

Everyone eats and finishes their food.

Mayor Goodway: Now it is time for the annual dance competition. Pair up and come to the dance floor.

Ryder: I am going to ask Katie to dance with me.

Ryder walks away.

Chase: Speaking of that, Skye. Would you like for you to dance with me? Not in a romantic way, but just since we are both good at Pup Pup Boogie. I think we could do well and maybe win.

Skye: Yes, Chase, I will dance with you.

Chase and Skye walk to the dance floor. They see Ryder and Katie.

Mayor Goodway: It's time to  start. Judges will be judging you, and they will determine if you go to the final round.

Everyone started dancing to the first song.  It was a slow song. Chase and Skye were doing surprisingly well. The songs kept going by. It was then time for the final round.

Mayor Goodway: The top 3 dancers are Farmer Yuni and Farmer Al, Katie and Ryder, and Skye and Chase. You will advance to the finals. The normal dance floor will be available after they finish.

Chase thoughts: I can't believe it. I am dancing with my crush. I want to be with her so badly. I have to tell her. I will tell her.

Skye: Chase, Chase, we are about to start.

Chase: Oh, yeah. Sorry

The final round began. They all were dancing well.

Skye's thoughts: This is so much fun. I hope we win. I think I like. No No No No No, No, No. No feelings. No feelings.

This causes Skye to slip. The judges caught it, so they were bound to lose. The judges made their decision for the winner and told Mayor Goodway.

Mayor Goodway: We have come to the conclusion that Chase and Skye are third. Good job, pups. Ryder and Katie are second, and Farmer Al and Farmer Yuni win. Good job. You get the trophy.

The pups walked back to their table.

Pups: You 2 did great.

Chase and Skye: Thanks

Skye: Thanks again, Chase. I had fun.

Chase:  Me, too

Ryder came up to their table.

Ryder: Pups, it's getting late. Let's go home.

Pups: Okay

They went back to the lookout.

Ryder:  Before you go to bed, I need to tell you I will be gone tomorrow for a concert. Chase, you will be in charge while I am gone.

Chase: Chase is on the case.

Ryder: well anyway it is time to go to bed.

Pups: Goodnight.

Ryder: Goodnight

The pups went to bed.

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