Miss You《Platonic! Rocket Raccoon x reader ➼ Fluff》

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 spiderneds :

Here's the one-shot that you were asking for! Hope ya like it!


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I opened my eyes and I turn to see the other side of the room expecting to see Rocket sleeping on his own bed. He was my best friend and still is. In fact he's like my brother, even though I'm Terran. As usual, he was there. But he strangely was not in bed and was crouched over the desk in the room and seemed stressed today, and as he was fixing together some machinery he grumbled. A lot. 

I walked over to him, hands on my hips and asked him what he was doing. He hands started to fidget. He was hiding something. I could already tell. The amount times he's lied to me is countless, that I can already sense that he's lying just by his actions. I sighed. 

"Rocket, what are you hiding?"

His ears dropped, knowing that he couldn't hide the truth from me anymore. He sighed to himself.

"Listen, kid, I know we usually don't do this but uh... I have to go on a private mission with Thor and myself. We... uh.... concluded that this trip was to... how do I say this... violent for ya?" I rolled my eyes. Typical Rocket. He always thinks that these trips are apparently "too dangerous" for me. He sighed again. "Look, I know you think you can handle yourself but you can't. This is the one chance to bring back Quill and the others, and we don't want anyone messing it up." 

Oh yeah. It had been a year since Quill and gang vanished. All that was left of the Guardians were me, Rocket and Nebula. Thor was part of it as well, somehow.

I looked at Rocket in offence. Did he just indirectly tell me that I was a screw up?! True, I might have accidentally ruined some of Rocket's equipment, broken or crashed the ship, or... wait. Getting off point. Everyone makes mistakes yet he is calling me a SCREW UP?! I stormed over to Rocket with tears building up in my eyes. 

"If I'm such a screw up, then why don't I just disappear like the others?" I growled through clenched teeth with tears streaming down my face. 

"Look, (Y/N), I didn't mean it like —" "Then what did you mean, Rocket?! Am I just a mistake to you?! I care for the other too ya know?! Gamora was like a sister to me yet, she was the one who selflessly died! Not the 'Screw Up' apparently!" I cried as I curled up into a ball on the bed and started to let out all my sobs. I didn't care if Rocket was in the room at that moment, I just needed to let it all out. 

I then felt a hand petting my back as I lifted my head slightly and saw Rocket. I hugged him as I cried. "What happens if I lose you? Rocket, I can't lose you! Not after I lost Groot and Gamora," I sobbed. Rocket just pet my back as he had a few tears roll down his furry cheeks himself. 

"Don't worry about me, I have big guy over there to protect me. But Nebula's gonna stay with you. Just to keep an eye on you so that you won't wreck my ship." I chuckled at the thought. "Everything's gonna be alright. Nothing's gonna happen to me. Just remember that wherever you go, I got camera's watching you so that you won't cause bull crap to happen to the ship. Got it?" He asked as he rose a brow and held a fist up. I giggled as I fist bumped him back. 

"Alright. Enough with the pda. I gotta start packing. Gotta leave an hour or so." My heart sank at this. He was leaving so soon? "Leaving early to beat the rest?" I questioned. "Yeah. Thor wants to grab a beer along the way as well." 

I laughed at this. Unfortunately, Thor was around the corner when he heard me and frowned. "Raccoon, are you ready?" asked the almighty god of Thunder (who couldn't even take a joke in my opinion). Rocket finished packing his last bit of gadgets and was about to walk of when I pulled him into a hug. 

"I'm gonna miss you." I mumbled into his fur, while a few tears dropped. He then hugged me back. "I'm gonna miss you too, kid." He sighed as he reluctantly pushed me off and walked off with Thor. I waved bye as I saw them leave.

Boy, was I gonna miss him.

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