Class Trip | Chpt 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

I awoke late that Friday morning, feeling quite confident that my voice would be back. I stood myself in front of the mirror, wiping the grogginess from my eyes and parted my lips.


I felt my heart sink into my feet and I stumbled back to my bed, sitting myself down. I placed my head in my hands for a moment, feeling all the excitement of leaving for the field trip hush out of my body, leaving me disappointed. How could it not be back yet?

"I made breakfast!" I glanced up at Ai and her face fell. "Nothing yet?"

I shook my head and she took a seat on my bed beside me.

"I've got warm tea and some waffles for you downstairs. Come eat and maybe it will come back then," she said with a smile, though I could tell she was straining it. I nodded and she left, leaving me to put on some casual clothes. Seeing as we were going to be on a bus for a majority of the morning, we weren't required to wear uniforms today and for the rest of the trip, as long as they were appropriate of course.

I knew for a fact it wouldn't come back today. It wasn't all a rush, it had to come back gradually and I couldn't make a peep. It was useless. I pulled on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt over my t-shirt and headed to the bathroom. I glanced in the mirror again.

One more time couldn't hurt. Maybe I was just afraid or I forgot how to talk or something.

"hello." I stumbled back slightly in shock. My voice was terribly hoarse and squeaky, as well as terribly hushed, but I managed to understand what I was saying. It was there. I hurried downstairs with my suitcase, ecstatic, and Ai glanced up at my sudden mood change.

"Ai!" I squeaked and she gasped, smiling.

"Ah I've missed that!! Although you do sound like a man," she said and I punched her shoulder.

"I do not." My voice squeaked at the last word. It seemed like I wasn't quite grasping the higher pitches of my speech yet. She laughed and we ate together, allowing me to talk for the first time in a week.

I headed to school extremely happy. Izuku greeted me at our usual street corner. He waved at me and I waved back. We weren't require to be in school until noon, our bus leaving around 1 in the afternoon.

"Friday!! How's it going?" He asked and I smiled.

"Pretty good, you?" I asked. He grinned, patting me on the back.

"Yes! Good to have you back!!"

"I sound a little weird," I croaked and he shrugged.

"That'll go away."

We walked and talked, though most of the conversation was still him. I had a to go cup of tea with me from Ai, and mostly had to sip on it throughout the walk. When we walked into class Mina waved at me and I pat Izuku's shoulder, heading in her direction. She had the Bakusquad with her, minus Kacchan.

"Hey!! Friday!! You know what that means?" I shrugged at her, pretending like a didn't know. "Haven't you tried talking yet?!"

"Oh that? Yeah," I whispered, taking a casual sip of my drink.

"Hey! That's mean!" She said, shoving me slightly and I smiled.

"You sound like a frog," Kaminari said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I wouldn't say that around Tsu," I warned and he smiled. They all chatted with me before I headed to the Dekusquad.

"Your voice is back!" Ururaka said, squeezing me round the shoulders.

"Yeah," I squeaked, clearing my throat and she laughed slightly.

"Nice to hear you again," she said and I smiled back at her existing one.

"Alright class, seat yourselves for a moment before we head to the bus," he said. He took brief attendance before heading down there. I was walking before Mina assumed a spot beside me.

"Hey, so you know how I said I would sit next to you?" She asked, suddenly and I nodded. "Well I can't now."

"What? Why?" I asked, my voice struggling to reach a higher decimal.

"Well Kaminari and Kirishima are sitting together and usually Bakugo sits with Kiri, but now Sero got stuck with him and Sero really wants to sit next to me now."

"So?" I asked. "That means I have to sit next to Kacchan because everyone picked partners already."



"Why not?!"

"Because no," I said. "There's not a chance in hell I'm sitting next to Kacchan."

"Alright students to make this easier on me, sit beside your partners." My jaw dropped and Mina giggled slightly.

"Not funny," I squeaked and she giggled more. I shoved her and she stumbled.

"Okay okay, Deku and I will sit across the aisle from you guys," she replied.

"You better," I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. We all put our luggage away and filed onto the bus, Iida making sure everyone was accounted for. Mina and I made our way towards the back, spotting Kacchan about 3 rows up from the back, in the window seat. I was grateful, considering I wanted the aisle seat to talk to Mina. I seated myself, placing my handheld bag underneath my seat.

