Treasureless Island (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic)

Treasureless Island (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic)

57 1 4

After the Kerberos mission failed and pilot error is blamed, thusly blaming Shiro who can't defend himself, Keith wants nothing to do with the Garrison and wants to drop out. The head of the Shirogane family and commander of the Japanese garrison insists on a compromise - that Keith pilot for Ryo when he heads to the moon/Mars (edit after round one is finished being judged) to perform at a concert.Only-- An event that wasn't pilot error occurs, resulting in them being stranded on an a tropical island on an alien planet with no clue where in the galaxy they are, needing to survive despite the tension between Keith and Ryo regarding -- well, everything.Disclaimer - I don't own Voltron: Legendary Defender. This is written for ONC 2025, prompt 47. "A famous singer and their pilot crash land on a tropical island. With no one else around, survival isn't their only challenge."…

Caged Pheonix (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Caged Pheonix (Harry Potter Fanfic)

39 0 4

Sirius knows Regulus is dead, yet finds Orion's belief that this isn't true just as contagious as what his grandfather said, that Regulus challenged a magical being without finishing what he started. The contagious thought leads to a different boy-who-lived, and...At the end of the day, Regulus needs to finish what he started, and for that to happen, Sirius realizes eventually, he needs to find Regulus, because that is what will keep his godson safe, right?Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This is written for ONC 2025, prompt 13. "When you challenge a magical being, the rules are simple: you must finish what you started, no matter the cost."…

A Siriusly Grimm Christmas (Harry Potter Fanfic)

A Siriusly Grimm Christmas (Harry Potter Fanfic)

22 1 4

Sirius decides to infiltrate the Granger family for Christmas, posing as the newest family pet in hopes that Peter Pettigrew will be brought right to him in time to give himself the Christmas present of revenge against the wizard who actually betrayed James and Lily to Voldemort. What could go wrong? Why, the middle Granger child suspecting there is more than meets the eye, that's what.Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This is written for ONC 2025, prompt seven. "You've always suspected that the stray cat in your area is more than it seems. Now you're determined to catch it shapeshifting and prove it's a shapeshifter. But the closer you get, the more questions arise." Except instead of a stray cat, it's a stray Sirius. :)…

Ghost of Grimmauld Place (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Ghost of Grimmauld Place (Harry Potter Fanfic)

63 2 8

If Sirius Black had his way, the Black family would remain long-lost relatives he had nothing to do with, including Grimmauld Place which he managed to inherit, yet Grimmauld Place is unfortunatly a place he can easily hide as he remains a wanted man for something he didn't do.The last thing he expected was to encounter the ghost of his younger brother, but something feels off. Or perhaps, it's just the unresolved feelings regarding Regulus' death, particularly when he's the only one able to see Regulus from what he can tell.Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This is written for ONC 2025, prompt 19, "You inherit a house from a long-lost relative, only to discover it's haunted by a ghost from your past. How do you deal with what you once knew?"…

Kichiku no Kishin (鬼畜 の 鬼神) - My Hero Academia/Demon Slayer Crossover

Kichiku no Kishin (鬼畜 の 鬼神) - My Hero Academia/Demon Slayer Crossover

39 3 4

Nezuko's childhood crush - a demon that wasn't a demon, yet everyone in their village deemed him one. Years pass with her becoming a demon, but it's Tamaki's turn to fall for her.Disclaimer - I don't own My Hero Acadmeia or Demon Slayer. This is one of my ONC projects for 2025, prompt number 2. "To be in love with a demon was the last thing on your wishlist."…

Twenty Days of Freedom (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Twenty Days of Freedom (Harry Potter Fanfic)

27 2 4

Regulus knows he opened Pandora's box, that his actions harmed someone he cared deeply for, yet in his madness from opening Pandora's box he turned to Pandora Rosier rather than simply trying to fix the evil he unleashed on his own, and in doing so she gives him hope. Flee and be free for twenty days, something he doesn't understand beyond knowing Pandora inherited seer abilities, but her seer ability should never be questioned.Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This is one of my entries for Open Novella 2025, prompt 110, "20 days of freedom."…

