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Vox wiped Alastor's hot tears with his hands, still holding his face. He smiled encouragingly at him. "While I'm gone, I want you to live in this house." Alastor goggled and looked around. It was beautiful. And much bigger than his current... living space, too. "I guess you'll be more comfortable here than in your radio tower." Vox explained. "That was the 'good' part of the surprise. So... surprise? " he chuckled awkwardly and moved his hands choreographically.
Alastor would normally never move from his tower. He loved it there. Even if one could not call it a real house. He was doing just fine, though. All he actually needed was his radio show (and, now Vox, apparently) to be happy, so he never once complained about the basic facilities the tower was lacking. Such as... a kitchen and a toilet. Vox scratched the back of his neck. 'I thought he'd love it. Maybe under other circumstances, he would... but I guess this just feels like a I'm-sorry-I'm-leaving-you-right-after-I-said-I-love-you type of gift. Well... the 'I love you' part was not on the plan...,' he looked at Alastor, who was looking around in disbelief, afraid to touch the expensive stuff, admiring everything.
With all that's happened, he didn't get the chance to appreciate the house. He turned his head up, and he spotted the chandelier. He spun, his eyes fixed up, gazing upon the beauty of something he had never seen before. He reached his hand to feel the material, but he tripped over the coffee table, falling flat on his face. He quickly stood up, in a blink of an eye, and turned around slowly to see if Vox had noticed. Vox covered his mouth with his hand, holding his laughter back. He then started coughing violently, hoping this wouldn't come off as laughing at him. Because he actually wasn't. He just found him adorable. He wanted to squeeze him so hard, to hug him so tight, to never let go of him. 'Although it wasn't on the plan... I'm so glad it happened.' He had thought that it would be hard to leave without letting Alastor know his feelings for him, without shooting his shot at all. But this was somehow even worse.
Alastor had crossed his arms, looking on the floor, trying desperately to think of something that would take Vox's mind off of his clumsiness while feeling steam coming out of his face. He knew he was blushing again, something that made him ten times more embarrassed. "Soo," he finally said. "You had mentioned 'spending a perfect day with me'. What was the plan anyways? " he asked, genuinely curious, but also proud he had thought of something to say. "Oh! Right. Well, we ain't doing that today, Al," he stated. "What do you mean? It's our last day together, Vox. I want to follow your plan," nagged Alastor like a toddler. "Okay, my plan was to spend the day on the beach, but since you had a heat stroke, we won't," Vox explained simply. Alastor rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on! We're past that, silly! I told you: I'm fine. I've been fine for hours now." He raised his eyebrow, suddenly smiling. "To be precise, better than fine..." he added.
Vox returned the grim. He sighed and got close to Al. "Okay, fine, let me just check your temperature real quick, and if, only if, you're fine, we'll go." He bent over and pressed his lips onto Al's forehead. Alastor held his breath. Vox stayed there longer than needed. When he stopped, his gaze met Al's. Now, it was Vox's time to blush. Alastor moved his head towards Vox, who was standing there still, frozen. Al got even closer, breathing heavily. At a leisury, hesitant pace, he placed his lips upon Vox's, very gently and carefully. His heart was racing, and he had severe chills throughout his entire body. Vox's lips responded to the call and he put his hands around Al's neck. Al smiled and caressed his cheek. He stopped and looked at Vox. "So, am I still hot?" he asked casually. "Very," replied Vox without second thought.
Alastor touched his own forehead, confused. Vox gasped and buried his face in his hands. His embarrassed giggle was muffled. "I didn't mean... I was talking about..." he groaned, feeling worse. Clueless Alastor patted his back without knowing what was so damp embarrassing. "I mean... I didn't feel me hot, but I don't know. Maybe check again?" he suggested. "No, no, you're fine now, I just... got a little confused, that's all." Alastor giggled. "No need to be that dramatic, Voxy! The important thing is that we can... go to the beach now!" Alastor spread his hands enthusiastically into the air.
Vox was happy that Al was looking that excited. He kissed the top of his head and moved to the door. "I'm gonna pack some towels and swimming trunks, okay? Some food also would be nice..." he thought out loud. "Just a swimwear for me please, I don't need anything else." Vox wagged his point finger. "Al, dear, you're going to need a second pair of trunks, a towel, sunglasses, and a hat, at the very least." Alastor chuckled. "Come on, Voxy, you're a little exaggerating." Vox shook his head. "Nuh-uh." "Well, fine, I guess," shrugged Alastor. "Where are all these things so I can start packing my 7-day trip suitcase-" Vox interrupted him. "You ain't going anywhere. I will do it. You had a tough day already." Alastor blinked. "Your day was just as bad!," he refuted his point. "You fainted," called Vox loudly. Alastor opened his mouth and closed it again. "HA! I won~, " bragged Vox. "You stay right there. I'll call you when everything is ready. Just relax. It won't take me a minute." And he disappeared from the room, almost running.
Alastor was now completely alone in the room. All by himself. He sat down on a chair awkwardly and crossed his legs. 'Vox is leaving.' He looked at the empty room. 'This is what it will feel like until he returns.' Al sunk in the chair, grabbing the sides of it so he won't fall. The very last day with Vox. Maybe.. he won't see him ever again. And even if he will... will it be the same? What if one of the two changes? What if they both change? Change so much that they wouldn't recognize each other. Change so much that they wouldn't bear each other's company for more than five minutes. Alastor bit his lip and touched his face with his hand.
