The gang stared at each other. Husk started cleaning the bar awkwardly, and Angel went in to help him. Sir Pentious fidgetted a little, and Vaggie turned to Charlie, who looked absolutely lost. She didn't exactly realize what had just happened. "This is all my fault guys, this stupid activity was my idea, and I forced Husk to participate even if he didn't want to. And now, Alastor is upset because of me," she said after a while, crossing her arms and staring at the floor. "Hon, it's not your fault. It's okay. He'll get over it," said Vaggie, hugging her shoulders sympathetically. "Well, princess, it was ma fault for showing the fucking pic to y'all in the first place," said Husk. "It was worth it, tho," he added, mumbling. "Well, I don't see where the big deal is," shrugged Lucifer. "I mean, he was into TVs for some reason, but whatever. Everyone is into different stuff, I guess," he added, feeling a little bit guilty that he had laughed so hard.
"No, the problem is that it was something very personal for him and..." started Charlie, "Well, you know what? I will go to apologize to him," she said with determination. "After all, bonding does start with sorry," she said, cracking a smile and winking at Sir Pentious.
Meanwhile, Alastor had already dashed to his room really fast, and the photo had slipped from his pocket, without him noticing, halfway through the stairs. He slammed his door, scratching it a little. How dared they laugh at him? How dared they laugh at the idea of him being with... Vox? What was so funny? And what in the world was that curse word they kept calling him? An ace, like in the cards? His frustration was unimaginable, and the worst part was that they made him... remember. If only Husker had burnt that picture to its core... If only he himself had burnt all of the other stuff too... but he couldn't. Like Husker, he always forgets, right, he doesn't do it on purpose. He just 'forgets'.
Like all those times that Vox had cuddled with him and petted his ears gently, hesitantly at first, carefully, and later, more confidently. Like when he had bought him a drink, when he had asked him out, when he... Alastor blushed to himself. All those moments, he pretends to forget. But that damn picture was misleading. He had made it clear to Vox that he never wanted nothing too, well, extreme. The hugs were always the best part for him, even if he was sensing that Vox always wanted more. He sighed. He crouched and reached below his bed. His fingers clenched around a box.
It was the Vox-box, filled with stuff he had 'forgotten' to burn. For quite some time now. He opened it slowly. The upper paper was a letter from Vox. He unfolded it carefully so that the paper won't get torn. It was really old after all.
Alastor sighed again, more dramatic this time. He leaned over to his bed, face-first in the sheets. He groaned. Why was he doing this to himself since he knew Vox never returned? He didn't keep his word and also had the audacity to ask him to join his stupid team that lived literally across the map. Alastor remembered vividly Vox's promise to him. He would move away for some time, but he would also come back. He never did.
Still, Alastor had to admit, to himself at least, that he did at some point, cared deeply about him. And he hated himself for it. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. "Um, Al? May I come in?" Charlie's voice was barely heard. That took Alastor by surprise, half-closed the box, and shoved it quickly back to its place. He was still laying on the floor. "Come in," responded to Carlie with a much calmer voice than expected. Charlie opened the door and walked in, and almost stepped on him. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, Al..., but what are you doing on the floor?," she asked, confused. "Just... relaxing, my dear. After all that happened, I could use some peace. I would also appreciate it if I were to enjoy my peace alone." he said, wanting Charlie to leave him be.
"Right, I will leave immediately, Al. I just wanted to apologize for making you uncomfortable earlier. You should know, though, that it wasn't Husk's fault at all, so please don't be mad at him. I forced him to show something and... and he couldn't think of anything else. It was all my fault, Al, I'm so so sorry, I'm..," she said progressively more intensely. "Worry not, Charlie. I forgave you already." Alastor interrupted her, not wanting to hear her ranting for over one minute. "Husker, on the other hand..." he begun. "No!" It was Charlie's turn to interrupt him. "No, that's what I've been trying to say. It was not Husk's fault! It was mine. And that's why I'm here to apologize to you, Al. But... but I don't want you to feel embarrassed. There is no need." she added.
She sat down on the floor, next to him. "If that will make you feel better, I can tell you about that time that I was... practicing my I-will- finally-ask-Vaggie-out speech, and she was..." she started giggling, "and she was right behind me!" she concluded, laughing now. Alastor was examining her. "Yes, very amusing tale, dear. Why are you sharing it with me, though?" he asked, looking completely expressionless. "Well..." started Charlie, short on breath, "I guess you can use a laugh right now? Oh, Al, I feel so bad, I'm sorry," she said again. "I told you, I forgive you, although you were not the one to blame..." said Alastor, with his blood still boiling thinking about Husker's audacity. "No, no, please don't blame Husk, Al, please, don't try to do anything to him..." Charlie was now almost panicking.
