Part 1: The revelation

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It was show and tell day. The whole gang had gathered around the reception, ready to play. Charlie showed a drawing that she had done when she was little, full of colors, and happy smiling demons, followed by the story of one of her early thoughts about the idea of redemption that later formed into the concept of the Happy Hotel.

Vaggie shared the story about her being a fallen angel and showed a, luckily, foggy jar, where she kept her eye. "Wait, so you're a fallen angel??? Oh my God, so am I! We really do have a lotta things in common!" Lucifer screamed with excitement. Vaggie smiled at him.

"Husk, it's your turn," said Charlie melodically. "I ain't got anything to show, skip ma turn," he mumbled. "Oh, but Huskkk, everyone has to participate in these fun, bonding activities, you know that," she said sweetly. "Oh, screw me, okay. I do have somethin' to show, but boss won't like it..." he responded. "Well, if that's the case, you may just share a story without showing anything so that Alastor won't feel... uncomfortable or anything," Charlie proposed. "Even if he's not even here and refused to take part in the activities, as usual," she added quietly and a little bitter. "Ugh, whatever, I'm gonna show it anyways. It's not like I'm afraid of the guy or anything..." said Husk with a quick glance at Angel Dust, "besides, I ain't got a better idea, so...". He smiled, looking kind of eager to show the thing to everyone.

He reached for the pocket of his coat, searched there for a minute, and after taking out some bottle caps, a button, and a fur ball, he finally got it. It was a photo, and he slammed it on the bar counter proudly. The gang gathered around quickly and full of curiosity, except for Lucifer, who literally crawled from the reception to the bar.

The photo was really, really old, black and white, and it depicted a much younger and... much happier Alastor laying comfortably on a bed with his arm around someone's shoulders. Husk's hand was still covering most of both their bodies. That someone looked as if they had a box instead of a head, some kind of box-demon. They were cuddling into Alastor's bare chest and were looking very peaceful. Young Alastor's cheeks were flustered, and he was looking at the box guy with... care and a grin brighter than his usual.

All of sudden, Angel Dust gasped really loudly. "It ain't no way!" he cried, smiling at his discovery. "What issss it?" asked Sir Pentious. Angel looked at the gang in shock, still smiling. "Guys, I know the guy next to Alastor. I think he's one of my boss'... friends, ya know, the TV guy?" Everyone was staring at him. "Uh, what's his name...? Oh, right, Vox! C'mon guys, the one with the TVs..."

"Aah, right, right," said Charlie, "that TV demon, I think I had seen his show about Alastor's return... he was not very kind, didn't like him. " She looked back to the photo, "Here, though, he doesn't look that bad... and Alastor surely looks like he had... um... fun with him, " she continued. "He sure did. He's making the face after all, " said Angel. "What face?" asked Vaggie, both curious and worried. "Well, ya know, when sex is done, and it was fucking good, you make the face" Angel explained, "that face" he added pointed at Alastor's... face.

"My beloved friends, what are you all examining wide-eyed?" Alastor's voice echoed as he was walking down the stairs, coming out of his room after several hours. "Oh, we're just doing the show and tell activity," said Charlie quickly. "Nothing really wow, actually, ha-ha, y-you know." she cleared her throat. "sooo, how come you finally grace us with your presence, Al?" she added (still a little bitter that he didn't want to participate) trying to change the subject.

"Oh, quite an attitude I see, my dear, and I love it! Well, I was just craving some jambalaya, and I couldn't help but come down here to make a potful! Who's hungry?" he asked like a mother, ready to feed her helpless little children. No one answered. "Okay, then, I will be in the kitchen, loves." The kitchen was actually the room next to the bar.

