Chapter 31

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"Take a right here!" Tina instructed, rounding the next street corner. The group had been following the lady for quite some time now. Rose had personally been a bit agitated after traveling the length of New York and back by some crazy lady who was trying to save her job. And, by this point, Rose was just about sure that this couldn't have been the right Porpentina Goldstein.

Speaking of which, Tina had stopped to hide behind a car, glancing across the street, before spinning back around to give the group further instructions, "Um, ok, before we go in, I'm not supposed to have men on the premises." Newt just gave the hint of a smug smile, "Well, in that case, Mr. Kowalski, Rose, and I will seek other accommodations." "Oh, please," Tina huffed, dragging Mr. Kowalski along behind her. Newt gave another heavy sigh as he tugged on Rose's hand to follow the persistent American witch.

Tina had made the men head up first as Rose followed closely behind Newt. They had made it up to the floor they needed to be on before an older woman's voiced called out from downstairs, "Is that you, Tina?" Newt and Mr. Kowalski had stopped in their tracks as Newt gave the confused Muggle, or... no-Maj, a quick 'shush'. "Yes, Mrs. Esposito!" Tina called out. "Are you alone?" the lady called up again. "Always alone, Mrs. Esposito," Tina replied with a quiet sigh. Newt couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows and turn back to the woman as Rose was taken a bit by surprise by Tina's reply. Maybe she should try and be a bit kinder... just in case she did end up being the right Porpentina Goldstein.

They were soon ushered into the apartment as Tina closed the door behind them. Rose had quickly glanced around the small flat as she found magic at work. It was a homey little place; definitely 1920s American style life. Rose couldn't help but be a little bit excited to see history on display for her. Especially when it was all so relatively new.

"Teenie, you brought men home. And a new friend!" Rose quickly located the source of the voice to find a woman in the back room of the apartment. She had short, blonde, curly hair, fair, smooth skin, and was currently wearing a simple slip. Rose briefly remembered that something like that was considered to be the equivalent to lingerie in her time. Thankfully, she was somewhat hidden behind the sliding door.

"Gentleman, Miss Black, this is my sister," Tina introduced. Tina's sister just smiled biting her lip. "Want to put something on, Queenie?" Tina suggested, as though this was normal. Newt had quickly put his gaze upon Rose, who was standing beside one of the windows that looked out into the street. "Oh, sure," Queenie replied. Tina had gone to move about the house as Newt pushed the curtains back to glance nervously about the neighboring roof tops.

And while everyone did their own thing, Rose couldn't help but catch Mr. Kowalski standing in the middle of the room gawking at Queenie as if she were a goddess. Rose had let out a light giggle, catching Newt's attention. "What is it?" Newt wondered. Rose nodded her head in the direction of the no-Maj, "I think he just might be in love." Newt followed her line of sight to find that she might have been right; of course, he had returned to gazing out the windows in a worried manner.

"So, who are they?" Queenie asked, being very sweet and polite. "This is Mr. Scamander and Miss Black. They have committed a serious infraction in the national stature of secrecy," Tina introduced. "They're criminals?" Queenie asked, almost excitedly. Rose couldn't help but give another little giggle; the evening was beginning to be more amusing than she had originally thought. "And this is Mr. Kowalski. He's a no-Maj," Tina pointed. The no-Maj in question just gave a little wave.

"A no-Maj?" Queenie repeated in a whisper, before turning to her sister, "Teenie, what are you up to?" Tina had been walked about the apartment hanging her coat, hat, and now had ended up beside her sister as she removed her shoes. "He's sick," Tina sighed once more, "It's a long story. Mr. Scamander and Miss Black have lost something that I'm going to help them find." Newt had glanced back at his name but became fully aware of the conversations the moment Mr. Kowalski began to visibly sway.

"Oh! You need to sit down, honey," Queenie called out to the no-Maj as he plopped down on the sofa behind him, completely losing his balance. "He hasn't eaten anything all day," Queenie made known. "And... aw, that's rough. He didn't get the money he wanted for his bakery. You bake, honey?" Queenie rambled. Mr. Kowalski just nodded, slightly confused but loving the lady's attention. "I love to cook," Queenie smiled.