"Okay, so what do you think about this color or crocs?" Mina asked, passing her phone to me. They weren't pink like I was expecting, but turquoise.


"Hey, Kirishima talks about them all the time. I need a pair. You should get some," she said, taking her phone back.

"Maybe I will, I like that color by the way," I replied.

"Cool, I'm getting those," she replied and I sat back. I glanced over at Kacchan to see he was staring at me strangely.


"You can talk?" He asked.

"Oh...yeah?" I replied and he scowled.

"Goodie," he said, sarcastically. "You sound like a mouse."

"Thanks," I mocked, settling back into my seat. Mina and I talked quietly for a while before she plugged in her earbuds. I pulled out my own music, untangling my earbuds. Kacchan glanced in my direction, his eyes flickering down to my phone to see what I was listening to. I noticed and glanced around the bus. At this point everyone was busy with their own things and quite a few people were either sleeping or had their eyes closed. I offered up an earbud to him and he glanced at it, huffing before taking it.

He slipped it into his ear and I started my music, slightly wondering why he had so easily agreed to take one. Must've been bored. I shut my eyes, feeling the bus speed along to the camp underneath me. I listened to my gentle music, my head resting comfortably against the headrest. I quickly fell asleep like some of the other students for the majority of the ride.

When I awoke, there must've been about 20 minutes left of the ride and the sun was setting. I didn't lift up my head, settling into a slight panic when I realized my head was resting firmly on Kacchan's shoulder. His cheek rested against my head, asleep as well. I strained my eyes to glance around before locking eyes with an amused Mina. How long had she been awake?

Not knowing what to do, I just made my attempt to pull my head out from the crook of his neck. His head fell forward and I snapped back in my seat, pretending that I hadn't been on his shoulder in the slightest. He sat up, fully awake and glaring at me.


He just rolled his eyes and focused out the window. My phone buzzed in my lap with a message containing a particularly artistic photo of Kacchan and I sleeping, the purple and pink sunset in the background. I glanced over at Mina who grinned at me. I thought back to what Denki had said to me about her thinking we liked each other and I felt my face go red.

We pulled up to camp and Mina practically dragged me off the bus, flashing me eyes. We were sent to our dorms to unpack before dinner.

"Mina, Mina," I called and she stopped, eyeing me. "Why are you dragging me?"

"So you want to talk about what happened in the open hallway?" She asked and I sighed, gesturing to let her continue pulling me. We made our way to the girls dorm, a small room with a few sets of bunk beds. I set my stuff on a bottom bunk and Mina took the top. "Anyone else want to see a picture of something really rare?"

"Come on Mina, quit it," I said.

"What picture?" Jiro asked, hugging around her waist.

"Oh just (y/n) and Bakugo sleeping on each other on the bus."

"Mina stop!" I asked, again but she displayed the picture to the rest of the girls. "Seriously Mina?" She glanced around to me to see I was getting upset.

"What's the big deal?"

"I asked you not to and you did it anyways!" I said. "Whatever."

I stormed off, feeling embarrassed. Mina did this often and I really didn't think she realized how terrible it made me feel. I was heading back outside where the teachers would be waiting when I ran into Kirishima and Denki.

"Hey (y/n) these dorms are nice aren't they?" Kiri asked. He noticed my face and nudged Denki. "What's up?"

"Nothing, excuse me," I said, pushing past. I headed outside and sat myself on a bench, my hands assuming a spot under my chin. Kacchan soon came out after me and sat beside me, the two of us awaiting assignment.

"You know about this?" He asked and I glanced at the picture in his messages. So it spread. Thanks Mina.

"Mina took it and spread it. No use in asking her not to," I spat, not looking his direction.

"Alright then," he scoffed, turning away before the rest of the class began filing out. I stood up when Present Mic prepared to address us, glancing at Mina. She smiled at me and I just looked away, thoroughly angry now.

"Alright guys!! This trip is a learning experience as well as a small break so tonight, we want to challenge you a little!! You can use your quirks to find ingredients hidden around the camp to make dinner for yourself!" Present Mic explained. "Work with your partners and use your quirk to your advantage!! Perhaps you could get your classmate's help if you need it."

