Alastor opened the room's door two minutes later. "I'm ready to go, Voxy.." He hadn't finished the sentence when the presence of Vox jumpscared him. Vox had fallen behind, his back and head hitting Alastor's knees. "..what were you doing right by the door?" Alastor asked, very confused. His eyes narrowed to the keyhole, a small opening that was surprisingly exactly in the same level as Vox's eyes. He then, slowly, looked back at Vox, blushy and offended. "You wouldn't..." he started. When Vox realized what he was implying, he got to his feet immediately. "No! Of course I didn't, Al. I was just leaning on the door, that's all. I ain't a sicko." Al side-eyed him, but believed him quick enough. "Well, okay then. Off we go!"
It was still very hot. Luckily, the sun was lower in the sky, though. They didn't have to walk for more than ten minutes to get to the beach. The sand was thick, and the water was looking peaceful and calm, almost subdued. Alastor filled his lungs with the smell of the sea and smiled. It'd been a fair minute since he's been on the beach. He was avoiding going on purpose since he wasn't the biggest fan of swimming. That salty odor, though, he loved. He placed his towel on the sand and sat on it. Vox was still standing. He was taking his shirt off.
"Oh, Satan, the water looks amazing!." He was yelling even if Al was literally next to him. He threw his shirt on the sand and ran towards the sea clumsily. He dived head-first in the water with a loud splash. Alastor put on his glasses and laid back on his elbows. Vox was swimming in circles. He had the energy of a 6-year-old.
After a while, he came up to Al, water dripping from his body. He put his hands on his waist. He had lost his breath a little bit. "Al-l, you gotta c-come, the water is g-gorgeous." Alastor lowered his glasses and took a good look of him. Shirtless, wet Vox was talking to him. And he expected him to listen to the words he was saying. Oh, and those trunks were really adorable, with the little sharks. Alastor blushed. "...sorry, what?" Vox shook his head and grabbed Alastor's hand, and Al stood up. Vox placed his hands on Al's waist and lifted him to the air. He placed him on his shoulder, his hand on Al's back. Al had not processed what just happened. "What are you doing?" he asked, concerned after a while.
He was watching as the shore was getting further and further away. Vox was carrying him into the sea. "VOX!" he screamed. "Put me down!" he demanded while kicking his feet, trying to get away. Vox threw him in the water. That splash was twenty times louder than Vox's. "I told you the water is awesome!" he said, closing his eyes in satisfaction as if the sea was his son. Alastor was straight up drowning. He had swallowed a lot of water and was trying to float pathetically.
Vox opened his eyes and gasped, seeing Alastor's arms flapping in the water like a little duckling, learning how to fly. Vox quickly lifted him up by the armpits, and Al grabbed Vox's biceps tightly. "Don't let go of me," he whispered, his voice coming out as squeaks. He had crossed his legs in the air so that they wouldn't even touch the water anymore and buried his face into Vox's chest. All the muscles of his body were engaged, almost trembling. Vox was both confused and concerned. He embraced Al nonetheless. He then slowly said, "Al, dear, the water is not deep enough for you to drown." Alastor lifted his head to look at him. Vox continued, "It would barely touch your shoulders. Look at me. I'm standing, and we have pretty much the same height, right?" Alastor slowly lowered his head again. "I'm actually taller than you," he mumbled as he was streching his legs down again, sinking them in the sea. He touched the sand underwater with his feet, and Vox stopped holding him. "Oh," Alastor said simply.
He still hated the feeling, though. He wasn't feeling safe. He took a step closer to Vox and grabbed his arm again. Vox hugged him with his other hand, caressing his shoulder and slowly going down to his waist. He liked the idea of him protecting Alastor. Though, he hated the idea of him making Alastor feel that uncomfortable. He put his hand away and groaned. "I'm sorry, Al. I didn't know you hated the sea that much. Especially since you'd insisted so intensely that we spend the day on the beach." Alastor was still almost hanging from Vox's arm. "I had insisted on following your plan, my dear. Whatever that plan may include. I really, really wanted to make this date the best one ever, Voxy." He hugged his arm even tightly. "B-but... first, I fainted, and now I am afraid of drowning three steps away from the shore..." He looked down. "I'm too... weak..." he whispered. This realization made him hate himself. More than usual, at least. He felt his eyes and face burning. He bit his lip and turned his head in the other direction, not letting go of Vox's arm, though. He also hated that he was feeling the need to cry again. He had already done so enough times today.
Vox couldn't believe that Alastor was actually considering himself 'weak'. He slapped his forehead with his hand and giggled at the idea. "Al, you're literally the strongest demon in Hell right now. You could take down anyone, anytime..." "I'm not referring to this." Alastor interrupted him. Vox lifted his hand up. "I'm not done.. And also one of the strongest people I know. As in character. And the most beautiful too. As in... everything." He smiled at the look of him. Alastor was now looking at him with his big, mesmerizing eyes full of curiosity and light, his small hands still wrapping Vox's arm, his fingertips slowly moving across it, making Vox very much aware of that mild touch. "Everything, Al. I love everything about you. Every single thing. Those eyes," he said as he was kissing his forehead. ".. those hands," and he kissed the top of Alastor's palm. "..but especially..," he got closer to him. "..your smile," he concluded, sliding his finger upon Al's lips that were trembling. He endowed them with a very wanted kiss. Alastor closed his eyes, feeling Vox's love all over his body, even if the only thing that was in touch with him was his hand and, well, his mouth.