He loved it how things were today. 'Could today last forever?' He exhaled slowly. This day, surprisingly, had been one of the best of his afterlife. 'If only there was a way to seal the memories from the wrath of time...' and then it struck him. He sat up on the chair and snapped his fingers. A small feminine silhouette appeared out of thin air, forming into a little girl.
"Al!" screamed Niffty enthusiastically. "How I've missed you!" she climbed on his knees, attacking him with hugs. "Niffty, dear, please be a little quiet, okay?" Niffty blinked and suddenly took a very serious look. "Okay, Al," she whispered in his ear. "Where do I start?" she asked, getting closer to his ear so that he would surely hear her whispers. "Start what?" asked Alastor in a normal tone. Niffty smiled at him. "Cleaning, of course! This place is already pretty neat..." she said through gritted teeth. "No, dear, I did not summon you here to clean. I... have a very important task for you." Niffty's eye dilated. "REALLY?" she yelled, slapping her cheeks with both her hands due to the excitement. Alastor tried to calm her down while checking if Vox had heard anything from the hallway.
"Why, yes, but... it's a... very secret task, dear, so you have to stay hidden." Niffty laughed. "That's soooo cool!" Alastor snapped his fingers again, this time a very old box-looking construction appeared in his hands. "This is a photo camera. When you push that button, it 'captures the moment'. Whatever you see through the lens will forever be. This way... some moments will never be forgotten." That last part was a thought spoken out loud. Meanwhile, Niffty was eyeing the camera full of curiosity. She spread her arms, ready to hold it, barely preventing herself from jumping up and down.
Alastor placed it very carefully in her arms. "It is very fragile, so I want you to be extra careful, dear." Niffty giggled. "I can be extra extra careful." Alastor continued. "So, whenever you see a moment worth taking a picture of, press that very button." Niffty nodded and started pressing the button a million times per second. Alastor flinched and placed his hand upon her finger, stopping her. "What are you doing, Niffty? Didn't you hear the instructions?" he asked, annoyed. "Well, you said something that is worth a lot, and I... saw you, so.." she shrugged, confused as to what to do.
Alastor rubbed his face. He liked the compliment but was also kind of losing hope. He bent down to her height. "Niffty," he said slowly. "You press that button only, and I mean only, if you see me and Vox really close, without moving, okay? Otherwise, all the photographs will be blurry and useless." he explained very patiently. "Ooooh, I see, I see..." nodded Niffty meaningfully. "But why keep this a secret, though?" she tilted her head to the side, raising her eyebrow. Alastor looked away. "Because it's a surprise for him," his smile was melancholic. 'And also it's our last day. Spending it all photoshooting would destroy the actual moments.'
He turned to Niffty again. "Niffty, I want you to be invisible. Think that if Vox sees you... you.. lose the game." Niffty gasped frightened. "And I won't let you clean the tower for a month," he added. Niffty's expression was pure horror. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, okay, I can do this," she reassured herself and went straight into hiding. Alastor was somehow a little relieved now. Even if Vox wouldn't physically and actually be near him, at least he could carry a version of him in his pocket. He could also imagine Vox's face when he'd show him the pictures. He would be so happy, and so... proud of him, finally, using a modern device. He sunk in the chair again, letting his head fall back and closing his eyes.
Suddenly, Vox was right above his face. Al gasped and fell off the chair. Vox was laughing. "Al, are you feeling okay?" he asked. "Yes, of course, why?" Al replied, getting a little defensive. "Well," Vox was trying to stop laughing for a moment. "I came to tell you that everything is packed and that we're ready to go and I found you... snoring. I was trying to wake you up for ten minutes now." Alastor blinked. He then slowly bent his knees and placed his face there, looking at the floor. He had embarrassed himself yet again. At this point... he had just lost count. "Al, if you're tired, we can just stay here, y'know." Vox's tone was a bit more serious now. Al lifted his head. "Oh, no. No, no, we said we're going to the beach, we'll go to the beach. The plan, Vox. Your plan. This date just has to go your way." Vox shrugged. "Well, it doesn't have to. I don't actually care about the stupid plan. I only care about you... I want to do whatever you're comfortable with, my sweet." Vox's eyes were filled with stars again.
Alastor got close to him. "And I want to follow your plan, Voxy." Vox smiled and rubbed Al's little cheek with his thumb. Al closed his eyes and felt his tail wagging. Another fucking embarrassing thing about his appearance that he hated. He had the deer ears, the hoof-having feet, the clawed hands, AND the tail. He tried consciously to make it stop, but he couldn't. "Okay, so you're ready to go?" asked Vox cheerfully. Luckily, Vox didn't notice the wagging. "Why, of course!" replied Alastor, happy.
"Here's the best swimming trunks I could find for you Al, hope they fit. Once you change, we may go." "Lovely" smiled Al. Vox closed the door behind him, giving Alastor some privacy. He leaned on the closed door and grabbed his chest, where his heart was. He slowly slid down on the floor. "Oh my Satan," he whispered. "His little tail... oh my.." he started giggling to himself, covering his mouth with his hands, unable to handle the cuteness of that little deer-man. That little deer-man who he would leave tomorrow... The man he loved. And probably will never see again...
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