NK/SK relationship

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-Democratic People Republic of Korea/DPRK/North Korea
-Has Bipolar disorder,"I'm not THAT big on nukes it's the government!",Never eats or rarely eats (even if he did it never counted as something that'll make him satisfied),'Comfortable' is real?
Likes:His brother,Coffee(he rarely gets them)),Nukes,Being social,food
Dislikes:Nukes,Coffee,NOT being social,small spaces
Additional notes:He got the scar during the korean war as he got shot by a South Korean soldier

-Republic of Korea (South Korea)
-Has depression and is suicidal,"What is rest again?",memes and a gamer at night, "I'm ugly aren't I?",Has a scar somewhere
Likes:His brother
Dislikes:Seeing his brother suffering,Whenever his brother decided to not listen to him,
Additional notes: Has low self esteem

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