Pages of My Story (Pagemaster/My Girl Crossover)

Pages of My Story (Pagemaster/My Girl Crossover)

29 2 4

Years ago, the magic of the library helped Richard Tyler overcome fear, nor did his peers thinking him odd for always having his nose in a book bother him, yet as he headed into high school, he did find himself wishing for a peer who could also see the magic of the library. Vada Margaret Sultenfuss on the other hand, wants to become a writer while seeking a way to escape her family situation. As she writes her romance story, she doesn't expect to meet Romance, let alone the way her story would twist the magic of the library.Disclaimer - I don't own The Pagemaster or My Girl. This is being written for ONC 2024, prompt 60, "The magic of the library takes its toll - a love story so powerful that its echoes span eternity. But as you write, you fall in love with the character you've created. What happens when the line between fiction and reality begins to blur?"…

Open Novella Journal 2025

Open Novella Journal 2025

354 48 11

My writing experience for ONC this year.…

Groot Greif (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Groot Greif (Guardians of the Galaxy)

10 1 1

Rocket grieves after the snap.Disclaimer - I don't own Gauardians of the Galaxy. This was written for Froday little special for April 2023.…

Where the Home (Heart) Is (Stardew Valley/My Time at Sandrock)

Where the Home (Heart) Is (Stardew Valley/My Time at Sandrock)

8 0 1

Sebastian ends up talking to Sam about some of his family issues when Maru tries calling him out for checking out during the holidays, not realizing what's really going on.Disclaimer - I don't own Stardew Valley or the My Time series. This was written for the Froday Winter Callendar 2022, prompt "Not Going Home for Chrismtas." Older story not posted yet.…

Step in the Right Direction (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Step in the Right Direction (Harry Potter Fanfic)

12 0 1

Orion and Walburga go to the Granger household for Christmas the next year with a gift to show Walburga begrudgingly has come around.Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This was written for the Froday Winter Callendar 2022 - prompt, "merry Christmas here's a cat."…

Dated, Totally (Stardewvally/Multi-Fandom Crossover)

Dated, Totally (Stardewvally/Multi-Fandom Crossover)

6 0 1

Sam thinks speed dating would be good for Sebastian.Disclaimer - I don't own Stardew Valley, Gamers!, NetoYome or BOFURI. This was written for the second Froday regular challenge for August 2022, speed dating. Didn't quite turn out the way I wanted. Older story I hadn't posted here yet.…

UDM: Granger Yet - Periwinkle (Harry Potter Fanfic)

UDM: Granger Yet - Periwinkle (Harry Potter Fanfic)

8 1 1

Dances weren't Hermione's thing, yet her father insisted she go ahead and get the required dress robes. Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This is written for Froday amnesty for June and I'm using prompt r12.04 memory as Hermione is making memories with her father. Important note. I'm aware that there are fans who will insist that Hermione wore periwinkle dress robes and not a dress, but the thing some fans don't realize is that robe and dress are actually synonyms for each other, meaning that while it is true what Hermione wore was in fact a robe, that doesn't actually mean it wasn't a dress. Mind you, a dress isn't a robe if it isn't in some way a long flowing garment, but in this case what the girls wore to the Yule Ball was likely both, the real difference between a dress and a robe being what Muggles would call it and what the magical community would call it, if that makes sense.Older story not yet posted.…

UDM: Granger Yet - Prince and Princess (Harry Potter Fanfic)

UDM: Granger Yet - Prince and Princess (Harry Potter Fanfic)

