Chapter 32

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Rose had entered the case after Queenie made her spill about her Hogwarts years with Newt. It had been something she hadn't done in years. The last time she had quality 'girl time' had been with Hermione, Luna, and Jenny in her own time. After a quick goodnight to the sisters and the boys, Rose had set up her bed on the cot tucked away behind the ladder that led out of the case. However, she couldn't find the means to sleep as she swiftly made her way out of the shed and into the depths of the ever expanding case of Newt Scamander.

    With a deep breath, and a long sigh, Rose began to check the case to see what creatures had escaped. She had been relieved that Isibindi was still in the case, along with Frank and the Graphorns; most of the more dangerous creatures were safe within the case. However, the Erumpent, Dougal, one of the Occamy, and Glister were nowhere to be found. She had been counting the Mooncalves when she heard sudden clanging of Newt's hanging pans and the loud thuds of something rolling heavily down the ladder of the case. Wasting no time, she went to investigate.

    Rose had swung the door open to come face to face with Newt, who was in the middle of juicing a few leaves. "Oh, hello," Newt had paused for only a moment to glance at her before getting back to his work, "I was wondering where you had gone off to." "I was counting Mooncalves; all are accounted for, by the way," Rose gave a soft smile, "Was that you who fell down the ladder?" Newt took the leaves and filled up a cup with water before he turned to head back to the corner of the shed, "Not I."

    Rose quickly found the Muggle sitting in the corner as Newt began to tend to the bite on Mr. Kowalski's neck. "Ew," the no-Maj cringed, but didn't pull away. "Stay still," Newt instructed as he applied the substance of the sticky leaves onto the man's neck. Mr. Kowalski had let out an uncomfortable hiss only once, but Newt had finished quickly. "That should stop the sweating. One of those should sort the twitch," Newt explained as Rose found a little white pill in the Muggle's hand. The man had simply shrugged and popped the pill into his mouth, followed by a large gulp of water.

    "Well," Rose grabbed both of the boy's attention, "I'll go ahead and begin feeding everyone. Don't take too long." "We'll be right out," Newt gave a small side smile, his hair falling into his face. Rose couldn't help but blush as she gave him a warm smile back. Absentmindedly biting her lip, Rose made her way back into the case to set out what she said she would do. She had decided to start with the creatures of the deep first; they wouldn't take too long. By the time she was finished with the water creatures, she heard Newt give a call to the Graphorns. The woman just smiled as she made her way over to the forest area to feed the Bowtruckles.

    "Titus, Fin, Poppy, Merlot, Tom..." Newt called, not realizing Rose was standing beside the Bowtruckle tree. "All accounted for," Rose reassured as Newt glanced up to smile at the female. The wizard then turned back to their Muggle friend, pulling Picket from his pocket, "He had a cold. He needed some body warmth." "Aw," Mr. Kowalski grinned, gazing in awe at the little twig creature. "Come on, on you hop," Newt urged Picket, guiding him up to the tree. Rose giggled as she spotted her little Bowtruckle climbing up Newt's vest, picking Phlox up gently to set the small creature on her shoulder.

    Mr. Kowalski let out an amazed chuckle, watching on in childlike wonder at the small Bowtruckles. "He has some attachment issues. Phlox... Phlox is just spoiled," Newt explained, "Come on now, Picket. Picket. Now, come on they're not going to bully you," The Magizoologist kept trying, but eventually gave in, "Alright. But that's exactly why they accuse me of favoritism." Newt then turned around to take note that Dougal had gone missing and that the newest members of the case were crying for their 'mummy'. Rose just gave the Muggle a smile, "He's just a bit of a pushover."

    Mr. Kowalski had let another chuckle pass his lips as he turned to find Newt leaning over the giant nest of Occamy. Newt was in the process of picking one up when Rose and Mr. Kowalski had joined him. "I know these guys," The Muggle smiled. Rose couldn't help but admire the way both the men gave as they handled the Occamy hatchlings. The fact that Newt was even letting a stranger handle his creatures was significant to say the least. Maybe it was the wonder and the joy it had brought to a normal, everyday Muggle. A little magic went a long way.

    "Mr. Scamander, Miss Black," Mr. Kowalski spoke up. "Call me Newt," the wizard insisted. "And, please, just call me Rose," the which smiled. "Newt, Rose... I don't think I'm dreamin'," Mr. Kowalski kept his smile, gazing around. "What gave it away?" Newt asked, while tending to the Occamy nest. "I ain't got the brains to make this up," he replied. Rose just giggled as Newt gave a smile of his own. "Would you mind throwing those pellets to the Mooncalves over there?" Newt pointed before heading in a different direction.