Alastor looked at her pitifully, almost annoyed by her constant anxiety. "How about we make a deal, then?" he proposed. "Husker will be completely fine, I will not touch a hair of his, and you will make sure that no one discusses this... incident ever again," he stretched his hand, ready for a shake. "Well, okay then," decided Charlie, reaching for his hand. Halfway through, though, she looked at him in the eyes, lowered her hand, and said, "Alastor," her gaze was intimidating, "I want you to feel safe here. Our hotel is the most welcoming place you will ever find in Hell. You should know that better than anyone. I don't want you to feel unwanted or bottled up. We all have stories to share, and that's why we're doing these activities. To bond. But, if you don't want to be part of this, I will respect that. Everyone will. Just bear in mind that there is always a place for you down there. I mean, that's the whole point, isn't it?" she shrugged, smiling, her eyes hugging him.
Alastor put his deal-making hand down too and looked back at her. Then, he looked at the floor. No, that was not the point. He was not there to 'bond' or make new friends or learn some manners or stuff like that. He had tried it in the past, and the results were underwhelming. He wasn't planning to let his guard down again anytime soon. "Yes, my dear, of course, that's the point," he said after a minute. "Forget the deal, no need for that. I just trust that you will show some respect at other people's boundaries next time." his voice was a little mocking and underestimating. "But, what about Husk?" asked Charlie anxiously. "Oh, right. Well, do not worry, I will not hurt him at all, " he said reassuringly. "But I do want a little something in return," he added, unable to resist. "Don't worry, though, no need for an actual deal," he clarified, almost reading her mind.
"Um, sure, Al, what do you want?" Charlie asked, fearing she had fallen right into his trap. Alastor's grin expanded like a newborn bush, quickly and much. He cleared his throat, loosed his bow tie, and asked: "What is an 'ace'?" looking very serious. Charlie's head emptied immediately. She was caught completely off guard. "Aahh," she said , landing back to reality after a while. "Well, Rosie had told me that, so I just assumed you were, I mean, that wouldn't be a shock..." she giggled nervously at herself. "Sure, but what does it mean?" insisted Alastor, tired of not knowing that youngster vocabulary. "It means that a person has never experienced... sexual attraction, " explained Charlie slowly, like talking to a toddler. "Oh!" Alastor's voice cracked. He coughed and untied his bow tie entirely now. "How did Rosie know....." he started."I mean, how did she know this fancy term, I wonder?" he saved it. "I dunno, really," said Charlie just as awkwardly.
"Now," she stood up, "that we have discussed things, and everything is fine, I will leave you alone, just as you had asked me to" she was ready to open his door, when: "Charlie?" he called her. "You are quite an extraordinary young lady, and I appreciate that you took time to check on me and even explain that jelly-belly term to me," he said, still sitting on the floor. She turned around and brightened the room with her smile. She was so touched that Alastor had said something.... something good to her. She turned around quickly again so that he won't see her tears of joy. She collapsed on the floor, happy, coughing, and sobbing. Alastor stared at her without moving a muscle: "Is everything okay, my dear?" he asked, not concerned at all. He knew she was such very showy and dramatic most of the time. "Y-yeah, j-just... dust got in my ah-ah-eyeee..." she said with a voice more ear-piercing than usual.
"Not odd at all. I haven't cleaned once since I got here..." said Alastor, mostly to himself. He knew that Charlie was lying, though. "Are you feeling better, darling?" he asked after a minute. Charlie was still sobbing quietly with her back turned on him. She wiped her last tears and nodded. "Splendid!," exclaimed Alastor. "Now I can get back to my... work." Charlie turned her head towards him. "Okay, Al, I will leave now," she said, putting her hands inside her pockets. "Oh, wait!"she gasped. "I almost forgot to give you that back..." and she took out the photo of him and Vox. "I found it in the way to your room, and I thought that it would be the right thing for you to have it.". She smiled at him. "Even if he never meant anything to you..." she added, looking hurt herself, feeling bad for Vox, a complete stranger for her. She knew Alastor. She had the imagination to picture their break-up, their fights. She felt bad.
Alastor stretched his hand from the floor to reach the picture in Charlie's hand, and he snatched it quickly, as if it would disappear if he didn't take it in five seconds. He kept it close to him. "You know," he began, staring at his old companion."This activity... 'show and tell', isn't it? Well, Husker showed, but I didn't get the chance to tell..." he started. Charlie immediately sat right beside him at a blink of an eye, speedy as light. She rested her head on her hands and had all of her attention fully fixed on Alastor. Alastor froze for a second but then continued. "Right..., well, it's actually a long story, princess, but I can be fast..." . "No, no, take your time, I'm all ears," Charlie interrupted him, her eyes glowing. 'Story time from Al! Story time from Al!', she was cheering inside her head. She considered it a big step in Alastor's journey to... redemption! She could hardly hold back her enthusiasm.
"If that's so..., okay then." he decided. "But you have to promise me that you wouldn't tell anyone about this, okay? Because... if you do..." he started giggling madly. "I will find out," his voice was now more throaty, and his pupils had turned into radio signals. The lightning of the room turned red, and Charlie felt a freezing breeze whip her face. "Yeah, I promise, don't worry, Al," she said quickly. "No need for the spooky stuff, you can trust me," she said, almost offended. "Alright," said Alastor, returning back to normal, "let's begin," his grin widened as he took a deep breath.
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