Ukraine and Russia(not a ship)

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(This is like a mini short stori about USSR and Russian empire)
(A/N Russia is 8 and Ukraine is 13
Yes Russia is the younger one sksks)
(A/N Soviet and USSR is the same but with different person's perspective)

"Ukraine!Look what I found!"The little country rushed to his elder brother waving the book at his hands to caught the elder's attention who was sitting on the couch at the living room.

"Russia!"Ukraine exclaimed quite surprised as he was tackle hugged.

He hugged Russia back."Okay what do you got there buddy?"He asked slightly grinning.

"So-so I was exploring the storage room right?And and I found this book it's-" "Slow down Rus" He chuckled at his little brother actions.

"I found a Journal Ukraine!I think it's father's"He whisper yelled.The grin on the elder's smile was quickly replaced with a deep frown."what's wrong?"

"Russia,can you, give it back to me..Please?"He asked."Wuh,Why?" The younger asked. "I don't think Father would like for us messing with his stuff.Give it to me please I don't want to get beat up" his voice got slower."again" Ukraine muttered.He held out his hand trying to take the book away from Russia's grasp.

"Well I don't think father wants it anymore..That's why it's in the storage room..Right?"Russia tried to reason with his brother he held the book closer."It does not matter Russia,it's father's property and I'm sure he wouldn't be pleased if he saw you with it..Give it to me Russia" He growled."NO!"the younger yelled.

Ukraine stood up he glared down at Russia "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST MAKE THINGS EASIER FOR THE BOTH OF US RUSSIA!?EVERYTIME YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG IT'S ALWAYS ME GETTING THE BEATS UP FOR YOUR MISTAKES!DO YOU KNOW-" He yelled but it suddenly stopped as he saw The Soviet Union at the door,quite shocked with his action towards the younger "Rus,no,I didn't mean it..Will you forgive me?"The elder kneeled down trying to get to the same eye level as the little one"Russia I'm-" he held out his hands trying to caress Russia's cheek.

But before he finished his sentence"I HATE YOU"Russia yelled at Ukraine and ran upstairs.Ukraine just watch helplessly.

He knew he's in a very big trouble now.Although the Soviet held a calm expression..He knew he was angry at him."Meet me in my office later" the Soviet Union said gripping the boy's shoulder..tightly

Soviet let's go on ukraine's shoulder"Russia!Wait come here and let's talk about it okay?"He walk up the stairs.But before that he shot a glare at Ukraine one last time.As expected the boy was looking down at the cold hard floor rubbing the shoulder that he gripped earlier.

(Bold is ussr normal is Russia)

Russia slam the door shut.He was angry...Very..Angry..He looked at the book before throwing it across the room.

He sat down against the door room and hugged his knees.Soft sob escaped and tears rolled down his eyes. 'Why would Ukraine got angry?It was just a book!Because it was father's?W-well I'm sure father don't mind...Right?...He probably hates me now'Russia's thought was interrupted by someone knocking at the door.

"Russia?May I come in?"A familiar voice spoke in a soft tone.It was his father."Uhm yeah just give me a minute!"Russia responded hurrying over the book quickly grabbing it and hiding it under the pillow.

The door creaks open.

"Russia?" The Soviet Union entered the room.Russia was sitting at the edge of the bed looking down.Not wanting to make eye contact at his father.

The Soviet walked over to Russia and sat down next to him."Russia..What happened?"He asked softly.Russia didn't respond."Rus.."He spoke again.

"M-me and Ukraine were fighting over a stupid book..That's all.."Russia mumbled."a book?"Soviet questioned. "I-I w-was explo-ring the sto-storage th-then I found the book" The boy answered.It was clear he was suppressing his sobs.

What kind of book if I may ask?"The Soviet said."A journal" the boy muttered,but it was loud enough for the Soviet to hear

"Eh,it's probably one of my unused journals..You can have it" Soviet smiled and patted the Russian's back."R-really!?" "Yeah!I mean..Why would it ever be in the storage room if I ever wanted to use it!?Besides I'm pretty sure by giving you this journal you can write some amazing entries in them for the world to see" Soviet replied slightly chuckling."Thank you!Thank you!"The child hugged Soviet tightly.

