Sun and Star (Voltron: Legendary Defender

Sun and Star (Voltron: Legendary Defender

1,009 25 11

Minors running around playing superhero constitutes a worse nightmare situation for the Justice League. As such, Shiro and Keith find themselves both drug into Young Justice becoming guardians of their home planet before becoming guardians of the universe.Disclaimer - I don't own Voltron: Legendary Defender or Young Justice. The Young Justice canon goes AU regarding the original team. Teen Titans existed prior to Young Justice. (See some of the chapters in Beyond the Night, particularly the first one.) Shiro and Keith are siblings by blood in this, their mother is Altean instead of Galra, Ryo is Keith's twin and a pop-idol. Also, humans obviously know about aliens in this, where as they don't in VLD.Oh, and this is my NaNoWriMo project for 2017!…

The Golden Ticket [Watty Awards 2014]

The Golden Ticket [Watty Awards 2014]

753 21 14

Her dark curls danced as they bounced against her back as she glanced hesitantly behind her before entering the room with the small porthole-looking window, bolted onto the door. Her small smile inched up as the professional reached over his clipboard to shake her hand. This one audition could, ultimately, decide the fate of her future. Five minutes with a professional, that's all it would take for her to come out of that room; tears filling her eyes from either excitement or disappointment. We all know that she deserves to make it to the show, but now we just need to wait for the final opinion of the adjudicator. I glanced down at the book I had stowed under my arm, just in case, but I quickly gave up and returned my focus back on my friend. They'll never understand. I twisted my ring around on my finger. Seven contestants and one winner. One winner who gets to skip the line at any real American Idol audition in the country. This is the American Idol Experience.…

Lost Bermuda: Union

Lost Bermuda: Union

329 38 9

Lost Bermuda: Union Is a Steampunk Fiction that takes place within Maelesk, during a cold, brutal and bloody war, after a newly formed Union of two islands, Pidole and Arvinaz, assassinated the Tovasian king. Tovas declared war on Pidole and Arvinaz, starting the war of Adette.The Lost Bermuda Book Series takes place on an alternative earth, called "Alter", which is our earth, but instead it consisted of four forges, or regions. Aria, Resigan, Uraein and Maelesk which were a multitude of different sized islands and climate. The culture of the people who lived in these countries, were very civilized and scientific, especially when the "Steam Revolution" took place in the mid 1800's, making the culture like an alternative Steampunk. This installment takes place in Maelesk, in the early 1900's during the war of Adette, in the eyes of Boxer, a spec ops agent from Merisota that was placed in the Compriat Division.(All religious and racial instances are purely fictional)…

Banana Bus Squad x Isekai

Banana Bus Squad x Isekai

177,226 5,032 194

The Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT.They are consists of Seven individuals. Their Leader, Vanoss, or Evan Fong. Wildcat, or Tyler Wine. Nogla, or David Nagle. Basically, or Marcel Cunningham. Moo, or Brock Barrus. Terroriser, or Brian Michael Hanby. And lastly, the one and only mysterious of them all, Delirious.All of the sudden, due to unexpected circumstances, Vanoss and some of his friends found themselves in a world of fantasy alongside their Minecraft home and turned into their avatar bodies for unknown reasons.How will they adapt in a world full of Monsters and Gods, where dangers that could end the world was hidden in every corner while weapons like guns and nukes is not enough to kill them? How will they face the obstacles of the dangers ahead, while they were just mere YouTube Gamers that insults each other and making racist jokes in a daily basis? Will they be able to keep the team together? Or will they split apart due to their differences? Personally I don't give a shit, but to those who do, tune in each update chapters to find out in this adventure as a full on series!...But...... While they were having their time in this strange and virgin world. An evil has arisen in the New World, and it is up to them to defeat this evil and save the world.....Or just forget that bullshit and do whatever they want like fucking their world with blocks and absolute fuckery with Mods! :3…

Fandom-Verse Book: RP & Scenarios

Fandom-Verse Book: RP & Scenarios

25,763 55 180

Well New RP book for the RP's i might do. nyeh heh! It will be interesting as it is right now.Closing of book: periodically happens if the RP gone worse…

Let's Create - May 2018 Contest

Let's Create - May 2018 Contest

8,856 1,896 179

Hello and Welcome to our 2018 May contest!Congratulations to our contest winners!!Winner of -7-@johannaheferWinner of Qasidat Mara@VinehaWinners of Tempoem@ScottArroy@most_bayWinners of Tri-dodeca@RoyalistWriter@VioletEden…

I dont care anymore

I dont care anymore

61 0 2

izuku midoriya was beaten up by his former childhood best friend or should I say his now bully of an asshole soon at the end of the middle school izuku was being called at the principal office and was excuse and leave the school early since its the end of the year that they will look for there future high school year katsuki bakugou was being a asshole and a curious fuck he thought about why the hell is his damn nerd was excuse early soon the bell rang and bakugou can finally get the hell out of this hell hole of a school and walk away from it to his house as he reached home he was yelled to his mother to come to the living room and have a little talk what could this be? andwhy is izuku leaving so early willlets just find out soon...…

