Skin White As Snow, Lips Red As Blood

Skin White As Snow, Lips Red As Blood

4 0 4

A queen decides to investigate on the mysterious murder of the king. She discovers that a monstrous creature is attacking several of her subjects and also servants of the castle. And it looks like that creature is hiding within the castle walls...…

Laiko Įkaitai

Laiko Įkaitai

548 94 11

2036-ieji.Trečiasis Pasaulinis karas.Altėja tikėjo, kad galėjo pakeisti ateitį, kurioje gyveno.Jos tėvas buvo žymus mokslininkas, pogrindyje sukūręs laiko mašiną. Altėja išdrįso žengti žingsnį į praeitį, kad išvengtų to, kas jau nutiko.Tačiau pakeisti tai, kas jau įvyko, buvo labai sudėtinga ir pavojinga užduotis, nes tai galėjo turėti ne tik neprognozuojamas pasekmes, bet ir sukelti laiko paradoksą. Altėja turėjo būti labai atsargi ir viską apgalvoti, jeigu norėjo pasiekti savo tikslą.Tačiau, kas nutiks, kai padariusi vieną neapgalvotą sprendimą, mergina praras viską, ką turėjo? Kai bandydama viską sutvarkyti įsivels į begalę įvykių, kurie tik dar labiau paskatins Trečiajį Pasaulinį karą?..…

Not Gay

Not Gay

605 39 5

A series of texts between John Watson and his friends as he tries to prove to everyone that he is not gay (in case anyone still cares.)…

You're Really Here?

You're Really Here?

53 2 1

It's been a long time for Rose Tyler, sixty years in fact. Oh,and she hasn't aged a day. So when the Metacrisis was dying he gave her a Dimension Cannon. Will she find the Doctor? And if so, will he want her? This is my first published fanfic. Please don't hate me if I mess this up. Also please don't swear to much? Thank you! Also I don't own Doctor Who, I'm just messin' with the characters.…

Joey Wallace Sucked my Dick

Joey Wallace Sucked my Dick

42 0 1

4 popular boys on a college basketball team (Southern Connecticut State University) discover they share a love of more than just the balls on the basketball court. They started as just a normal friend group, but one night where 2 of them can't make the 4 person hangout, it becomes more than just a hangout. The 2 boys are watching a movie, and then decide to make drinks. After one too many, it leads to Joey Wallace getting down on his knees and not to propose. The next day, everyone on campus starts to find out. Joey and DJ work together and become even closer, to the point of dating each other, to fight off the haters. They show the basketball team that love and dick conquers all. During the next practice, read to find out what the basketball team thinks when they find out...…

Transforming Business Insights

Transforming Business Insights

3 0 1

Markytics is at the forefront of providing comprehensive data analytics solutions.…

Markytics' AI Solutions in Mumbai

Markytics' AI Solutions in Mumbai

1 0 1

Markytics is not just another AI company in Mumbai; it is a beacon of innovation and expertise in the realm of artificial intelligence. Founded with a vision to empower businesses with data-driven insights and intelligent solutions, Markytics has established itself as a trusted partner for companies seeking to harness the power of AI.…

Unlocking Data Insights

Unlocking Data Insights

1 0 1

In the dynamic landscape of Mumbai's business realm and beyond, the demand for data analytics solutions has surged exponentially. Businesses, both large and small, are recognizing the transformative power of data analytics in driving informed decisions, optimizing processes, and gaining a competitive edge in their respective industries.…

MARKYTICS Among Top Data Science Companies in Mumbai

MARKYTICS Among Top Data Science Companies in Mumbai

1 0 1

Learn how MARKYTICS stands out among Mumbai's data science firms, delivering unparalleled business intelligence solutions to drive growth and innovation.…

Reverse Falls Arising

Reverse Falls Arising

144 3 5

...aka Deatharising's YouTube Reverse Falls CMV series adapted into fanfiction format.William Cipher has been summoned to the Gleeful Manor, but for what purpose? Is he even safe?Idk, I'm not very good at descriptions like this. I would appreciate feedback, as this is my first fanfiction. Deatharising is aware of this story, and has given her go-ahead to post. The ciphers were written by Jenniwrenn5, not by me. Feel free to try and solve them, but if you already know the answer or just go to the comments of the original videos for the solution, please don't say anything about it. Leave that for the people who want to solve them themselves. Enjoy :).…

Unleashing the Power of Data Science

Unleashing the Power of Data Science

1 0 1

MARKYTICS has emerged as a frontrunner among data science companies in Mumbai, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and a team of skilled professionals to provide comprehensive solutions. Founded with a vision to revolutionize decision-making processes through data, the company has successfully carved its niche in the competitive landscape.…

Redefining India's Tech Scene with AI ExcellenceMarkytics

Redefining India's Tech Scene with AI ExcellenceMarkytics

1 0 1

Uncover the transformative power of AI with Markytics, India's leading artificial intelligence company, committed to empowering businesses nationwide with innovative AI-driven strategies and solutions tailored to India's unique market landscape.…

How Markytics is Shaping India's AI Landscape

How Markytics is Shaping India's AI Landscape

2 0 1

Markytics is a leading AI company based in India, specializing in delivering advanced AI solutions tailored to the unique needs of businesses across various industries. With a team of skilled data scientists, engineers, and AI experts, Markytics is committed to harnessing the potential of AI to drive tangible results for its clients.…

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Mumbai

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Mumbai

1 0 1

Markytics stands as a beacon of hope and possibility in Mumbai's bustling tech landscape. Through its innovative AI solutions, collaborative approach, and unwavering commitment to excellence, the company is redefining the boundaries of what's possible in the world of artificial intelligence.…

Unleashing the Power of Data Science

Unleashing the Power of Data Science

1 0 1

As Mumbai continues to evolve as a global business hub, the role of data science will only become more critical. MARKYTICS, with its unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence, is poised to lead the way in shaping the future of data science in the city.…

Random Art Book (Art Book #1)

Random Art Book (Art Book #1)

1,002 14 200

Well, Here it is! My Random Art book, where I put crap on paper and that's art, kids!(DEAL WITH THE CRINGEY ART FOR THE FIRST 80 OR SO CHAPTERS!)Art trades and Requests Are open.Cover is by @Spiderpath…

Unveiling MARKYTICS: Mumbai's Premier Artificial Intelligence Company

Unveiling MARKYTICS: Mumbai's Premier Artificial Intelligence Company

1 0 1

MARKYTICS is not just another AI company; it's a powerhouse of innovation, dedicated to harnessing the potential of AI to drive business growth and transformation. Established in the heart of Mumbai, MARKYTICS boasts a team of seasoned AI experts, data scientists, and engineers passionate about pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI.…