Everyone first glanced to Todoroki for the fact he could create fire to light our stoves. Then the gaze shifted to me, realizing that I could provide water. Kacchan placed a foot slightly in front of me, not wanting anyone to have an advantage besides us.


"Okay, I can get a pot with water boiling in a second, find something we can boil like noodles or something," I said. "Oh, but light our fire first?" Kacchan snarled slightly, lighting the fire.

"Remember not to tell me what to do?" He countered and I waved him off. He took off in a run to get the best supplies. I filled up a pot with water and set it over our stove.

"Hey (y/n), could you share some water?" Ururaka asked and I pursued my lips, knowing Kacchan wouldn't like it.

"Yeah, sure," I agreed, pouring a pitcher of water with my hands and handing it back to her.

"Thanks! You're the best!" She called, heading back over to Tokoyami. I heard a solid thump on the ground and Kacchan dumped a whole bunch of ingredients on the table.

"That was fast," I commented, clearing my throat.

"Did you doubt me or something water bitch?" He said, grabbing a knife. He went to cutting the vegetables he got and I saw from what we gathered we could make a chicken noodle soup. I wondered how Momo and her partner were doing seeing as she could literally create anything. They were at a clear advantage. I glanced back over at Kacchan to see he was calmly and neatly cutting a carrot. He was...really good at that. I watched the water bubble up and I dumped the noodles in to cook when I came face to face with Deku.

"Any way you could spare a pitcher for me?" He asked. I reached for it before Kacchan stepped between us.

"No way shitty Deku. We're winning."

"But Kacch—"

"Get lost."

"Kacchan, come on it's just water. Besides, wouldn't you rather win because we did better anyways, even helping. That just proves we have more cooking skill," I said. Kacchan stared at me indignantly before huffing and standing aside.

Though I didn't mind helping, I ended up giving just about every partnership water, so much so that I was beginning to feel a little wobbly. It was pretty dry and warm in the forest so I was pulling this out of thin air here.

"Can we have one more pitcher?" Someone asked and I glanced over groggily.

"No, no more. She's my partner so piss off," Kacchan interjected, causing them to walk off. Kacchan grabbed my arm and tugged me over, letting me stumble behind. I glanced over and he seemed particularly pissed before time was called. Present Mic eagerly tried all the dishes, almost like he was a chef critiquing our work.

"I'd have to say, it goes to (y/n) and Bakugo!" He exclaimed. I smiled slightly, before everyone wheeled the dishes into the dining hall to be shared and eaten.

"See, we still won."

"It was clearly all me."

"Yeah okay," I replied sarcastically. I hung onto the table, shaking slightly. I really needed water. Kacchan started inside before glancing back at me.

"What are you doing shit stick?" He asked.

"Oh? You know, just hanging," I said. "Nice evening." His eyes narrowed in skepticism before they darted to the wobbly arm holding me up.

"Did you seriously overuse your quirk helping these idiots?" He asked and I shook my head no in a lie. "Dumbass."


"Come on," he said, approaching. He tugged my arm around his shoulders, helping me inside. I felt a hiccup in my throat and I pinched my lips shut to stop the painful bubble escaping my mouth. I just stumbled beside him and he calmly walked inside with me hung around him. He was extremely warm and smelled particularly good, so much so I could probably fall asleep on him I was so exhausted.

I couldn't hold in the hiccup anymore and I did, watching a bubble slip past my lips a sharp pain in my lungs. He watched the bubble float up into the sky and I felt my face go red with embarrassment.

"Oh my God," he chuckled.

"It's not funny, they really hurt!" I hiccuped and a couple small bubbles choked up my throat.

"It's a little funny."


"Yeah, yeah baby," he mocked, dragging my inside and placing me on a chair in the front room of the facility. The dining hall was away towards the left. "What do you need?"

"Water and preferably food?" He groaned and rolled his eyes, disappearing into the hall. I hiccuped again, gripping loosely at my stomach. He returned shortly after with two plates of food, glasses of water in the other. It was baffling how he held it all, but I guess he had pretty big hands. He shoved a glass of water in my hand and I sipped it greedily. I felt my hiccups go away, but I sat rather limp in the chair still. I took a plate, warmed by his hand, that was filled with food. I ate before glanced up to see he was still here, sat across from me and eating his own food.