Becoming a K-pop idol

Becoming a K-pop idol

8 0 1

Kim Min-jae always dreamed of becoming a K-pop idol. He tried everything: taking acting and dance classes, becoming better at singing and rapping etc. l…

||-ʜᴇᴛᴀʟɪᴀ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ 2-||

||-ʜᴇᴛᴀʟɪᴀ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ 2-||

8,790 96 169

||-2ɴᴅ ʜᴇᴛᴀʟɪᴀ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ ʙᴏᴏᴋ~-||…

Nexus la dimenciòn infinita

Nexus la dimenciòn infinita

3 0 1

Puede que al ver el titulo pensaras que este es otra historia isekai donde el protagonista muere y renase como un badass o un cómico débil que se vuelve fuerte por hasares del destino que le dan un poder roto. Pero les diré la verdad esto es exactamente lo que no es veremos personajes que deberían a ver sido así pero no están ya cansados de este ciclo de lavadora que se repite una y otra vez que llena tu vida de situaciones problemáticas que enjuagan tu creencias listas para laven mente de las personas haciéndolos héroes o villanos exprimiendo su vida ha secaros y solo dejando un legado que solo repite las mismas cosas una y otra vez es aburrido no creen si eres el héroe y acabas con todos los villanos habrá paz y felicidad error habrá aburrimiento y la gente se depravara y si eres villano destruyes y esclavisas que aburrido no hay nada nuevo ni desafíos por hacer orden y coas no son calma y bullisio todo en exceso es malo y aburrido no se ustedes pero eso ya me canso asi que echare todo al caño con ustedes las aventuras de toiletman naa.... solo es broma saludos a todos mi nombre es Wisart y disfruten como yo y mis colegas volteamos al mundo a patadas o debería decir mundos jajajajajaja…

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

5 0 1

"eu nα̃o ɑcho que sejɑ possível preencher um espɑço vɑzio com ɑquilo que você perdeu. (...) nα̃o ɑcho que nossos pedɑços perdidos cɑibɑm mɑis dentro dɑ gente depois que eles se perdem." (O Teoremɑ Kɑtherine)Talvez aquilo que você perdeu realmente não volte e àquele vazio enorme e doloroso vai continuar ali; a não ser que chegue alguém na sua vida que consiga preencher esse vazio todinho e ainda mais. Que consiga te arrancar sorrisinhos bobos e borboletas no estômago mesmo de longe. Foi o que aconteceu comigo, e eu sou muito sortuda por te ter comigo, sayuri.── oi, amor. eu tô fazendo isso aqui porque;O1. queria tentar pôr "no papel" as várias imaginações que tenho contigo, os vários sonhos que tenho acordada me imaginando do teu lado, fazendo coisas clichês e bobas mas que me fazem muito feliz, principalmente se for do seu lado.O2. eu até falei com você sobre isso, já que não sei o seu nome. eu me acostumei a te chamar só de anon, só que anon é muito simples e significa anônima. então, eu escolhi "sayuri", significa pequeno lírio, e lírio além de ser uma flor linda "Um dos significados, atribuídos à palavra Lírio é Amor Eterno.", e eu vou te amar eternamente.O3. eu amo escrever, amo muito escrever, mas isso não significa que eu saiba escrever bem. escrevo com carinho e amor, e agora que é pra você e com você, vou escrever com mais amor e carinho ainda. eu espero de verdade que você goste, e não esquece que eu te amo mais que tudo :(.…

Muy lejos de un

Muy lejos de un "nosotros" •Shawn Mendes y tú•

54 2 1

Sharon y tú son mejores amigas desde los 5 años, ella es como tu hermana de otra madre, cuando cumplieron los 17 años, ambas decidieron vivir juntas, para ir a la misma universidad. Un día, Sharon empezó a cambiar su actitud, llegaba de muy noche, se la pasaba en la calle o en el celular chateando con alguien que siempre la dejaba sonriendo como el gato sonriente de Alicia en el país de las maravillas, y eso no era todo, si no que cancelaba o posponía sus salidas, ya no salía contigo y con las demás al antro, ya no te prestaba atención, ahora parecía que su mejor amigo era el teléfono, o la persona que estaba del otro lado de él. Hacías todo por llamar su atención, trataba de ponerla celosa, le compraste ropa varías veces y asta recogiste su habitación, pero ella ni se inmutaba, solo te hablaba para decirte "buenas noches", estabas muy preocupada por tu amiga, por qué no solo hacía lo que acabo de mencionar, si no que empezó a hacer ejercicio y a comer sano, algo definitivamente andaba mal, y Sharon no te hablaba de eso, asta que una noche, Sharon llevo a un chico muy guapo a la casa, te morías de pena, ya que andabas muy fachosa, peor después la pena se fue de lado cuando Sharon te explico que el había sido el causante, de su rato comportamiento, así que mandaste la pena a volar y dejaste que el enojo se apoderara de tu cuerpo. Te pusiste muy celosa, pensabas que Sharon ya se había conseguido a otro mejor amigo, asta que te dijo que eran novios, algo mucho peor, sabias lo que eso significaba, no más sábados de películas, ni salidas a antros con su club de amigas "las solteronas" sabías que no tardaría en que Sharon se fuera a vivir con el, se dejarían de hablar y de ver, ella se olvidaría de ti, o peor aún el se vendría a vivir con ustedes, ahora el las acompañaría a todos lados y tendrías sesión de besos todo el tiempo frente a tus narices.Pensabas solo lo pero de ese tipo asta que...-¡Por Dios, estoy enamorada del novio de…