Amnesia(pt. 1)

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"Will you be okay?"Canada asked.America smiled."Nada,I'll be okay..."He reassured his elder brother.Canada bit his lip,unsure."But if anything happen you need to call me alright?"He gave his younger brother a crushing hug after that."I will!See you after school Canada"He broke the hug and walked towards the school entrance.Canada looked at his brother until his figure disappeared into the school building.He sighed and drove away.

America's p.o.v

'1816,1816,1816..Where is that little locker?'I whispered to myself.I scratched at my head and looked around to see if there's anyone I can ask that actually doesn't look scary or in that group thing-ish...Hey!That winged country looks nice.He's wearing a sweater above his uniform,it looks kinda cute I must admit.I walked towards him "hey" I greeted.The country flinched and turned around and face me.He looked kinda scared,is he shy?Meh probably."H-hey..."He rubbed his left arm."Uhm so..I wanted to ask if you know where locker no. 1816 is?"I smiled trying to not scare him.The winged country looks at me weird before nodding."I-It's right there.."He pointed at a locker at the end of the hallway."Oh...Well thanks!"I smiled back at him again yet he looked even more confused.'He looks oddly confused...Whatever' I thought to myself as I walked to my locker.

As I reached it I opened the lock and stuff most of my stuff inside and took whatever the heck I need for my first class.The bell rung as student that earlier hanging out at the hallway immediately left to go to their classes.Let's see..My first class is math.I made my way to class.Well I tried to since this school is kinda big..

(20 mins later)

I finally found the room.I hesitated to open the door but I did anyway.As I entered the room expecting to get yelled at but the teacher took one look at me and just sighed."You're allowed to be late for this one time but next time don't be late,got it?"The teacher warned."Yes ma'am!"I replied."Great,now take a seat anywhere"She said and looked back at the textbook.I nodded and looked around.Hey!There's that winged country again!I went and sat next to him.Putting my notebook on the desk and opening it to began writing notes.

The class ends about 40 minutes later.As I began to collect my stuff I can tell the other winged country seems eager to leave."Calm down,isn't there a 5 minute break in between?"I chuckled seeing as he tried to pick up a few sheets of paper on the ground.He only nodded."Not much of a talker...Well I wanted to say thank you for earlier!" He only nodded."..What's your name.?" The country froze for a bit as he picked up the remaining sheets and standing up looking at me weird."What's wrong with you America?You're acting really weird today..Did something happened to you from the last few weeks?" He asked me."Well I got involved in an accident...And..Lost my memory.."I explained."O-oh..I'm sorry to hear that.." "Don't be..It wasn't your fault anyways.."I mumbled and started to make my way to the exit."My name is Poland by the way" "Wha?"I turned around and face him."Poland.."He smiled."Nice to meet you Poland"I gave one last final smile and exited the classroom.

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