"You're a Legilimens," Newt replied, seeming rather surprised. Rose, however, internally freaked out. If Queenie got inside her head, she'd be sitting Diricawl; especially with Tina in the room. Queenie seemed to speak anything that came to her mind. So, with a quick resolve, Rose braced herself against the lady; just in case she did so happen to try and peek into her mind. Though, Rose was sure Queenie meant well. But she had never seen a Legilimens as strong as Queenie; she had to admit, she was impressed.

"Yeah. But I always have trouble with your kind. Brits. It's the accent," Queenie replied. And she was bluntly honest. Meant well, but was incredibly blunt. "You know how to read minds?" Mr. Kowalski asked, making sure he was understanding correctly. Though, he seemed a bit nervous. "Don't worry, honey. Most guys think what you was thinkin' first time they see me. Now, you need food," Queenie smiled, biting her lip as she made her way over to their small kitchen. Rose gave a small sigh, food sounded good.

Tina flicked her wand silently as she set the table as Queenie got to work preparing the food; all with the work of magic. Newt had begun to inch his way towards the door as Rose tugged him back by his jacket. Newt furrowed his eyebrows at his companion as Rose just gave a raised eyebrow and a playful smirk. "What?" Newt whispered. "Don't be rude, darling," Rose kept her smirk. Newt gave a frustrated look to the girl.

Sure, Rose wanted to leave just as much as he did. They were in trouble with letting lose a few creatures, Rose had a fake wand permit, and Tina's sister could read her mind about her being from the future if they stuck around for too long. But, Rose knew that Queenie was making a meal for them; even if they were introduced as 'criminals'. It was a kind gesture and Rose was not about to have Newt come off looking rude.

"Hey, Mr. Scamander, do you prefer pie or strudel?" Queenie asked, more than likely reading his thoughts on wanting to try and escape. When she had glanced up at him for his answer, he couldn't help but break. There wasn't going to be a way out of the current situation any time soon. "I really don't have a preference," Newt gave a small smile, before edging away from the door to join Rose. "What about you, Miss Black?" Queenie gave a friendly smile. Rose just smiled back, "I don't necessarily have a preference either."

"You prefer strudel, huh, honey?" Queenie turned to the no-Maj, who had already seated himself at the table as he was tucking his napkin to the collar of his shirt. He just nodded, a smile on his face. "Strudel it is," Queenie smiled, getting to work on finishing the meal. She showed off a bit by cooking dinner all in one swift motion with the air; the look Mr. Kowalski had given had Rose smiling brightly. She forgot how much magic could really bring to a person's life; no-Maj or otherwise.

"Well, sit down, Mr. Scamander," Tina offered, "We're not going to poison you." Newt stood there for a moment, not really knowing what to do. He had glanced at Mr. Kowalski as the no-Maj just gave him the gesture, with his eyes, to come and take a seat. Newt then turned to Rose as the girl just giggled, "Come on, Newton." Rose pulled her friend along as she led him to the table.

Newt eventually gave in as he sat down at the table. Rose had taken an extra seat beside Queenie throughout the meal. And though Rose would have described dinner as quiet, it had mainly been Queenie who had been reading Mr. Kowalski's mind and holding up endless conversation. It had been quite some time sense Rose had anyone besides Newt and her creatures to talk to. It had made her realized that she hadn't actually been within companies presence, at least more than one, sense she and Newt had graduated Hogwarts.

Newt's lock on his case had clicked open again before he silently pressed it shut. Considering the kitchen had been lit by candle light and the fireplace, the scene seemed romantically out of place. Regardless, it was rather nice. But Rose had discovered, and come to terms with reality, that this Tina was Newt's future wife. The two were both sitting at the ends of the table as they had been stealing glances at one another throughout the entire evening. Tina seemed to be coming to terms that Newt might not be so bad. But Newt had been more conflicted than he had ever been before. Rose could see this clearly as she simply sat silently beside Queenie.

