One-shot requested by thecrazyandweirdgirl .
- I do not own any of the images or videos featured, except for the plot line.
- Story is set after Weirdmageddon.
- Dipper and Mabel are 17 years old and you are 16. :)
- Warning: Light Cussing (only mentions word 'shit' once)
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I inhaled the fresh air around me as I took a step out of the bus.
Being back in Gravity Falls felt like being reunited with a long lost pal. In fact, it felt like being reunited with a long lost sibling.
I walked out o the bus in front of the Mystery Shack. I was suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia. I remember those times when I would come here everyday just to find out the mysteries in Gravity Falls.
Thee were only a few things different in this place. For a start, the people here were less... strange then when I saw them. But I shrugged it off, not being able to wait too see Grunkle Stan again. I then wished that Mabel could be with me here instead of going somewhere else for holiday. She would've loved it here.
Grunkle Stan was the father (or grandfather) that I never had. He was funny, sarcastic, arrogant, and annoying. Unlike what my dad was. My dad was... the "only-good-grades" type. He never listened or encouraged me whenever I had something to say that wasn't grade related. Even anything that had to do with school he would ignore me. Unless it was parent-teacher conference day. That's the only event in school that he would actually took interest in.
My mum, she... passed on before I turned five. She was the only who cared for anything else besides my grades. I was broken when she passed.
Moving on from the sadness, we shall now go back to the story.
I looked around the area until I found the Mystery Shack. I was overjoyed. I immediately ran over to the front door, thinking to myself, "YES! I'M FINALLY BACK!!!"
I rapped my knuckles on the door three times and was welcomed by a grumpy looking old man in a white singlet, boxers (at least that was what I thought were boxers), grey slippers and a maroon fez, with golden tassels and a fish eating an orb print on it, sitting on his greying hair. He had a pair of round eyes, an abnormally large pair of ears with a very bulbous nose (idk how to describe it) with thick, black-framed glasses that rested on it.
He groaned while he took a sip out of his pitt cola can. "Sorry kid, we don't work on Saturdays. Get lost." I rolled my eyes at his statement. "Grunkle Stan, I don't think that's how you treat a long-lost regular of yours." He then chocked on his drink and spat it out. He wiped the remaining traces of his drink on his bare arm while narrowing his eyes at me.
"Alright, kid. That's it. I don't know why you came here and how you know my name but I'm telling you to shoo before I call those idiots who you call cops," he said as he narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you sure that you don't want to ask me about how I know you?" I smirked. Grunkle Stan sighed as he took another sip out of the Pitt cola he was holding, before spitting the Pitt out. "I always forget the pitt in the Pitt cola," he grumbled.
"Fine. You have 5 minutes to explain before the cops come," he sighed as he sat on the porch. "Alright! Where do I begin," I thought to myself as I put a finger to my chin. "Hurry up kid, I don't have the whole day. I have a another season of 'Ducktective' to get to," Stan said.
"Alright, so do you remember a 5 year old girl always visiting the magical shack called, 'the Mystery Shack'?" I asked. Hopefully that would trigger a memory. "Yeah... What has that got to do with this?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Getting to it," I continued. "Remember how she left this exact town two years later? How she hugged you with tears in her eyes? How she gave you a little self portrait with you in it? Well, Stan, that girl is right in front of you now."
Stan dropped his Pitt cola at that moment and stared at me with large eyes.
"(Y/N)? Is it really you? (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asked with a shaky voice. "Yep, Stan, I'm back," I answered with tears in my eyes. "C'mere, kid!" He said with tears in his eyes as I hugged him, as hard as I could. "Jeez, kid, your grip is stronger than when I last saw you," he wheezed. "Oops, sorry."
"C'mon in, I have someone special that I want you to meet," he gestured in to the shack. A crash was then heard from inside. "More like some people," I joked. He chuckled. As soon as I entered the shack, I saw that nothing much had changed. Except for some wooden planks holding the roof up and a pig and a goat (?) chasing each other. That was highly confusing.
"Mabel! Dipper! Ford! Come down now! I have someone for you guys to meet!" Stan said as he was picking up the pig off the floor. "PEOPLE?! NEW?!" I heard a female voice shout with thudding following. I then saw a familiar brunette girl with braces and a bright pink ink sweater on.
"I thought you were on holiday!" "I am on holiday!" I grinned as I went up to her and hugged like there was no tomorrow. Stan just stood there with a pig, highly confused. "How'd ya know Mabel?" Was all he asked. "We're friends and classmates in high school, Stan. We've known each other since freshman," I grinned, like a Cheshire Cat. Mabel did the same too.
"Mabel? Ya down there?" I heard a male voice call. "Yup! Hurry up, Dipper!" Mabel answered. Another pair of footsteps was followed. A brunette boy with a red shirt and navy blue hoodie came down. He had a tattoo all along his left arm and wore a blue pine tree hat. He was constantly carrying a journal. "Uh... Mabel, who's this?" He asked as another man who looked like Stan came down. Except that Stan replica had an overcoat with a sweater underneath with long pants and he had... six fingers? Weird but cool.
"Dip stick! There you are! This is the girl I've been telling you about, ya know, (Y/N) (L/N)?" She asked with a raised brow, and she looked at her brother as if she were saying 'Were you even listening to what I told you five minutes ago?' Dipper seemed to snap out of it after that because he started to blush after he realised that he was staring at me. He blushed heavily while saying, "Yea, (Y/N). Right, got it." While Stan replica was fidgeting with some gun like thing.
Stan snatched the gun away while he introduced his replica to me. "(Y/N), meet my brother, Stanford! He's my twin who was trapped in different dimensions for all these years and you may call him Ford," he said as he gave his brother a little brother noogie. His brother, Ford, laughed at this brotherly act.
I strangely could not stop staring at the dipper boy though. I could tell that he was... different. I then suddenly felt a sharp pain on my arm.
"OW! Mabel!" I hissed. "Someone's checking out my brother, eh?" she asked while wiggling her eyebrows. I turned into a bright red and turned away to leave when I felt her tug on my shirt to pull me towards her brother.
1,273 words
This is bad. Help me.
So yes, I'm back with this chapter. I apologise if it's really bad but it's become hard to write stories because I have pressure from school, parents and tuition. I have so much on my plate right now but I will try my best to make time for you guys. See y'all in the next chapter!
- Im_a_human06
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