6 1 1

A perfect world in Elizabeth Granger's mind is a world where no magic existed, she didn't have a witch for a sister and her father would be--well, normal, for all those many reasons.Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter. This was written for the second regular Froday challenge for June, the prompt being makeup, but this is a spin-off one-shot to UDM: Granger Yet that covers the POV of Hermione's younger sister, the middle child of Regulus and his wife, which helps me to write the next chapter of the main story as it's better to give some of what's going on from the POV of anyone but Elizabeth in that story, and thus some details would be left out--aka, her personal take on what's going on. Older story I've not posted yet.…

Geeglers (My Time at Sandrock/Stardew Valley Crossover)

Geeglers (My Time at Sandrock/Stardew Valley Crossover)

7 0 1

Maru shouldn't have left Sebastian's side, which led to her running into the Geeglers in the desert, a creature that looked like a hybrid between humans and dinosaurs.Disclaimer - I don't own Stardew Valley or My Time At Sandrock. This was written for the Froday little special for the month of June which is an Alphabet Story challenge where the first sentence has to start with "Y" because that's what my username starts with and the next has to start with either "X" or "Z". This is also part of my Collection Madness series with the collection I'm wanting to feature being Needs More Dinosaurs! with the Geeglers from Sandrock who are a reptilion humanoid that looks like a dinosaur humanoid to me popping into my head.…

Under the Secret (Stardew Valley Fanfic)

Under the Secret (Stardew Valley Fanfic)

6 1 1

Sebastian knows he's trapped underground on an icy floor, yet there are a few things he's sketchy on like what happened to lead him to pass out in the mines. It's his worst nightmare, but a nightmare he thinks is is his own.Disclaimer - I don't own Stardew Valley. This is written for the first Regular Froday Flash Fiction challenge for January 2022 where the prompt is Underground. This particular piece didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, not at all. Story that I forgot to post here a long time ago, with an open ended angsty ending.…

Twelve Days of Siblings (Bleach Fanfic)

Twelve Days of Siblings (Bleach Fanfic)

46 0 9

Twelve one shots related to the twelve days of Christmas focused around the crack theory that Toshiro and Bambietta are twins.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. Here are twelve one-shots for my theory that Gin and Ran are the parents of Toshiro and Bambietta. Sure, it is crack theory but I am having fun with it. Older story I missed posting here, original publication dates for first nine chapters 12-2-12 to 9-2-20.…

Secret Santa (Bleach Fanfic)

Secret Santa (Bleach Fanfic)

98 0 29

For some strange reason, someone is giving Toshiro secret gifts during the Christmas time.Disclaimer - I don't own Bleach. This is an older story I came to realize wasn't posted yet to Wattpad, original publication date of 12-2-11.…

To Lose or To Gain: Iroh's Child - Untrecherous (AtLA Fanfic)

To Lose or To Gain: Iroh's Child - Untrecherous (AtLA Fanfic)

15 0 1

Iroh goes looking for something he can not find.Disclaimer - I don't own Avatar, the Last Airbender. Prompt: Dead Reckoning(n.) to find yourself bothered by someone's death more than you would have expected, as if you assumed they would always be part of the landscape, like a lighthouse you could pass by for years until the night it suddenly goes dark, leaving you with one less landmark to navigate by-still able to find your bearings, but feeling all that much more adrift.I originally planned this to be a chapter in To Lose or to Gain: Iroh's Child somewhere around the time Zuko is studying with Piandao, but looking at the above prompt made me realize that it doesn't quite fit into the whole flow of LG:IC, so it became it's own separate one-shot.Something I forgot to post here that was originally published 7-17-20.…

To Lose or to Gain: Morning Tea (Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic)

To Lose or to Gain: Morning Tea (Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic)

7 0 1

A scene which ended up cut from To Lose or to Gain: Iroh's Child because it didn't quite fit in with the story.Disclaimer - I don't own Avatar the Last Airbender. This was originally going to be chapter five of To Lose or to Gain: Iroh's Child. The flow didn't feel right so I ended up starting a book for any potential cuts and one-shots which can't stand on their own for To Lose or to Gain.This is a story originally posted 6-15-19 that I'd not yet posted here.…