"Heh..You're welcome Russia,and..Please let me go..I need to meet Ukraine and discuss about his attitude towards you" Soviet stood up.Hearing this,Russia remembered that his brother mentioned 'getting beat up' this worry him."Y-you aren't going to hurt Ukraine...Right?"Russia whispered at Soviet."what?oh no no no I would never-What makes you to think that?-Russia...I won't hurt Ukraine..Just a little chat"That..Makes Russia uncomfortable "Just.. Promise me please..Dad.."Russia tugged on his father's coat.

Soviet sighed at his child action.He looked at russia and smiled"I won't" Russia sighed feeling relieved.

(Bold is ussr normal is Ukraine)

Ukraine was waiting patiently for his father.His legs are starring to hurt.That's when he heard it.The click and the door swung open.

As expected it was Ussr.He quickly looked down trying not to make eye contact.

Ussr walked towards Ukraine and stopped right in front of him."so,do you know why I called you here?"Ussr asked.Honestly his voice only could sent shivers down one's spine. (Lol what da heck was that XD)

"Because-" "Face me when you answer me Ukraine, and make it clear,You do know I hate mumbling" He said.

"Because me and Russia were fighting," "Good,and you do know about the rules in the house correct?"Ussr questioned again,cocking his eyebrows."yes.." "and that is?" "Not to cause a commotion in the house...Especially if there are guests visiting," "good-" "Just get on with it.."Ukraine interrupted Ussr.

"What?" "You're going to hit me again right?Just get on with it!"Ukraine yelled."DO NOT-" Ussr sighed remembering his promise to Russia."do not raise your voice while talking to me son" Ussr said.Ukraine cringed at the word son..USSR would never call him one of his son..He's more like a failure to him more than anything..

"Look I made a promise with someone and their request is me not to hurt you," "so you aren't going to..Hit..Me?"Ukraine's questioned the taller man.For once,he can't believe that his father wouldn't hurt him "No, but don't think that your behaviour wouldn't get a punishment,you're grounded for 5 weeks" "5 weeks!?" "Yes,do you have any problem with that?"Ussr questioned. "Nope!" Ukraine smiled.'Only 5 weeks it's not that bad!'He thought to himself "good,you are dismissed" "Aye aye sir" Ukraine walked towards the door."oh,and I almost forgot..Apologize to Russia and..." "And..What?"Ukraine questioned. "Never EVER talk about me hitting or hurting you to russia" "Oh,okay..." "It's not like I wanted to anyways"Ukraine muttered.

This made Ussr frowned."Ukraine..You're just as important as Russia..Do remember that I always love you no matter what..And..It's not like I want to hurt you..The world is cruel and I want to make sure you are ready for it.." "Yeah,sure" and then he left the room.


(Normal is Ukraine bold is Russia)

Ukraine walked along the hallways going to Russia's bedroom.His mind was running with thoughts and his father's action towards him or how he 'loved' him like he loves Russia.It was undeniable Russia is his favourite son and that's that.Ukraine stopped in front of Russia's door.He took a deep breath before knocking."Russia?It's Ukraine I- I want to apologize about earlier..Will you forgive me?"He spoke softly.

The door opens.

"Russia I-"Ukraine knelt down and put one of his hand on the child's shoulder."I'm sorry..." Russia apologized.This caught Ukraine off guard "W-what?What for?"he asked."B-because I was being a little brat!If only I had listened we wouldn't be in this mess I-...I'm sorry Ukraine" Russia looked away. "No no...It was my fault for losing my temper..Don't blame yourself too much" Ukraine whispered moving Russia's head to face him.His face showed guilt "Okay what did you wanna tell me?"Ukraine asked."what?" "I know that face when I see one..Your hiding something from me,do you mind telling it?"Silence overtook them for a few seconds before Russia responded "ukraine..." "yeah?" "Did...Father hurt you?"Russia asked."Nyet,He didn't..Except he did ground me..For 5 weeks" "5 Weeks?! AAAA that's such a long time......" "It's not as long as last time though so.." "It's true...Ukraine?" the child called his elder brother.Ukraine hummed as a response." Do you uhm...About the journal.." "did Father took it?"Ukraine asked.

