Back into the Unknown《Wirt x reader ➼ Angst》

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If you don't know how Wirt looks like, you should really a watch 'Over the Garden Wall'. It's damn good my dudes. 

And just FYI, this is how he looks like, 

And I might include his brother and friend so just in case, this is how his brother looks like (brother's name is Greg, friend's name is Beatrice. She's a human cursed to be a bluebird. I'll put her image underneath her bird form image. )


(Y/n) = Your name

(E/c) = eye colour

(F/c) = favourite colour 

K so... let's begin. :)


(3rd person POV)

Great, you were back in the Unknown, at least this time, you knew your way around better and at least your friends were with you. 

You, Wirt and Greg were somehow back in the Unknown, and Wirt was somehow more jittery than ever. 

"I guess being back in the Unknown can effect a person badly, especially someone like Wirt," you thought as you as you sighed, looking at your friend or you new crush as you preferred, as Greg was oblivious to the entire situation. "Hey Wirt! Aren't you glad to be back in the Unknown? Cuz I am! Aren't you (y/n)?"

"Well I—" 

"Greg!! Won't you just keep quiet and can't the two of you hurry along?! You're making me slow. Hurry up!!"

That was it. You couldn't stand it anymore. Whether you were his friend or not or crush. You were just hurt and mad, considering that he never raised his voice at you. Well, directly anyways.  

"If we're too slow for you, then why can't you just go your separate way?! The way where everyone just goes and Wirt's pace?! The way where everything just goes according to Wirt's way!!" You yelled back as tears threatened to spill out of your (e/c) eyes.





You stopped at your friend's, from your previous adventure, Beatrice's house. At least you knew someone or some person from here. Surprisingly, to you, Greg knew Beatrice and she knew him. Didn't know they met before. Nice. Wonder what Wirt's doin'.

You sighed heavily, knowing that you were mad, you never should've done that. The beast might have gone after him. Oh shiz. 

You needed to find Wirt. Now. 

"Beatrice? You there?" (y/n) called out to the red-head. "Yep. Just tucking the little ones into bed." She whispered as she was coming out of their room. "Greg with them?" "Yep." "Good. Beatrice, could you take care of Greg while I'm gone? I need to look for a certain person." "Sure. But why are you going out tonight? It's night (y/n). Bloomin' NIGHTTIME." "Look, I know it's last minute but this person is very important to me. I'm sorry. Just look after Greg and DO NOT LET HIM RUN OFF please. He has a tendency to sneak off." "I know. Faced it two years ago or something." "Ok, and Bea?" "Ye?" "Thanks for being the sister that Greg and I never had." "No problem (y/n). No problem."

You sighed as you lopsidedly smiled at her with pitiful eyes. She was in for a troublesome time with Greg. 

You put on your (f/c) cloak and took a step out of the house. There you were.

Back into the Unknown.


Yes. I put angst.... AHAHAHAHA. I'm evil. Next one might be better and longer. Sorry if this chappie was too short for some of you... Good news though, this book.... is #4 ON WIRTXREADER!! I think. That's when I last checked lmao. Will you dear readers be so kind and check again for me please? Let me know in the comments! :)

Im_a_human06 signing out!

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