"Uh, why are you still here?" I asked.

"What am I not allowed to sit?" He snapped.

"No, it's could sit in the dining hall," I replied.

"With those losers? Yeah no thanks."

"But you're sitting with me."

"Less losers," he stated, as if it were obvious. I placed a forkful of food in my mouth. I felt quite better now, full of food and water. I stood carefully, picking up my own dishes as well as Kacchan's. "I can carry my own plate."

"I know you can, I'm just returning them," I replied. He narrowed his eyes before seating himself again. I headed towards the dining hall. It was going to be suspicious that we were the only ones away from the group, especially to Mina. I had almost forgot that I was mad at her.

I entered and set the dishes in a bin, a hand placing itself on my shoulder. I turned, seeing Mina pouting in front of me.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I have trouble keeping myself out of that stuff. I get too caught up in it," she said. "I promise I won't do it anymore!"

"We both know that's not true, but I appreciate the effort," I smiled slightly and she grinned, hugging me.

"Thanks! Hey, where were you?" She asked.

"After giving everyone water for their dishes, I felt pretty weak and I was hiccuping bubbles. Kacchan walked me inside and ate with me." I watched her eyes go wide and her lips zip together. "You can say it."

"Oh my God that's so cute, I swear to All Might I'm going to die," she gushed and I felt my ears go slightly pink.

"It's not like that. We still dislike each other. I mean, his reason for sitting with me was because he only had to eat with one loser instead of the rest of class, filled with losers," I replied. She frowned and I laughed slightly.

"Ugh, whatever. There's a hot spring around here, one for girls. We're all going to hang there before bed," she said.

"Okay, I'll be there," I replied, excited. It was pretty obvious that I needed it, especially the steam.

"No wall can keep me from you."

We glanced around for the comment, however finding nothing. We parted ways and I headed back out to the set of chairs in the front room. I glanced to see that my chair was now occupied by Kirishima and the rest contained the Bakusquad boys filled the others. I paused, feeling slight disappointment rush over me before starting to cut across a different way to the girls dorm.

"Hey (y/n)!" I glanced over, noticing that Kirishima had caught me. "Come sit with us!"

"Uh sure." I strolled over, only to find that all 4 seats were filled. I sat myself on the arm of Kirishima's chair, between him and Denki, placing my arm at the back of Kiri's seat.

"You heading to the hot spring?" Kirishima asked.

"Mmhmm," you hummed, peering at Denki's plate. He had an unfinished section of carrots on his plate to which you leaned over and stole. He directed the plate in your direction, not want to eat his vegetables. "We'll see you there!"

"Uh Kiri, they're separated by gender remember?" Sero offered and Kirishima realized the mistake he had made.

"We won't see you there!"

"I mean you're always invited to the boys side," Denki said and I tossed a carrot towards his face, hitting him square in the nose so that Sero laughed.

"I think I'm good," I replied, glancing over to Kacchan who was settled into his usual pout, staring out a window.

"Oh come on, you must wonder what it's like in there?"

"Not that I know of, no I don't," I replied, snapping a baby carrot in half with my teeth, leaning back comfortably near Kirishima. I glanced over to Mina heading back to the dorm to change and I hopped up out of the chair. "Later losers."

"Hey!" Kirishima called, lightly nudging the back of my knee so that it buckled and I stumbled, tossing a carrot towards him, hitting him in the cheek.

"Don't start a war you can't finish!" I called, winking towards them before catching up to Mina.

I let myself rest slightly before heading around to try and find the spa. I had let Mina go in front of me, as well as the rest of the girls so I was on my own now. I found a door labeled as a locker room to which I figured it was the entrance to the spa. I noticed the girls clothes either hung or in open lockers, more like small cubbies. I stripped and wrapped a towel around my body, heading out the first door I could find. I glanced up, my eyes going wide.

The boys of 1-A glanced up from where I stood in nothing but a towel and I felt my entire body go red. I felt my vision go blurry and I covered my eyes, hugging around myself tightly.

"SORRY!" I whipped the door shut, wondering how in the world that happened. I glanced at the open doorway between locker rooms and I quickly hurried back to the girls,

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