"No..He said I can keep it since he thought it was an unused journal of him..But when I opened it up it seems to have been written by someone..And it's not father's since..It has a different handwriting..Different than him" he responded. " do you..Perhaps by any chance..Wanna read it..Tonight?" Russia asked."Russia you know I'm grounded..I can't just..Sneak out of my room!" "Awh come on!I saw you sneak out of your room so many times" "Wait..How did you know?" "I uhm erm-ANYWAYS!Since I know you're secret you have to listen to me..You know just do your secret sneaking out thingy and sneak into my room and-And then we can read the book together!"Russia smirked."And will you do if I don't?"Ukraine smiled."I'll tell Kaz!"The child exclaimed.Ukraine chuckled before putting his hand on his forehead and sitting dramatically "Oh please master Ruski!Anything but please don't tell him!!"Ukraine said.This makes Russia laughed."hmm I won't if we read the book later tonight..How about  3 A.M?Dad is usually asleep by then" "Mmh I'm pretty sure you are too"Ukraine pinched Russia little cheek."Aight I'm going to head to my room.If you want anything you are always welcomed there" "okay..".


Ukraine was lying on his bed.It is 3 A.M. He couldn't sleep."ukraine!" He held something whisper yelled at him.He sat up.He looked around the dark room.Nothing. 'Nah it's nothing..I'm probably tired' He try to lay down but then he heard the thing called out his name again.'Okay this is scary..'He sat up and got down from his bed."Ukraine!" "AAAAHHH NOT TODAY SATAN-ACK-MMPFJFHD" He tried to scream but it seems like the entity is closing his mouth."Ukraine it's me Russia!" Russia whisper yelled."mmph?"Ukraine let out a confused muffle sound."Rusmpf" "yes it's me!Will you stop screaming now?" Ukraine nodded."okay-" Russia let go and was interrupted "What are you doing in my room?!?"Ukraine questioned."shshhshshsshhhh you're going to wake dad up!" Although hard to see Ukraine was pretty sure the child was signaling him to stop talking.

"Besides didn't you say earlier that I could come into your room whenever I need you and I am always welcomed here?" Russia said. "Yes I did but not at 3 in the freaking morning Russia!" Ukraine whispered."you did not say that I can't come at three in the morning" "You are always so clever with words" Ukraine said sarcastically and pinched Russia's cheek again this made the child giggled slightly."Aight what do you want?"Ukraine."read the book?" "Mmmhmhm..Sure" Ukraine said knowing that if he refuses his brother would still force him to.

"Just one page though..Agreed?" "Seems fine with me" Then Russia went to Ukraine's bed and tried to sat on top of it.Ukraine grab one of the candles and light it up. "..Here let me help you" Ukraine Help Russia up.

"Thank you" Ukraine sat near the light source so he can read better.Russia scoots closer next to Ukraine.Russia got out the book and flip to a page."I've already read the other one so.." "It's okay" Ukraine interrupted.And so they started reading

(A/N this is story tiem uwu)

Tuesday the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Today isn't like any other day..It was rather..Interesting.

(journal owner p.o.v)
"Sir?" I heard someone call me."Yes?" I stopped my writing and looked up.I was annoyed.It was one of my maid."Sir,C-commander ■■■■■ had just returned from his trip"she explained."Already?" I asked.It had been only a few minutes.Did something happenned?"Send him to me"I said."Yes sir" she got out and closed the door.

A few minutes later I saw him entering the room holding something wrapped in his arm.It looks like a person?"So,why did you return so early?"I asked."I found..A kid..In front of the castle gate uh,Sir!" He said."Then I must assume that whatever is in your hand..That's a person?" I asked."A baby,sir" He corrected me.

"..May I have a look?" I questioned."Yes" He answered.I held the child.It looks so peaceful in its sleep."Poor child,abandones by your parents..Does he have a name?"I asked looking at the commander."soviet union I think"He said.I turned and look at the child who is sleeping peacefully in my arms '..Soviet union' "I shall adopt it" I blurted out."I beg my pardon sir,but..Wha?"He questioned me."What?"I asked annoyed."It's a him,not it..Sir"He muttered."..Oh has I been referring the baby as it this whole time?"I asked."Probably..Sir Russian empire"



Ukraine closed the book."Aaaand that's it" he said slightly yawning and he blew out the candle."what?But I wanna read moreeee" russia whined.Ukraine plop on the bed "no read more sleep" was all that he muttered."you meanie!" Russia said taking the nearest pillow and started hitting Ukraine with it.But that didn't seem to wake up Ukrajne at all,because all that Russia heard was a snore."UKRAINEEEE" russia whined.Which seems to get his father to wake up.


~end part 1

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