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For the most part the car ride was quiet, as both of the girls were traumatized from their encounter with Ron.

Charleigh used her blinker as she made a left in to Roy's library.

She took an open spot right by the entrance and put the Hyundai in park.

The car beeped as Charleigh took the keys out of the ignition.

She unclasped her seatbelt and looked through the glass doors of the small library.

"It won't take long buddy, will you be okay until I come back?" Charleigh asked.

Riley shook her head slowly up and down and Charleigh's face showed concern.

"I'll be alright until you come back," Riley said surely.

"Okay, if you get hot, just crank the lever on the side to roll it down."

"You're acting like I'm some stranger, I've been in this car about a thousand times before, Mom," Riley said, letting the sarcasm run free.

Charleigh grinned.

There's my old Riley.

She got out the car and slammed the door shut, locking it.

Charleigh walked in to the library and scanned her eyes over about a dozen of sturdy, wooden shelves.

The librarian's desk was to the left and an older lady, maybe in her mid 60s, was dusting off a couple of books.

The woman kind of looked like a younger Betty White in Charleigh's opinion.

She didn't look up as Charleigh walked in, as she was too focused on cleaning the book in her hand.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Charleigh said clearing her voice.

The woman jerked her head up startled and Charleigh stiffened up.

"Oh, dear, I'm so sorry I scared you, we're about to close."

"Oh, that's fine, I'm just here for my sister, Ian."

"Oh! Ian!" the woman exclaimed,"What a precious little girl, she always comes to visit me and talks to me about the books she's reading, she even volunteers around here and helps an old woman like me."

The lady chuckled sweetly and I smiled.

So that's what Ian does when she comes here for hours.

"How couldn't I have known? The two of you look just alike!" she proclaimed with joy,"My name is Velma Wedston by the way."

"Nice to meet you Ms.Wedston, I'm Charleigh," Charleigh said politely.

"Please, call me Velma," she told Charleigh and took her hand within hers and squoze tight, her hand was warm and soft,"I'll go get Ian for you, sweetheart."

Velma went in the to the back of the library behind some tall shelves.

Velma retrieved Ian and they were walking back, Ian looked surprised to see her sister.

"What are you doing here Lei?" Ian asked, clutching a book to her chest.

"Nothing kiddo, just wanted to come pick you up and bring you somewhere with me." Charleigh dangled the keys in her hand and Ian raised her dark, dirty blonde eyebrows.

"Oh, okay," Ian put the book in her hand and hugged the librarian tight,"Bye Velma, I'll probably see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye Ian, thanks for all of the help today around here today," Velma praised Ian with a smile and ruffled up her short hair,"Take care you two, and drive safely."

"We will, thanks Velma," Charleigh said appreciatively.

The two sisters walked out of the chilly library back in to the humid Washington air.

"I rode my bike here," Ian told Charleigh, she walked over to a bike rack and unlocked the chain around her blue bike.

"Put it in the trunk and climb in the back seat, Riley's with us."

"Yay!" Ian exclaimed happily.

Ian thought Riley was the funniest comedian on the planet. She almost looked up to Riley in a way because Ian always thought she was tough and brave.

Ian went to the back of Hyundai and Charleigh climbed in the front seat.

"What took you so long, slowpoke?" Riley asked. She had rolled down the window and was slumped down in her seat, with her black booted foot on dashboard. She was obviously agitated by the heat.

"Sorry, I met the librarian, but the good news is that we can hit the road, because it's going to get dark soon."

"Alright Lei, less shit shat and more drive drive," Riley said as Ian got in the car. Charleigh rolled her eyes and motioned for Riley to zip her lips.

"Put a bar of soap in your mouth for me, will 'ya?"

Ian smiled widely,"Riley!!!"

"Hey, Ianonaut," Riley smiled back and closed her eyes,"how was the library kid?"

"Fun, like always."

"I don't go to libraries often, do they have tapes in there?"

"Yeah, they have them on a shelf with CDs and DVDs," Ian told her matter-of-factly.

"Oh, is that so?" Riley asked curiously and hummed.