"Oh! You slay me!" The lady herself had jolted Rose out of her thoughts as she turned to her and Mr. Kowalski. "I've never really talked to a no-Maj before," Queenie admitted. "Huh, really?" Mr. Kowalski asked. They both looked love struck; something Rose was hoping would continue to bloom into something beyond their wildest dreams.

Rose gave a silent sigh, trying not to be bitter about her hopeless situation she had put herself in. Though, she did blame Newt, if only just a little bit; his smile was adorable, he was such a handsome gentleman, and, for the love in all things magical, he was just downright hot as hell! No, she couldn't help that. That was his fault completely; not just a little bit. It was entirely his fault.

Newt had caught Rose's downcast, yet slightly frustrated, expression as he avoided the shared moment between Queenie and the no-Maj. "I am not flirting," Queenie replied, pushing herself to sit upright in her chair. "I'm just saying, don't go getting attached. He's going to have to be obliviated," Tina gently explained before turning to the no-Maj, "It's nothing personal." Queenie was going to start up a reassuring conversation for Mr. Kowalski, but Newt had moved rather quickly, getting to his feet, "Miss Goldstein, I think Mr. Kowalski can do with an early night. Besides, you, Rose, and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my Niffler."

Queenie scrunched up her nose in confusion, "What's a Niffler?" "One of the most adorable creatures you could ever see," Rose answered, speaking for the first time that night, "It likes shiny things." Tina just nodded her head as Queenie seemed satisfied with the answer. "You guys can bunk in here," Tina replied, referring to the back room, which Rose figured to be the sister's bedroom. But, looking a bit closer, Rose realized that there was only two beds. Being observant, she knew Newt would notice this rather quickly too.

However, Rose was not expecting what came from her friend's mouth, "Rose and I can share a bed." Rose had been taken by surprise, but she couldn't suppress her small side smirk, "I think that came out more suggestive than it mean to, Newton. And as kind of a gesture as that is, I'll take the case." With a bright blush and a simple nod, Newt and Mr. Kowalski had gone into the back bedroom and shut the sliding doors.

Rose needed to tidy up a bit before heading down into the case for tonight. Tina had gone to use the washroom, leaving Queenie and Rose all by their lonesome. "So," Queenie had got her attention with her sing song voice, "you and Mr. Scamander." Rose couldn't help but blush. "You share so many common things. Oh! School house sweethearts! How romantic! But... you ran away from him..." Queenie trailed off, "But, you still love him." "I can't," Rose sighed, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

Queenie took a moment before Rose's story had hit her full force. She had been surprised, but she felt all of the girl's emotions; namely her fears and her undying love for her hero and friend. "Oh, honey... you're very far from home. But, don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Queenie sweetly smiled. "Really?" A tear had escaped, rolling down her cheek. Queenie nodded quickly, "Cross my heart." Rose just smiled as Queenie gave her a quick hug; though this surprised Rose, she was glad she had made a new friend.

"So, tell me," Queenie sat back, a wider smile on her face as she seemed absolutely giddy, "How did you two meet?" Rose couldn't help but giggle, "He had actually found me the moment I fell from time and space." Queenie couldn't help but giggle in delight too, "So romantic! You two are absolutely adorable!" Rose couldn't help but blush a bit more as Queenie continued to fawn over her and Newt.

Though Queenie had figured out Rose was from the future, she knew that Rose had a very slim chance at returning to her own time. And considering that she had knowledge of the future, she didn't dare looking into their future events; she knew there would be dire consequences. Rose had a troubling past... well, future for them. But if she tried to glance longer than a few moments, Queenie found find nothing than a menacing pair or sickly purple eyes and a raging desperation to fly free. However, she was not about to forsake her newest friend.


Sorry!! Not much in this chapter - I've had so much going on this past week. I'll try and get the next chapter up on time but I make no promises.

Thanks to all of my fellow readers that have made it though this far with me!! It means so much!! Please don't be shy to comment, vote, or even follow me; I LOVE hearing from you guys!!

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!! :)

~ Ell

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