    Rose pointed the Muggle in the right direction, "When you see bug-eyed llama creatures, you've found them." He chuckled once more before Rose went after Newt, who was pushing a wheelbarrow while his wand was in his mouth. This particular habit made Rose want to scold her dear friend and yet gush over him all at the same time. "Niffler's gone. Course he is! Little buggar. Any chance to get his hands on something shiny," Newt huffed as he head straight for Isibindi to deliver his meal.

    "There's my boy," Rose cooed, coming up just below the magnificent creature she had gifted her companion. The Nundu let out a loud purr at the sight of Rose as she came up to scratch the sides of his head. "Keep on spoiling him and he'll become a Kneazle," Newt teased, pulling his wand out of his mouth. "Do you want a docile, happy Nundu or not?" Rose smirked. "I'd appreciate it," Newt side smirked. Rose just giggled at her friend as Isibindi pawed at a Diricawl and her babies that scuttled past Rose's feet; popping in and out of thin air as they went to avoid the big kitty.

    After giving her giant baby some loving, Rose attended to the Fwooper, the Diricawls that had shuffled past her, Ravi, Sweetie, and the plants scattered around the case. Though, while making her rounds, Rose suddenly realized that Mr. Kowalski was nowhere to be found. "Newton," Rose called, gaining her best friend's attention, "Where is our guest?" Newt glanced around before he calmly glanced around the case. "Buggar," New murmured as he began to trek into the snowy part of the case he had warned Rose not to travel into at the beginning of their journey. However, she followed him.

    When she had pushed past the tarp after Newt, she had realized exactly why he had asked her not to enter this particular habitat. The Muggle was inching towards a blob of water with a dark swirling mass inside. "Step back," Newt's voice had startled both Rose and Mr. Kowalski, but he repeated, "Step back." "What's the matter with-" but the man didn't get to finish his question as Newt replied sternly, "I said, step away," "What the hell is that thing?" Mr. Kowalski asked, stepping back a few steps. Rose had froze, realizing what it was, "Is that what I think it is?" Newt sighed, "It's an obscurus."

    However, Newt didn't hesitate to change the subject, taking back off into the main part of the case, "I need to get going. Find everyone whose escaped before they get hurt." "Before they get hurt?" Mr. Kowalski repeated, though sounding confused. "Yes, Mr. Kowalski," Newt replied as the Muggle and Rose followed closely behind, "They are apparently in alien terrain, surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet; humans. Where would you say that a medium size creature, that likes wide open plains, trees, waterholes, that sort of thing, where might she go?"

    "In New York City?" Mr. Kowalski asked. "Yes," Newt nodded. "Plains?" the man thought out loud to himself. Rose had thought of it just as the Muggle had, "Central Park." "Where is that exactly?" Newt asked, turning to their guest. "Where is Central Park?" Mr. Kowalski had chuckled turning to Rose, "You've been there right?" "A very long time ago. I don't exactly remember the way there. But surely it's in the center of  the city, right?" Rose gave a nervous smile.

    Mr. Kowalski chuckled again as he addressed the two friends, "Well, I would come and show you guys, but don't you think it's kind of a double cross? Girls take us in, they make us hot coco-" but Newt cut him off calmly, "You do realize once they see that you've stopped sweating that they'll oblivate you in a heartbeat." "What's obliviate mean?" the man finally asked. "You wake up and," Newt made a small poof noise, "all memory of magic, gone."

    The man looked around, wonder still deep within his eyes, "I... I won't remember any of this?" "No," Newt honestly answered, shaking his head. "Ok, alright, I'll help you guys," Mr. Kowalski agreed. Newt gave a small smile before picking up the things he had originally been carrying, "Come on then." Rose gave a small smile as well before she and the man followed Newt.

     Phlox had taken to Rose's coat pocket once the trio was out of the case. Without any words, they soon apparated out of the apartment and into the dark streets of New York. There hadn't been much conversation considering Newt was incredibly awkward and Rose was mainly admiring the early architecture of New York City, comparing it to her own time. Mr. Kowalski would ask a few questions about magic and the things he didn't really know; and Newt would answer him. Rose listened in and would smile at the wonder it brought their newest friend.