"Okay, Husk, I see why Alastor probably wouldn't want us to see his private, and obviously rare, moment of pleasure, so you can put the photo back now, and he'll never need to kno-" "But I didn't get to see it!" Lucifer interrupted Charlie loudly. "What are you talking about, dad, we're literally all looking at the photo for ten minutes now," said Charlie intensely, knowing she would feel guilty if Husk was to get into trouble because of her activity. "Yeah, I know, but I couldn't... reach the counter, " admitted Lucifer, looking embarrassed. "Oh my God, dad," said Charlie, exhausted. "It's fine," said Husk, "c'mere your Highness, you can take a look," and he handed the picture to him. "Just be quick with it, please." Husk was deeply enjoying sharing Alastor's most embarrassing secret with everyone. He felt like he finally got him back for all those years of terror and humiliation.

The moment Lucifer got his hands on the photo, he started snorting and giggling and progressively laughing uncontrollably. Sir Pentious caught his laugh, Angel next, Charlie next... and in a short while, everyone present was just cracking up, wheezing, and bumping to each other.

"I see this activity is quite entertaining," said Alastor excited, who was now right next to Lucifer, as if he had teleported, and had heard all the laughter from the kitchen. "So, let's see where all this unexplainable joy came from," he said, ready to laugh as well, snatching the photo from Lucifer's loose grasp.

Once he laid eyes on the picture, his pupils shrunk, and his face turned just as red as his coat. He grabbed Lucifer from the shirt, shaking, and brought him close to his burning face. "Where the fuck did you get that?," he whispered spitting on his face. "Woah, there, chillax freak, it was just part of the activity..." said Lucifer calmly.

"What kind of... activity involves rediscovering very old, private stuff that should be burnt?!" Alastor asked, looking genuinely confused and tense. He suddenly let go of Lucifer violently and twisted his neck in the direction of Husk, who had stopped laughing and was now drinking up a whole bottle, avoiding eye contact. "You..." Alastor hissed and moved himself quickly very close to Husk, "Why didn't you burn that thing? Hadn't I ordered you so?" asked Alastor slowly, trying not to strangle him in front of everyone. "Well, y-you... you had, sir, I simply... forgot, " mumbled Husk. "A-and you looked so happy in that photo that it would be a shame anyways," dared to add.

Alastor's smile widened forcefully as he felt the heat reaching not only his cheeks but his ears too. He was literally burning from the embarrassment. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He was very aware of everyone staring at him, and he couldn't lose control. Also, he couldn't let anyone know that he did, in fact, had a little... thing for Vox, only in the past, of course.

He straightened up and said in a falsely sweet, "Oh, my dear friend, Husker, all these years, and still, you haven't learned anything. A smile isn't always sincere," he said, pointing at his past self. His actual face was still smiling, yet his eyes were filled with rage. "To me, he meant absolutely nothing. And I know for a fact that he was, too, fooling around with me since he didn't... I mean, we stopped seeing each other so easily. If he had ever cared, he would've reached out to me, right? He wouldn't let it break without trying at all to... well, he didn't care, he never ever did, the filthy, noisy, annoying little hypocrite," the victim of his rage was no longer Husk, but Vox. He suddenly stopped himself there and then cleared his throat. "He didn't care, and neither did I." He concluded, wishing he had stopped earlier, not wanting to share more. They didn't have to know his most personal experiences. It was none of their business.

"But, anyway, the past is in the past and now.." he tried to change the subject, trying to look calmer, but Angel Dust said,"You're making the face, tho," interrupting him and staring him deeply in the soul. "The what now?" asked Alastor, annoyed. Charlie was really, really uncomfortable. She didn't want anyone to feel awkward and saw right through Alastor's attempt to cover up the whole thing. "Oh, come on, Angel, the past is in the past, Alastor's right. And whatever 'face' you say he's making, it doesn't mean anything. Besides, I know that he's an ace"

Alastor's face was now letting off steam. "Wh-what face? And why does everyone say that I'm an 'ace'? What does that word even mean?" He was kind of done, tired. He wanted to be alone, and his jambalaya cravings were now long gone. "Actually, I do not care enough, I'll just go up my room. Goodnight, everyone, " he said with his nose pointing up. "You should all be very much ashamed of yourselves," he added, without looking and left.

He was still very pissed at everyone, but more than anyone... at him. No one could ever know what had happened between them, Alastor wouldn't let his one weakness show. Never again.

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