Yessssss...... I am alive. This is just a draft in case I do want to make a story or something that out of it. Idk why I did this but why not? I got this idea a while ago but RealityInsanity reminded me to do this when I read her book 'Melomaniac'.
If you like Bill Cipher x reader, you should read her books. Yeah.
Now let's get on with is shall we?
- Flashbacks/memories of the past are in Italics.
- Lyrics are in bold and Author's notes are bold with brackets.
- The oneshot is somewhat based on the video above.
- The Bill in this story is the one in the image above.
- I do not own the image or the video, but I do own the plotline.
- Light cussing.
"Doll, please, stay. You don't need to leave. You can stay here with me and rule over all those meat sacks." A certain blonde dream demon pleaded.
"I'm sorry, Cipher, but I'm done with your sh*t," the brunette glared at him with gritted teeth. "I'm done with you torturing innocent people by driving them insane. Sure, some of them deserved it, but others," she chuckled. "Others don't."
Ava continued to pack her things, and when she was done, she slammed her suitcase shut and was about to walk through the exit of the Mindscape when Bill grab her wrist. (I don't think that's possible but I thought it was good so...)
"Let. Go. Cipher." She hissed. "C'mon, Teardrop," Bill pleaded, now using her zodiac nickname with some tears in his eyes. "Don't leave me here, alone. Please."
"Goodbye, Cipher." She spat coldly, turning to leave Bill in the coldness.
The demon fell to his knees, sobbing quietly. He looked up to see his lover gone. "You'll be back." He whispered softly, knowing that she could hear him since he was still in her mind.
"You'll be back."
[Timeskip to one year later]
One year ago.
One year ago, he had his love. One year ago, he told her his plans. One year ago, he had lost that love.
And one year later, he had conquered Gravity Falls and caused Weirdmagedon.
He still misses her.
He misses everything about her. Her smile, her laugh, her anger. Everything. Sadly, he locked that away when he was busy taking over Falls. But, for God's sake, he had decided to take a trip down memory lane.
Sitting on his throne of stone people, and setting down the golden statue of Stanford Pines, he picked up a polaroid of him and Ava Smiths. He looked back at how they were smiling and grinning, like the lovesick fools they once were. Chuckling at the the thought of Ava coming back, he sighed as he stroked the cheek of the image of his former love, starting to sing to himself. (Imagine Bill has that voice in the recording whenever he's in his human form.)
"You say," He started. "The price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay."
Bill thought at how she refused him. At how she had broken up with him just because he had pans for torture. How she thought he was a sick, psychopath. She had loved him, yet, she had dumped him. Oh, how it hurt.'Demons were never meant to feel love anyways.' Bill repetitively told himself.
"You cry," he continued snapping his fingers, making a cup of tea with milk appear in his hand as he continued to stir the hot drink. "In your tea which you hurl in the sea when you see me go by."
The mental image of her throwing all the memories that they had together into the trash kept on replaying in his mind. How she kept yelling at him. Why had he told her his plans again? To prepare her for the apocalypse, right. Her throwing away their memories was like the Americans throwing the tea from the British into the sea.
"Why so sad? Remember we made an arrangement when you went away," he sang, slamming the cup of tea onto the table closest to him. "Now you're making me mad, remember, despite our estrangement, I'm your man."
He walked over to one of the windows of the Fearamid, standing and watching over the chaos that was caused in the once-was-quiet town. He was still holding th picture when he was looking down on the town. People screaming everywhere, eyeball bats turning them into stone, monsters rampaging everywhere.
"You'll be back," he sang, looking at the picture once again, leaning on the balcony of his room in the Fearamid. "Soon you'll see, you'll remember you belong to me." He walked over to a clock, looking at it, wondering when she would realise that. "You'll be back, time will tell, you'll remember that I served you well." He continued to sing, thinking of the times he managed to get many things for her.
He walked over to the other side of the room, which it's view showed the lake of Gravity Falls. "Oceans rise," he raised a hand up, causing the lake to rise and then sink back down. "Empires fall!" He curled his fingers making a fist, while crushing the Nathaniel Northwest statue and turning it into dust. "We have seen each other through it all." He sang, looking at the image and remembering the pain of the memories of him and her having good times together.
"And when push comes to shove, I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love," he referred to his army of Henchmaniacs grinning psychopathically at the thought of them, dragging his love back to him.
He then started to dance a little dance around the room while singing. "Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da, da da dat dat da ya da!" He then moved to another area of the room while continuing to sing. "Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da, da da dat dat da..."
He snapped his fingers, making the room fade to black with a little triangular screen appear. Ava was in the screen, preparing for war with Pine Tree, his old puppet. He frowned deeply. "You say our love is draining and you can't go on." Totally nailed that high note. "You'll be the one complaining when I'm gone..." He made a little sad face, tearing the image a little.
He saw Dipper trying to start the conversation based on Bill with Ava. Bill started to hope, smiling a little, a little happy that Pine Tree decided to bring it up. But she changed the subject. His heart dropped a little. "And no, don't change the subject, cuz your my favourite subject," he immediately began to think of her again. "My sweet submissive subject, my loyal royal subject." A demon and monster passed by his room, making weird faces as they saw their ruler kissing an image and singing to himself.
"For ever, and ever, and ever and ever and ever..." He sang, placing a hand over his heart, snapping his fingers to fix the image and make the sight of the room return, causing the triangular screen disappear.
"You'll be back," he snapped his fingers, making his top hat appear on his head again. "Like before, I will fight the fight and win the war. For you love, for your praise, and I'll love you till my dying days." He didn't even think that he was able to die, considering he was a demon, which can live on for years on end.
"When your gone, I'll go mad!" He sang without even realising that he already was mad. "So don't throw away this thing we had." He read her mind which was telling her to forget Bill but something in her said no. Bill was relieved to find that she didn't forget him.
"Cuz when push comes to shove, I will kill your friends and family, to remind to you of my love." He tapped his foot against the floor when he entered the grand hall/throne room, making every monster look at him strangely. Was he really off the edge?
Yet, he continued to sing. "Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da, da da dat dat da ya da! Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da, da da dat— Everybody!" He raises his arms, gesturing to everyone to join him in his song, making everyone dance at the same time.
They had all joined him in the song at this point. "Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da, da da dat dat da ya da! Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da da da da, dat dat da ya da!" He sang with his demons and monsters, making his head lean on his right hand while the left was on his lap, then raising the left to his neck, sliding it slowly across his neck, gesturing the death that he was going to bestow upon the Pines family.
1,394 words
Holy shoot. That took me two whole days to complete, jeez. Help me.
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