    "I was watching you a dinner... People like you, don't they Mr. Kowalski?" Newt asked. "Oh. Well, I'm sure people like you too, huh. Like Rose," the man pointed back to the woman who was following along behind them. "Not really, no. I annoy people," Newt quickly replied. "And I don't count as people," Rose chirped, her smile remaining on her lips. Newt gave a small smile of his own, glancing back at his female companion for a moment. "Oh," Mr. Kowalski was left in an awkward silence.

    Newt quickly changed the subject, getting the man's attention off magic, him, and Rose, "Why did you decide to be a baker?" "Well, um... Cause I'm dying in that canning factory. Everyone is dying; just crushes the life out of you," Mr. Kowalski explained, "Do either of you like canned food?" "Not particularly, no," Rose replied, now paying attention to the Muggle before her. "No," Newt shook his head, in agreement with Rose. "Yeah, me either," Mr. Kowalski smiled, "That's why I want to make pastries. You know, it makes people happy... We're going this way."

    The group turned to cross the street as Rose took notice of the street being rather bare; for they were the only ones treading down the pavement. "So, did you get the loan?" Newt wondered, remembering Queenie had said something about the matter earlier that evening. "No," Mr. Kowalski scoffed, "I ain't got no collateral. Stayed in the army too long apparently. I don't know." "You fought in the war?" this sparked a connection with Newt. "Of course I fought in the war. Everyone fought in the war. You didn't fight in the war?" Mr. Kowalski rambled. "I worked mostly with dragons. Ukrainian Ironbellys, eastern front," Newt replied.

    "Well if I would have known that, I would have reunited you with three of your friends when you came to see me," Rose smirked. "You fought in the war?" Mr. Kowalski turned to the woman. "Oh, no! Not me. I just had the privilege to rehabilitate a few of the injured dragons that were sent out on the eastern front," Rose explained before turning to Newt, "They mentioned an extraordinarily miraculous man, but I didn't think you'd head to the battlefield, Newton." "You can understand them?" Newt asked, a bit surprised. "Why wouldn't I?" Rose countered,  "I'm practically one myself..."

    However, Rose paused, finding shiny gems, crystals, and diamonds scattered out in a pathway before them. Newt was about to ask what was the matter, but he had simply followed her gaze to find what had drawn her attention. Mr. Kowalski had also found the shimmering trail as he was glancing to each of the many jewelry shops they had stopped along. Newt took the lead, treading lightly and slowly while following the trail; knowing exactly who the culprit was. Rose crept quietly behind, keeping her eyes to the shop windows.

    Of course, it didn't take long for Rose to find who they were looking for. Glister stood completely still, two bracelets handing from his extended arm. Rose couldn't help but giggle to herself, finding the act incredibly cute. However, she couldn't help but let the giggle escape past her lips when she found Newt had passed the little bugger in the jewelry shop window. The moment he had heard her giggle, he knew she had found the Niffler as he paused, cringed, and quickly turned back to the window Rose had stopped in front of.

    Newt's brow was furrowed in slight confusion, frustration, and a 'you-can't-be-serious' look, all while the bracelets slipped from the Niffler's arm. Rose couldn't contain her giggles as Glister dared to look at Newt, to see if he possibly noticed him, as Newt rose his eyebrows; as if say, 'really?'.  But within one quick movement, the little Niffler scooped up the bracelets and bolted into the depths of the jewelry shop.

    "I'll handle this-" But Rose was cut off by Newt whipping out his wand and shattering the glass window before them; climbing into the store without a second thought. He started rummaging around in haste within the store the moment Mr. Kowalski caught back up with them, gasping audibly. Rose just placed her hands on her hips and watched, "He apparently wants to do things the hard way." Newt and Glister were making a mess of the place by dislodging drawers by playing peek-a-boo, pushing over display glass cases, and bringing down the crystal chandelier.

    The 'click' of Newt's case flicking open had caught both Rose and Mr. Kowalski's attention as Isibindi's roar came from within. But, at the same moment, Rose realized Newt and the Niffler had climbed up on a few wooden shelves and had knocked them over onto the only window they hadn't broken. "Mr. Kowalski, if you would so kindly close that and carry it for a moment, I'm going to get a running start," Rose replied, backing up away from the store.