Vox pulled his head back and smiled again. "You are not weak, Al. You're the furthest thing from that, okay?" Vox's voice was embracing Alastor's ears, getting deep inside him and making him feel the chills again. 'I am weak,' thought Alastor. 'Because of you.' He hadn't decided if that was a good thing or not. All he knew was that Vox's influence, his power over him, was making him feel weird. And Vox had gained the said power without even knowing.
"And, you know, the sea is not that dangerous. I mean... it is, if you go swimming alone in very deep waters. In that case, you could both drown and get eaten by anything. Did you know that the sharks are not the only deadly type of sea creatures? No, no, there are a lot more that we don't know, very small, yet could kill a whole-ass-" Alastor was looking at him completely expressionless. His eyes were extremely wide and filled with pure terror. Vox immediately stopped himself. "Yeah, what I mean to say is that in that depth, and with me, you're completely safe, love." Alastor was in silence. Vox scratched the back of his neck. "But, you know what, Al?" he said after a while. "Even if you don't like swimming, you should at least know how to float. It could save your life one day.."
Alastor finally pushed the horrific sea monsters at the back of his mind, coming back to reality. "Oh! Well... no, thank you, Voxy. I'm good," he said, grinnig, hoping to convince him with the smile that Vox loved so much. "Al, c'mon, it's not that hard. And I'm a very good teacher." Alastor sighed. Vox wanted this. It was their last day together. He wanted to make Vox as happy as he could. "...fine." Vox almost jumped in the air. "YES!" He calmed himself down quick enough. "Okay, so the first thing you gotta do is be relaxed." Alastor wasn't holding Vox's arm this time. He was on his own, which was a big step, but on the other hand, it made him tremble in fear. "I AM RELAXED," Alastor yelled so that Vox would surely believe him.
Vox giggled and placed his hands onto Al's shoulders, rubbing them. Al felt himself melting. "To float, you have to lay in the sea as if it is solid ground." His voice was smooth and, indeed, relaxing. "Let's try that, love." He placed one hand at the back of Alastor's knees and the other on his back. He held him up and then slowly helped him lie in the water, his hand still on his back, preventing him from sinking. Alastor was still not at all relaxed and felt his ears filling with water very quickly. "You won't let me sink," he turned to Vox. It was not a question, but a kind demand. "Of course not, silly."
Suddenly, a bright, white light flashed from the shore. Vox turned his head in that direction. "What was that?" he asked himself out loud. "Oh, probably something reflected the sunlight... my sunglasses, perhaps," Alastor covered Niffty quickly. "...I guess," Vox shrugged. "Now I want you to close your eyes, okay? Keep them closed and feel the water that's around you lifting you... Do you feel it yet?" Alastor closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. He was safe. He was with Vox, so he was safe. Then, he felt it. "Vox, I'm doing it! Look, look!" he said enthusiastically, his eyes still closed. "I know, dear! I'm so proud of you!" Alastor heard Vox's applause and smiled.
Alastor was now floating on his own, his eyes closed still. For some reason, he was feeling that if he opened them, he'd sink. He then felt two hands get wrapped around his waist and back. Vox lifted him out of the water. Alastor didn't want to open his eyes. He liked this. He felt safe. He rubbed his face and his fist against Vox's chest and sighed. Everything in that moment was perfect. He caught himself being grateful for living in Hell.
Vox carried him out of the sea and placed him onto the towel, pressing his lips upon his forehead. Alastor held Vox's head and finally opened his eyes. He moved Vox's head closer to his, and Vox had no choice but to lay by his side. He moved closer and hugged Alastor's waist. Silence was all around them. The only sound heard was the waves, moving and licking the sand, leisurely. Words were unnecessary. Their hands were talking, their breaths were talking. And the things they were saying couldn't be said otherwise.
β’ ~ β’
Charlie was looking at Alastor with care. He was staring at the floor after he finished telling this bit. "Al?" Charlie asked. He didn't look at her. "Do you still lov-...." Alastor's eyes had now turned to her, warning her not to finish that thought. Charlie closed her mouth. "Even if I do, I shouldn't," he answered her half-asked question. "Why shouldn't you? You are free to love whoever you want, and you should do so as long as they bring you joy." Alastor sighed, annoyed by Charlie's inability to fucking get it. "The thing is, dear, that, in case you hadn't noticed, he doesn't bring me joy anymore."
Charlie thought for a moment. "Yet, you still have the photos." Alastor's eyes widened. Charlie smirked. "Let's not kid ourselves, Al." Alastor shook his head. "It's the memory of him. Not him." "The memories wouldn't be made at all without him, though." She smiled and took his hand. "Maybe it's not too late..." Alastor freed his hand. "You don't understand at all, dear. I don't love him. I don't want to love him. And I'm very, very joyful without him." He turned his back to Charlie so that she wouldn't see his smile tremble.
Charlie walked up to him and placed her hands upon his shoulders, which dropped. "Al, I'm sorry for what's happened. I'm sorry for you, but I can't help to... be sorry for him, too." Alastor turned his head slowly. "How can you?," he asked simply. "Well, he clearly didn't want to leave you..." shrugged Charlie. "Why didn't he come back then? As he had promised?" Charlie put her hands down. "I... don't know," she admitted. "But, you still haven't finished the story, Al."
He sat on the bed again and sighed. He wanted to share this tale for so long, and he was sure that Charlie would be on his side about the whole thing. He felt a little disappointed and... lonely. She sat next to him. "I feel like the story will soon be over, right?" Alastor nodded. "We are indeed reaching the end, dear." Charlie pouted and rested her head upon her hands, ready to listen to the conclusion of this tale.
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