1,176 9 54

TRIGGER WARNING! -linguaggio esplicito -malattie mentali -ossessione -pornografia -dipendenze Robert Rob Polanski è un semplice impiegato di fabbrica che lavora le sue 8 ore al giorno, esce con gli amici e ama sua moglie Maryanne Sheffield, con cui è sposato da dieci o forse undici anni. Quello che Rob però non osa confessare a nessuno, è l'essere un cinico individuo assuefatto dalla pornografia che passa ogni istante della sua vita a fantasticare sul sesso e le donne. Quando la caffetteria della fabbrica assume la rossa Johanne, Rob si infatua a tal punto, dal perdere completamente ogni cognizione della realtà. Ma è troppo legato alla moglie e ai vincoli sociali del matrimonio per perdersi in una relazione extra coniugale e questo, non fa che accrescere la sua frustrazione e la sua smania di sesso. Quando riceve un premio aziendale e scopre l'esistenza di Sex Doll robotiche che si possono personalizzare a proprio piacimento, il suo mondo segreto e la sua esistenza, crolleranno per sempre davanti agli occhi di tutti…

Un'estate può cambiare tutto?

Un'estate può cambiare tutto?

459 0 18

Hey, sono Agnese e questo è il mio primo racconto. Parla di una storia d'amore tra Emma, 14 anni, e Edoardo 18 anni. 4 anni di differenza direte? beh sì. Da nemici, ad amici, fino a amanti. Riusciranno a stare insieme nonostante le diversità e i giudizi altrui? Scopritelo leggendo!❤️…

She's Just So Much Like Me! Wild Card X Reader

She's Just So Much Like Me! Wild Card X Reader

24,608 380 7

Y/n Y/l/n is a girl (she can be a boy if you want) who I the daughter of Y/m/n and Y/f/n. Those superheroes have lots of powers, basically they together have every single power in the world, but Y/n was born different from them. Her power changes depending on her emotion.What will happen when she meets Wild Card, who has a lot of powers like her? Will she like him? Will he like her? Will she become best friends with Missy?…



1,025 44 7

Y/n Pullman, the twin sister of auggie Pullman. Even though they're Both Twins, they're both very different. Y/n has autism and is non verbal. What will happen when the two start their first day of 5th grade together, will the kids be as mean as your parents think? Or will seeing you and your brother teach them an important lesson on treating "different" people?…

Laurence x Reader |✅| His Name Is Zvahl

Laurence x Reader |✅| His Name Is Zvahl

91,520 2,337 24

❝ I hate you ❞ ❝ Don't worry, I love you too ❞Y/N L/N, and Laurance Zvahl, hate eachother. Irene knows why. The only refer to one another as L/N and Zvahl. Until a series of accidents happen, and realize that people can be gone at any moment-- they have a different perspective on things<#1 in Aphmau ~ 3/14/19><#1 in Laurance ~ 4/30/19><#1 is Cadenza ~ 7/27/19>…

Southern Belle and A Leader

Southern Belle and A Leader

11,774 397 23

Cover By Queenzain3Two Different Worlds Collide…

Difference | Chucky X OC

Difference | Chucky X OC

21,421 492 29

Anne Winters Is Good Friends With Someone, Both Of Them Shares A Good bond But She Doesn't Know His Dark And Cold Secret....(Contains Mature Content)…

New Life

New Life

67,017 2,374 17

None of them had ever expected to see America again. It had hit them all hard, Prussia most of all. But, when a young boy seeks them out, they may discover a miracle.How this will change each of them though, is yet to be discovered.Sequel to Choices, Book II of IIIA Hetalia fan-fictionCover art does not belong to me.…



350 87 17

~Il dolore è muto eppure basta poco per accorgersi che vicino a noi qualcuno sta soffrendo. ~Per Calliope tutto diventa più complicato quando i suoi genitori iniziano le pratiche per il divorzio. Non è mai stata brava ad accettare le sconfitte, e questa era quella più grande. Si sentirà sola e abbandonata, chiusa in sé stessa e nelle sue difficoltà, troverà nella palestra e nel fare attività sportiva un luogo sicuro e di pace. Tutto normale fino al ~suo~ arrivo: non sa se quello sconosciuto riuscirà a salvarla oppure a farla illudere ancora. Quello di cui è sicura è che sono entrambi accomunati da qualcosa, dallo stesso dolore e da un' esperienza molto simile. Chi salverà chi e soprattutto riusciranno ad avere il loro lieto fine?1 in dsa (11/09/24)1 in sofferenza (11/09/24)…

Love in the Air (Garmau)

Love in the Air (Garmau)

632 16 10

Life is hard,well if your in high school,all the boys like me,but the one boy I meet is different from the others......…

Daydream Into Reality

Daydream Into Reality

743 27 14

Farah Youseff is not your ordinary girl. she was born and raised watching soccer. she is 16. Hachim Mastour is not your ordinary school boy. he was born and raised playing soccer. he is 17. Farah always daydreams about Hachim because he is her idol. what if fate brings them together?…

Story Untold // Kisaki Tetta

Story Untold // Kisaki Tetta

4,006 219 6

A completely different perspective. A completely different phase.She, who tells his story.…



921 33 32

I capitoli in questa storia non hanno un legame tra di loro ognuno avrà la sua storia, un unica cosa in comune l'amore tra Federico e Flor..…

MCD Ships

MCD Ships

8,601 188 25

This is just a bunch of mini fanfics about a bunch of different ships that revolve around either Minecraft Diaries, My street, or Phoenix Drop High. Enjoy!…

We are Family 👪

We are Family 👪

20,576 1,347 39

A different version of EBBS where the cast remains the same their roles takes new colours contrast from what we have seen in the serial. Here it will revolve around three cousins and their beautiful friendship, love, hatred, betrayal, sacrifice, tactics etc.. To discover more quickly go to the story…

Lacking [Phan]

Lacking [Phan]

58,451 3,710 10

Dan Howell has grown up wingless in a world full of wings. Old legends have twisted the views of his peers, leaving him utterly alone until he meets the strangely beautiful Phil Lester, who has a different view on their world. Phil may not have the ability to give Dan wings, but he can sure as hell make him feel as if he's flying. Fluff/Angst.cover credit to…

MyStreet OneShots

MyStreet OneShots

22,359 345 21

Just a bunch of MyStreet OneShots with a bunch of different shipsI do not own any of these characters. They all belong to Aphmau/JessNone of the art that I use in this book is mine…

Devil To My Angel

Devil To My Angel

690 14 7

A long-distance fling between two best friends with two different worlds.…

We're two of a different kind(RobertDowneyJrFanfic)

We're two of a different kind(RobertDowneyJrFanfic)

12,269 519 30

Keisha Ferguson is one of the toughest and honest woman at her job. Her co-workers are scared of her. She's about to hit the big 4-0 and still isn't married. Men fear successful women. It wasn't until she met Robert. The cocky yet helpless romantic who moved in next door. Could these two unlikely pair be perfect for eachother? Or will Keisha remain single forever?…

Flames Of Love | Charlotte Flair X OC

Flames Of Love | Charlotte Flair X OC

2,442 110 20

[Non Wrestling Fanfiction]"When the sunsets and the moon rises, I promise I will shine the stars." "Once a bond becomes stronger, a fire ignites."______________________________________________When a marriage is arranged by two different rich families, the newly married couple slowly bonds and learns to love each other with their friends by their side. Together, They become a happy family.…