    Rose figured that the Glister would head for the next jewelry store, so that's where she headed; right across the street. Mr. Kowalski had taken a deep breath before leaning down to close the latch on Newt's case. The moment the Muggle had though, Newt and the Niffler fell through the glass and crashed onto the pavement. Lucky neither were hurt. But Glister had quickly scrambled up to scuttle away from the wizard. Mr. Kowalski had tried to stop the wad of black but the Niffler was too quick. Newt shot to his feet and gave chase as Mr. Kowalski picked up Newt's case and followed close behind.

    Rose had been ahead of her thieving baby as she managed to cut off Glisters path. "Accio!" Newt flicked his wand out, casting the spell upon the little creature, lifting it up into the air and towards the annoyed wizard. In the process though, all the jewelry Glister had stole managed to shower back upon Newt and Mr. Kowalski. But the smart little Niffler had grabbed a light post, spinning around it before being flung towards another jewelry store window. Rose had managed to get there in time as she caught Glister in her arms.

    Very quickly, she had pulled her time turner out of her shirt as she flicked the rim to make the sands inside sparkle. Glister had immediately calmed as he reached out for the treasure and pocketed it quickly so Newt couldn't take it from him. "Alright," Newt and Mr. Kowalski trudged up to Rose, cradling the troublesome Niffler, "Happy?"

    Though, once Newt actually glanced at why Glister wasn't trying to escape Rose, he found her necklace that had been stowed away within the Niffler's pouch. He had recalled what Rose had claimed it to be so many years ago, "Dragon scale?" "Dragon scale," Rose nodded, temporarily forgetting that's what she had passed her Time Turner of as so many years ago. "Why didn't you say anything?" Newt asked, catching his breath. "I did. Why didn't you listen?" Rose couldn't help but give a side smirk. Newt just sighed, "One down two to go."

    But by the time their conversation had come to an end, and Rose was beginning to empty the Niffler's pouch, the police had sped down the street and jumped out of their cars to point their guns. Once Rose had pulled Glister to her and wrapped her jacket close, to hide the creature, Rose took note of how guilty Newt and Mr. Kowalski actually looked; they were covered in shiny diamond jewelry of all sorts. Rose couldn't help but stifle a laugh, "You both look so guilty." "This isn't funny, Rose," Newt rolled his eyes. "No, you're right, it's actually quite hilarious," Rose corrected, a smile still on her lips.

    "They went that way, officer," Mr. Kowalski tried, pointing in a different direction."Hand's up!" One of the officers demanded. Rose could only raise one as she bit her lip. The situation was serious, but the events in which they had happened were amusing to say the least. Glister had poked his head out of Rose's coat to see what all the fuss was about. "What the hell is that?" A different officer had spotted the little buggar. "Oi! My eyes are up here," Rose called, pretending like she didn't notice Glister. It was now Newt's turn to hold back a chuckle.

    Mr. Kowalski had quickly gained everyone's attention the moment he gasped and pointed, "Lion." Newt glanced over Mr. Kowalski's head as Rose leaned over to glance around; sure enough, there was a full grown lion stalking down the pavement of the New York City street. "New York is incredibly more interesting than what I expected," Newt breathed. But, with a quick nudge from Rose, Newt took the opportunity to apparate away while the authorities were distracted.

    They had landed within the snow, within a patch of trees in Central Park. "Alright," Newt turned to Rose, "Let's put that pesky little pest back in the case, shall we?" "Alright, alright," Rose nodded. "Here ya go," Mr. Kowalski handed Newt his case. While her best friend was busy, Rose took the time to try and slip the Time Turner out of Glister's pouch. However, he was not cooperating as much as Rose thought he would.

    Newt had already opened his case as he turned to Rose, "I can get it out." "No, I got it," Rose reassured, pulling on her necklace. "Just..." Newt didn't waste any time clutching the Niffler by the feet, turning him sideways, and tickling his pouch to make him drop the treasure. The charm on the end of the necklace slipped out easily, but Newt had to do a double take; quickly realizing that Rose's necklace didn't hold a dragon scale like she had said. Though the wizard had seen it, he moved swiftly to place the Niffler back into the case and close it.

    He had paused as Rose quickly stuffed the Time Turner back into her cleavage within her shirt. "That's not a dragon scale," Newt simply replied. She lied to him; why she had lied to him was racing through his mind. Rose sighed, unable to look at her friend. Newt couldn't keep the question contained, "Why? Why did you lie to me?" "I didn't," Rose replied getting to her feet, "The sands are the scale. And the

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