"How's that ankle?" Charleigh asked.

"It's fine, can you stop asking me, Mom? It was just a little gash, you and Isaac over react too much."

"What happened?" Ian asked with a concerned look.

Riley's eyes opened and she shook her head.

"Nothing kid, don't worry about your Uncle Riley."

"Shut up," Charleigh said, laughing and put the keys in the ignition and turned them,"Put your seatbelt on."

"Seatbelts are for lames," Riley said cooly, slumping deeper in her seat.

"No, they're for smart people who don't want to fly out of the car or get hurt if we get in an accident," Charleigh said loudly for her little sister to hear and then whispered,"be a good role model for Ian."

"Of course, you're totally right, Charleigh," Riley said loudly as well.

She sat up, buckled up, and Charleigh put the car in reverse.

"Alright guys, let's hit the road."

The trio pulled up in Isaac Washington's driveway and parked.

They all got out and Charleigh locked the car once again.

The girls walked to the side of the Washingtons' house to Isaac's shed.

Isaac's dad built him a small shed for all of his projects before he went to over seas. He builds little gadgets and gizmos.

Charleigh thought of the time Isaac built a homemade rat trap.

As he set the cheese in place, the clip came down hard on his index finger.

Charleigh still remembers all of the curse words that flew out of Isaac's mouth, she laughed at the thought.

"What are you laughing at, spaz?" Riley asked as they neared the shed.

"Oh? I'm the spaz?" Charleigh asked, rolling her eyes.

They ducked under the half way opened garage door.

Riley put her index finger up to her lips as to silence the two sisters.

Ian and Charleigh looked at her perplexed and she smiled widely.

Isaac had his back to us, headphones in his ears, working on something.

That's nothing new.

Riley creeped up behind poor Isaac and took both her index fingers and pushed them in to Isaac's sides.

He jumped and Riley cackled.

The red head turned around and furrowed his eyebrows with a helpless grin.

Isaac took his earbuds out and stroked his sides.

"What gives, Riley?"

"You really have to stop doing that whole not paying attention thing, Washington."

"What's up, Ianonaut, I haven't seen you in a while!" he exclaimed and Ian ran up and hugged him.

"Whatcha' workin' on?" Ian asked curiously and giggled as he picked her up and spun her around.

"A homemade pool cleaner," Isaac said proudly.

"Why would you need that and you don't even have a pool?" Charleigh asked.

"Exactly. I don't need it, but I'm sure some of the rick folk a few miles away would."

"Smart man," Riley said and raised her hand for him to high five. He hit her palm and she grinned widely.

"We found something," Charleigh said, breaking in to the little encounter. A little bit of jealousy got to her.

"Oh, really?" Isaac asked.

"It's crappy though," Riley said, fishing for the seashell in her hoodie pockets.

Ian sat down on a wooden chair in Isaac's shed and began to read her book.

Riley found the object and chunked it to Isaac, he caught it quickly and twisted the tiny seashell between his index finger and thumb.

His green eyes were squinting at the small print.

"I can barely make out any of this."

"You don't think we've tried that, Captain Obvious? That's why we're here," Riley said annoyed.

"This would be the perfect chance to use my homemade magnifying glass!" Isaac exclaimed happily.

"Meh, meh, meh, meh, meh," Riley muttered in a high pitched voice mockingly.

Charleigh leaned against the wall and Riley sat on the table Isaac had some of his inventions on.

Isaac fumbled through a big cardboard box and pulled out a wide magnifying glass, except this magnifying glass had 3 lenses, differing in size.

"Nice invention, Doc," Riley said making a reference to Back to the Future.

He ignored Riley and looked in to the magnifying glass at the small print.

"It says...'Swimming can be tough, but life is tough. Take chances, swim strong.'"

"The hell- I mean heck does that mean?" Riley asked. Charleigh shook her head at her dirty mouthed best friend.

"I'm not sure..." Isaac trailed off in deep thought.

"Do you think it's a hint to the next challenge?" Charleigh asked with fear in her lungs.

She knew she couldn't swim, so if the next challenge had something to do with swimming, she knew she'd be scared to death of the water.

Riley was a pro at swimming and she loved to surf, she doesn't much anymore though because she doesn't have time.

"It could be," Isaac mumbled, still looking at the tiny plastic through the glass.

"Is there a date anywhere?" Riley asked, kicking her legs back and forth lazily.

"Mn mn," Isaac hummed.

"That would've been so helpful..."

There was a knock that emitted from the garage door that made it rattle.

"Isaac?" Ms.Washington called out.


She ducked under the garage door and smiled at all of us.

"Oh, honey. You didn't tell me the girls would be coming over. Hello little Miss.Ian, long time no see."

"Hi, Ms.Washington," Ian said without looking up from her book.

Isaac's mom smiled sweetly.

"It's a good thing I made enough casserole for everyone," she said with a smile.

"! You made casserole, I want in!" Riley yelled and Charleigh dug her nails in to her palms.

Ian looked up from her book and closed it.

"Me too, Ms.Washington."

"I'm not really hungry, Mom," Isaac said, still studying the seashell.

"You sure hun? I've got plenty..."

"No, thank you, I'll heat some up later."

"Okay, sweetie. What about you, Charleigh?"

"None for me, Ms.Washington. I'm not that hungry."

Charleigh lied.

She was VERY hungry, but the words engraved on the seashell was making her stomach twist up.

"If you insist kiddos," Ms.Washington said unsurely and ducked back under, followed by Riley and Ian.

Silence filled the small shed and Charleigh kicked at some grass on the floor.

"I'm sorry," she blurted out of no where.

Isaac looked up from the seashell and cocked an eyebrow.



Isaac stared at her and she diverted her eyes down to her shoes.

Isaac hummed.

"I'm so stupid...I shouldn't've left you for Russell, you were my best friend, I'm surprised Riley's even stuck with me this long. I regret everything, he's a douchebag and an asshole and I should've listened to you and-"

Isaac cut her off as he sat the magnifying glass down and he put the seashell in his pocket.

"Let's go talk outside."

The two went under the garage door and sat on the hood of Giovanni's Hyundai.

They looked up at the stars and Isaac was lowly whistling.

Charleigh looked over at him, not understanding why he wanted to go outside in the first place.

"You see those stars?"

"You mean the only three stars in the sky? Yes, I see them." Riley's humor was rubbing off on Charleigh and she didn't like it.

"That one that's far away from the other two, what does it mean to you?"

"It reminds me of you."

"What do the other ones remind you of?"

"Russell and I."

He hummed again and Charleigh's heart began to pound.

"Now cover your right eye."

She did and the star close to the other star disappeared.

"Now imagine that as you and the far away star as me."

It made sense.

"Now uncover your eye. Imagine as if it were me and you."

Charleigh observed the red head's face in awe at his analogy.

"Now, that's all I have to say about that."

Charleigh was amazed as his green eyes store in to hers, but he broke the contact.

"Do you think that seashell might actually really be a clue?" He asked.

She shook her head yes and Isaac looked out in the distance.

Both of their phones chimed at the same time and they took them out of their pockets.

Life's a beach.

Charleigh's heart seized in her chest and Isaac looked over at her.

"Seems like our assumptions were correct."

"Yeah..." she said nervously.

The front door of the house opened and Riley appeared with casserole stains all around her mouth.

"We're going swimming!" she said, casserole chunks flying out of her mouth.

"Ew, Riley," Charleigh said disgusted.

"What?" she said, her mouth still full.

"Swallow that and let's go, I have to get my sister to bed and bring you home."

"Gotcha," she said and swallowed.

Ian walked out behind Riley with her book.

"Bye Isaac, thanks for everything, tell your mom we said bye," Charleigh said quickly and Isaac got off the hood of the car.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow at sunset."

"See ya'," Charleigh mummered. She was so scared to swim that she couldn't even think straight.

All 3 of them got in the car and Charleigh rolled the window down as she backed up.

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow!" she yelled to him.

"Okay, good night guys," Isaac said with a smile and waved.

The trio pulled off in to the night and back to Hell's Home.

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